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Planning a wedding


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Guest Conor74

i can understand having a cash bar in ireland, lol. that being said we had a full open bar at our wedding because we wanted people to get rocked and dance and do stupid shit. like my cousin breaking the toilet in half in his hotel room.


Even if they doubled the price of the drink and it was a cash bar, we can all do the dancing, stupid shit and toilet breaking. This is a country of high achievers!

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make sure she actually wants to stay with you first






i'm sorry man . .


get up and dance with the girls!

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Guest Conor74

Again, not sure what the norm is in the US, but always tell grooms to give a short speech and make it 100% about your bride, how she is so beautiful and wonderful etc. etc. I see too many grooms drone on and thank the staff of the hotel and give flowers to their mum and raise toasts to the bridesmaids...and that's entirely the work of the best man. It's the bride's day, so the groom should kiss ass and tell everyone how incredible she is. Did I say short speeches? Well if not, keep speeches under 5 minutes each. Was at a wedding 2 years ago where they went on for over 90 minutes, so everyone still talks about it instead of the food, music, weather, band, style etc. etc.

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make sure she actually wants to stay with you first




talking of bitter... did you find out why your mate's homebrew did him in? not to be insensitive but i've got a lovely dark stout fermented with demerara sugar almost ready to guzzle.

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Next jefferoo thread: I'm on my honeymoon, wife naked in the hammock -- advise what to do plz!







also, if you are planning to have a cash bar, make sure you let people know. that will certainly change the amount people give you for gifts.


i got married this past october. i actually had a lot of input on various decisions. plus we did a lot ourselves. we did our seating charts, menus, table cards, save the dates, invitations, guest book, etc. i actually did them in 3d and included red/blue glasses in everyones save the dates and invites. in was almost 2 years in the making and it was tons of work but well worth it. enjoy it.


just prepare to argue a lot more now that you're engaged.

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Guest Conor74

seating charts, menus, table cards, save the dates, invitations, guest book, etc. i actually did them in 3d and included red/blue glasses in everyones save the dates and invites.


Oh yeah, seating charts. A new enough phenomenon in Ireland. An abomination. Hate it when someone sticks you beside someone you actually hate but just haven't announced it in public, while your best friends are stuck with someone they hate on the far side of the room. That's one thing I do remember at some weddings, having people you don't like landed on your table because the bride didn't know.

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Next jefferoo thread: I'm on my honeymoon, wife naked in the hammock -- advise what to do plz!





Congrats, btw

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Guest Conor74

Yep, around this part of Ireland anyway. Must have been to 50 of the things, and can only actually remember one free bar, which was actually an Irish wedding in Italy comwe to think of it. Of course there's free wine and a free drinks reception at many, but not a free bar. Same goes for funeral dos. Only time you'll see a free bar round here is at something like a work function or Christmas do. If they were expected to pay for a few hundred people getting drunk in Ireland, noone would get married here at all.


If it's par for the course in other countries that may not be as used to consuming huge quantites of alcohol in a social setting, that's fair enough.

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my sister married a guy that has a good job and his family does really well financially. My Grandmother gives my mother shit every time she sees her for not being able to help pay for the wedding. (my mom is poor)

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