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Hallucinate Like You Just Took LSD


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just found this:


Yes, that's right kids! Tell your dealer goodbye and worry no more about winding up naked on the roof of an office building after a bad trip. Now you can be stoned out of your mind by building a homemade deprivation chamber out of some regular, completely harmless household objects.


Holy Shit, How Can I Do It!


You are going to need three things: a ping-pong ball, a radio with headphones and a red light.


Step 1: Turn the radio to a station with just white noise (static), and put on your headphones.


Step 2: Cut the ping-pong ball in half and tape each half over your eyes.


Step 3: Turn the red light so it's facing your eyes.


Step 4: Sit there for at least a half an hour.


Step 5: Follow Ben Franklin and your new friend, Harold the unicorn, into the gumdrop forest, and live happily ever after.


How Does It Work?


It's called the Ganzfeld effect, and it works by blocking out most of the signals that go to your brain. It's the same kind of effect you get when looking into a soft light for a while and lose vision, except at a larger scale.


The sound of the white noise and the light from the outside of the ping pong ball are eventually ignored by your brain. With all those signals out of the picture, your brain has to create its own, and this is where the hallucinations come in. We can't guarantee they won't involve, say, the ghost of Lizzie Borden trying to hack off your scrotum with an ax, but that's the risk you take, dammit.






anyone tried this already?

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I always liked Hoffmans opinion on lsd induced "hallucinations". Saying that a hallucination is when you see something that is not really there, but on lsd what you are seeing is real, just a distortion. So in his opinion, you don't hallucinate on lsd. =D

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Been posted before, never tried it, I was going to just spray paint some old swimming goggles instead of cutting a ping-pong ball.



I tried it twice , Once with eggs and the other with Ping Pong balls.


(Eggs worked better)

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but there is nobody here that had real hallucinations from it is there?


how do you end the process when you had enough?



I felt asleep during one session (With the ping pong balls)


When i tried the eggs , i had auditory hallucinations (static became two people talking) , the only visuals i had were of me working at a factory (most boring hallucination i ever had)


I recommend setting a time for the static (An hour) , that way you will experience hallucinations , but if shit gets out of control , it will end fast.

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It seems to be a similar approach as the Audium in SF.


Although being in a dark room completely surrounded by speakers while some one mixes 3D audio images of musiqe concrete probably is more interesting than listening to white noise with ping pong balls on your eyes.

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I always liked Hoffmans opinion on lsd induced "hallucinations". Saying that a hallucination is when you see something that is not really there, but on lsd what you are seeing is real, just a distortion. So in his opinion, you don't hallucinate on lsd. =D


Yeah, it's weird because everyone always considers LSD a "hallucinogenic" but, really, there aren't any "hallucinations" per se.


Went to this science fair thing a couple of years back - they had this spinning wheel with oddly patterned markings you were supposed to stare at for a few minutes. When you looked away - instant trip visuals. Everything was all swimmy and morphing in to one another - MY HANDS WERE SO GODDAMN INTERESTING!!!!!

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Thanks, I will try it with eggs then, if it helps putting me to sleep even better lol.



Cool . Some people have used Toiler paper with positive results. (If you don't have ping pong balls and eggs in hand , i am sure you have toilet paper)


Forgot to add , you need a red light. I used this:



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Guest Gary C

Yeah, I've found on hallucinogenic drugs that I never really saw anything imaginary, I just really looked at stuff.


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my only worry with this is that if i did it by myself, i wouldnt be able to come out of the trip and someone would find me weeks later, dead, defecated and stinking.



This shit puts you in a trance, that is why you should not use a endless Static loop .

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Guest uptowndevil

are the eggs blown out and cut in half too?



Yeah , make some Omelets , then use the egg.


i'm glad you said that, i was half way to wearing scrambled eggs on my eyelids

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is the red light really necessary. i would think any color would work, white for instance would overwhelm the vision center. people who's been in whiteouts say they see weird stuff.


Some people reported positive results with blue ping pong ball and white light.

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Guest uptowndevil

Just take some Ambien and force yourself to stay awake, the hallucinations will come!


that's the truth. i took too much of an overthecounter sleeping pill once and it launched me into reallllly deep hallucinations. pretty much destroyed any shred of reality i had until i fell asleep. it was quite an unpleasant experience.

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