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Driving while Stoned

Guest Hanratty

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Guest Hanratty

for those of you who drive cars and/or smoke pot, do you think it's a big deal if you drive after smoking? I see people all the time talking on cell phones while driving, eating while driving, smoking cigarettes while driving. play extremely loud music while driving. Watching tv while driving! seriously, it is legal to have tv in your car. So with all these distractions, whats a little smoke going to do? i think this is one of the arguments for not legalizing MJ. What say you?

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Guest hahathhat

trying to light something while driving is the worst. it's the only part that makes me nervous.


(errata: my car has manual transmission)

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LMAO at the first youtube comment


"Wear sunglasses, sorted!"


reminds me of one of my favourite questions when I sat my theory test for driving



Question: You're driving down a dark road when suddenly another cars lights come on and dazzle you, what do you do?


A: pull over and wait until you are ready to drive safely again

B: Wave a rude gesture to the passing driver

C: Follow the driver flashing your lights and honking your horn angrily

D: Pull out your shades and continue driving


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Guest abusivegeorge

LMAO at the first youtube comment


"Wear sunglasses, sorted!"


reminds me of one of my favourite questions when I sat my theory test for driving



Question: You're driving down a dark road when suddenly another cars lights come on and dazzle you, what do you do?


A: pull over and wait until you are ready to drive safely again

B: Wave a rude gesture to the passing driver

C: Follow the driver flashing your lights and honking your horn angrily

D: Pull out your shades and continue driving




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Guest Calx Sherbet

I say , be safe - i would rather smoke pot in my flat, than died in a car crash because i was smoking pot.


then don't crash, simple as that

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Guest JohnTqs

i've only driven high once, and i ran a stop sign. luckily it was 2 in the morning and there was no one around.

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

omfg driving on pot is nothing


oh and I forgot to add... pussies! (btw I am the most careful person I know about not driving after even 1 beer/shot)

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Guest Hanratty

I'm not defending driving while stoned. it's just that I think relative to the other distractions that are totally legal, it's effects are debatable.


Not that I plan to do that. I dont want to be in an accident, ever.

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

I've seen so many people who usually drive rather carelessly transform into the most attentive safe drivers the world has ever known after making out with mary jane. If there's one thing out of everything mentioned that actually makes people more attentive and careful driving its marijuana


if you actually feel impaired or unsafe driving while stoned than its because your a fucking light weight with weed and you need to not be such a vagine

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Guest Adjective

i think it depends on how high you are and how being high affects you.

sometimes smoking makes me anxious.

if i'm thinking about driving during rush hour on a freeway, then i don't think the added anxiety is going to help.

if i'm thinking about driving through the suburbs at 3 in the morning, then i don't think the added anxiety is going to hurt.

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Guest Hanratty

I've seen so many people who usually drive rather carelessly transform into the most attentive safe drivers the world has ever known after making out with mary jane. If there's one thing out of everything mentioned that actually makes people more attentive and careful driving its marijuana


if you actually feel impaired or unsafe driving while stoned than its because your a fucking light weight with weed and you need to not be such a vagine



i think this is true but no one will ever say it (no one important anyway). it could make you shut the music off and pay attention a little more than you usually do.

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Guest thingfish

Eh... it depends on the person. Smoking a cigarette [can be] just as distracting (I doubt as many have rolled a cig whilst driving w/ their knees), but no doubt some people might be a bit off after a long drive with a spliff...


But as the great Doug Stanhope observed, you're likely a better driver buzzed a point over the legal limit than someone else is.. just being old.


Driving while old: is it a big deal?


A bigger deal than driving while stoned, I reckon...

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Guest Gary C

In Britain driving and smoking weed are intrinsically linked.


Teenagers (in the countryside) with nothing else to do and nowhere else to go; smoke weed. And when there's nowhere to go teenagers smoke weed in their cars because it's the only independent place they have.


A lot of my friends used to drive stoned. Some of them said it made them more careful drivers. But we all knew it was a dangerous risk, mainly due to the fear of being stopped and caught it must be said. We'd have to stick to back roads and make short trips to wherever we were going. Never just cruising around.


Now, I'd never in my life get in a car with someone who's drunk. I recognised then and still believe now that there is a gape of difference between them.

Of course I'd still feel hesitant if I were to get in a car with someone who's stoned nowadays though. But I'm confident in the ability of the few people I know that still smoke weed.

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I've seen so many people who usually drive rather carelessly transform into the most attentive safe drivers the world has ever known after making out with mary jane. If there's one thing out of everything mentioned that actually makes people more attentive and careful driving its marijuana


if you actually feel impaired or unsafe driving while stoned than its because your a fucking light weight with weed and you need to not be such a vagine


I guarantee that i could smoke you under the table, and i still don't think driving stoned is a great idea. It's less dangerous than driving drunk of course, but when your senses have been altered it's just not a great idea.

I've always been lucky (driving around downtown vancouver on acid with all the one way streets was not fun though). I'd rather get high and walk somewhere to be honest.


Also old people should have to start taking tests every couple of years once they're past 60.

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True story: Years ago when I used to get baked and drive all the time, I was working at a pizza place, and I drove this one co-worker home one night. He offered to get me high when we got to his place so I took him up on it, and figured I'd be fine. Apparently the shit we smoked was so high grade and I didn't even know until moments after getting in my car. I was listening to the Tony Iommi solo album at the time (the one with all the guests) and the track with the girl from Skunk Anansie came on super loud. The riff was so epic and crushing that I lost focus and literally turned right into a muddy ditch. Being that stoned and out in some country road I had no idea where I was, and here was my car ass up, unable to be backed out of the ditch. I thumb around for a couple minutes but it's late at night so barely anyone drives by, until a white Cadillac pulls up behind me, with booty bass pumping loud as fuck. This Barry White looking guy gets out, dressed like a full on pimp, and lets me use his cell phone. I told him I had worked a double shift (true) and passed out driving. Not thinking straight at all, I dial my dad's house where I lived at the time, and get the machine. "Hey dad, I passed out at the wheel and drove into a ditch, and I have no idea where I am, but I need you to come and get me." Hilariously I didn't leave him the cell number either, talk about being fried. The guy decided to be cool and hang out with me until someone came to get me, and in talking about my job (this whole time I am still wearing my cook uniform) it was revealed that he ate at my pizza place earlier that night, oddly enough. After a couple more minutes, a truck pulls up behind his Cadillac, and seriously like 6 Mexican dudes get out, all speaking Spanish while looking over the details of my car and completely disregarding me or the pimp guy. Within 30 seconds they all pile back into the truck and drive off, leaving us to wonder what the fuck just happened. 5 minutes later, a second truck arrives, this time with all 6 Mexican guys in tow in the truck bed, and a very sleepy/drunk looking farmer guy driving. The guy gets out, does not say a word, and hands me a hook and chain from his pickup to attach to my car so he can pull it out. The whole time I am manically thanking him and explaining where I work so he can get free pizza anytime he comes in if he asks. The car gets pulled out and everyone drives off, and I somehow make it home in time to delete the voicemail message I left my dad (he was in bed already and apparently didn't wake up), hose off the front of my car, and enjoy the rest of my high with some twinkies and SAW II.


Moral of the story: Driving while stoned CAN be easy, but it's so different depending on the grade of weed and how stoned you really are, so I think it should be largely avoided. Though, most of the time outside of this incident, when I drove stoned, it felt like I was in a video game and was pretty effortless.

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