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Joyrex Lied


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Guest AcrossCanyons

Seems like a lot of old watmm fogies sitting around complaining about how the old days were better and not doing anything about making watmm like the old days.

Welcome to the internet, I'm sure you'll love it 'round 'ere.


You about done with those rules you should be reading?


better yet, WATCH THE VIDEO :emotawesomepm9:


read them, watched it and printed them off and stuck them to the roof of my bedroom so they are the first thing i see every morning

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“There is the happiness which comes from creative effort. The joy of dreaming, creating, building, whether in painting a picture, writing an epic, singing a song, composing a symphony, devising new invention, creating a vast industry.”


-Henry Miller

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i just want to know whats up with all this ltm bs, i've been here for over a decade and i got nothing!




you got a beard.

woah, that's so old I don't even have a mention on there - I think the version after that one I was between mc_spatula and mimi, just like I like it in real life too ....

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one of those people, that we know of, is dead :(

it really is a very interesting photo when you look at stuff like this


edit: i saw centurix post about two months ago on slashdot.

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one of those people, that we know of, is dead :(

it really is a very interesting photo when you look at stuff like this


edit: i saw centurix post about two months ago on slashdot.

that is so bizzare. rip. i remember those days


how old are you boxing day?

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Guest Rambo

one of those people, that we know of, is dead :(

it really is a very interesting photo when you look at stuff like this


edit: i saw centurix post about two months ago on slashdot.


Indeed. RIP Hannibal

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I wish I couldn't see this LTM forum link. It's annoying...take it away if I can't access it.


see, that was the point of not showing it in the first place.


the funny thing is we could host it on an entirely different domain, and no one would care. watmm.com, for example.


or, the same conversations could be held via group pm, an email mailing list, etc. again, no one would see it, and it would be no big deal.


but, because it's a subforum, people think it's the end of the world.


i think you're missing the point. I could care less whether I'm part of a secret forum. In fact, I actually think it could be justified if it's a special place for you, Joyrex, the mods, and idm celebs to have private conversations without being mobbed. However, I think it's absurd and unjust to ban people for exposing it, and I also think being as it's not what I just described, but rather a gathering place for many long-time members and people who used to be more active in genban, that its a bad idea because it contributes to the decline of genban. Lord knows the fact that idm now sucks as a genre for the most part, and Joyrex's itchy ban finger have done enough to damage the community watmm once was. We don't need a ltm forum leeching yet more humor and entertainment from the general pool. Since this latest blow-up Fred has posted more in genban than I've seen him post in the last several months combined, which can only be a good thing.

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Guest Rambo

latest blow-up? i don't have any sense of scale so help me understand in what way it was a blow up or what the hell you're even describing, sorry im late to this thread


The Irish television presenter Ealmon Holmes was caught in flagrante outside the Ministry of defence headquaters near Rhyll exposing himself to several members of rival forum mooncop.co.uk

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latest blow-up? i don't have any sense of scale so help me understand in what way it was a blow up or what the hell you're even describing, sorry im late to this thread


from what I gather despite Joyrex's assurances to the contrary, a ltm forum still existed, 420 orange and sneaksta exposed it and were subsequently banned. Then Joyrex unbanned sneaksta but I think 420 is still banned? Not sure. I give credit to Joyrex for unbanning sneaksta and for not locking this thread, but the whole thing never should have blown up the way it did, and if 420 is still banned I think he should be unbanned. Joyrex's justification was people were breaking the rules, when really he was probably just pissed they exposed him for lying.

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Lord knows the fact that idm now sucks as a genre for the most part, and Joyrex's itchy ban finger have done enough to damage the community watmm once was.


i dunno last i heard a few of em formed a boy band and were getting on pretty ok:


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lol, I hadn't noticed ltm forum was now visible. I think that's an ok solution but would still prefer there wasn't a ltm forum. Unless periodically joyrex can convince alzado and mcgriff to stop sucking each others cocks and mingle with the general population for a bit

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given that mcgriff has a forum where he makes fun of joyrex's unique sense (or lack) of humor, I find it funny to imagine them hanging out in the ltm forum together. Perhaps the only times fred shows up in genban are the times when joyrex shows up in the ltm forum...


"oh hey jr! I was just about to go out and um...post some threads about golf, shitting, and sweatpants boners. bbiab!"

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