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Living in dozens of essentially abandoned houses/cabins/shacks/caves/shelters


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Guest Z_B_Z

troon youre a hypocrite. i mean, all the vague, nebulous pseudo spiritual stuff youve spouted here... you should be the last one to criticize..

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Guest ezkerraldean

troon youre a hypocrite. i mean, all the vague, nebulous pseudo spiritual stuff youve spouted here... you should be the last one to criticize..

lol this


i come to watmm for lols not to have Troon preach at me




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And on that note: I have come to see the pursuance of unified altruism in the application of experimental new societies to be rather inorganic (in contrast to the spontaneous fungal growth and inharmonious convergence of simultaneously aloof coalitions). I don't currently have time to expand on that notion but I will in an hour and fifteen minutes.


Or a day and a half.


get off your pedestal and let the boy have some fun


just trying to open up some constructive conversation about alternative ways of living ..but

fuck it lets just have a good time, that's all that matters anyway right? lets all just get high

on salvia or whatever and think that we are experiencing something spiritual when in fact we

are deluding ourselves. lets just all play along with what everyone else is doing and go on

crowed pleasing and see where that gets us.


my aim is to help figure out how a good time could be had by all in a way that is truly

good and makes sense and does not breed naïvety, sloth, falseness and in turn the mucking of the entire planet. is that so wrong?


apparently. :trashbear:




this is interesting. never-the-less it sounds a bit left of spot on as far as where we should be going with this type of idea.i am a big supporter of starting new economies based on new "currency" (hopefully barter) and networking between communities, but to avoid further pitfalls i believe it will need to be done just right.salvia for spiritual musings...lol
Who is we? You certainly didn't pay the 50¢ fee to enter.


is there a slit where i could just slip the change in?


'we' is just a way of talking about an idea as a universal concepts that 'we' could all potentially share if we would like.

it is a way of stating a hypothetical collaborative acceptance between all who could or might potentially be involved.

the 'we' is real people just like you and i but it is not you and i ..but it could be if we wanted?


we is a nod to those within the watmm community but we also goes far beyond the boarders of watmm.


physical awareness on it's own without the metaphysical

has plummeted us backwards into a one dimensional state based only on the physical world-those things we can sense-and the worst thing is that we are convinced that we are in a very advanced state in this day and age-that fact makes the whole situation all the more dangerous.


From a handful of experiences in 'The Haven' last summer, I wound up shattering many of the strangely rigid preconceptions on the relevance of 'we.' I had gone into the project with a similar notion: allowing one's subjective awareness to break free of superfluous physical ties and time in order to elevate it to an 'n-dimensional' state (as an analogy to your one dimensional state example). I thought that this self-facilitated pursual of holistic consciousness applied in community settings coupled with an ecologically intertwined lifestyle would produce a fine place. As many current eco-villages show, this is true. But a certain set of experiences I had whilst performing ritual celebration, meditation, exploring the forest at night, and most specifically, ingesting Salvia Divinorum, planted seeds of a different strain of thought: the true essence of these new communities is STAGNATION. There is a de facto strain of questionable ethics and rationality bred into this new generation of soft counterculture (a much stated aphorism at this point: 'the counterculture has become a culture').


The inherent illogic within pursuing stability and renewability in Human society is vast and contradicts the history of the known universe as we know it. All the previous epochs have logarithmically led their way to the ever-compressing time that lies in front of us. Add some more to this paragraph. It is just standard Ray Kurzweil transhumanism crap as you know.


The things I met or think I met (it doesn't matter to me) in the Salvinorin Continuum were fundamentally diverse in their hyperdimensional complexity. I was at one point bought by a corporation of apparently two-dimensional stick figures (nothing transcendent about that) as a human test subject and read a whole piece of scripture that appeared in simultaneously flashing glyphs which I somehow knew the syllables to (it was all one immensely long rhythmic glossolalic outburst). At different points the 'Goddess' interfered with the mess of entities and the Gaia-infused earthmind motherly warmth and comfort was apparent. But, what was also apparent was that these incomprehensible (and thusly praised/worshipped) entities were just as manipulative and depraved as humans...which completely revised my preconceptions as to "expanded, higher dimensional consciousness." Conscious beings operating in expanded (as to our perspective) constraints of existence are prone, just as conscious beings like ourselves are, to subversive behavior.


In a very 'Lovecraftian' realization, I had just transcended the zeitgeist of this new generation of social revisionaries.


The source of all that is holy is confusion and bafflement...and I love this. I revel in this. The only thing I can trust in the long run is DISCHORD.


All hail Eris Discordia!! etc. blablah blah



[...there is more to be said...]

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I'd say the douchiest being was seen by my friend, it was composed of many concentric circles, somewhat like an appolonian gasket, except it was folding in on itself and in each circle was a glyph. It was attempting to communicate this symbolic language but it was forcing it on him, and corresponding to this forceful overload of information, his muscles were tensing up and spasming.

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The Law of Accelerating Returns

by Ray Kurzweil


An analysis of the history of technology shows that technological change is exponential, contrary to the common-sense "intuitive linear" view. So we won't experience 100 years of progress in the 21st century -- it will be more like 20,000 years of progress (at today's rate). The "returns," such as chip speed and cost-effectiveness, also increase exponentially. There's even exponential growth in the rate of exponential growth. Within a few decades, machine intelligence will surpass human intelligence, leading to The Singularity -- technological change so rapid and profound it represents a rupture in the fabric of human history. The implications include the merger of biological and nonbiological intelligence, immortal software-based humans, and ultra-high levels of intelligence that expand outward in the universe at the speed of light.


it's actually very probable that many of us using this forum are going to live thousands, if not infinite years

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yeah thanks for posting the kurzweil crap


I love to apparently hate my favorite books ('the singularity is near')


but this isn't about singularities and shit, unless this evolves into the first off-the-grid hivemind...that is actually a latter part of the plan...to build an underground temple where our brains all are uploaded into one large beast and while our bodies sit comfortably undeground....the demigod that is us wanders through the Alaskan forest looking for obsolete electronics to assimilate and generate new BOC albums from...oh yeah, and kidnap you.

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One day I will be part of a small matrioshka brain...and what is left of my ego will be confined to a small corner of virtual space, huddled, scared, and confused, for the rest of eternity.

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you want to know about the evolution of humanity?

I'm eating peanut butter straight from the jar. FROM THE FUCKING JAR, MAN.

with celery sticks for spoons.

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here are my thoughts


let me upload you guys my thoughts in a few minutes




here is something i thought of and the guitar rocked it right out of my brain and the mic recorded me wailing these wiley tunes for you guys and you guys only



i'm just so tired and i wanted to post on the salvatorin thread because i am a big fan of salvatorin

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here are my thoughts


let me upload you guys my thoughts in a few minutes




here is something i thought of and the guitar rocked it right out of my brain and the mic recorded me wailing these wiley tunes for you guys and you guys only



i'm just so tired and i wanted to post on the salvatorin thread because i am a big fan of salvatorin



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Guest ezkerraldean

i dont really know whats going on in this thread



congratulations on your decision to become a homeless unemployed person


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Guest Ominous
But, what was also apparent was that these incomprehensible (and thusly praised/worshipped) entities were just as manipulative and depraved as humans...which completely revised my preconceptions as to "expanded, higher dimensional consciousness." Conscious beings operating in expanded (as to our perspective) constraints of existence are prone, just as conscious beings like ourselves are, to subversive behavior.


This is a gripping idea, thanks!

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Guest abusivegeorge

And on that note: I have come to see the pursuance of unified altruism in the application of experimental new societies to be rather inorganic (in contrast to the spontaneous fungal growth and inharmonious convergence of simultaneously aloof coalitions). I don't currently have time to expand on that notion but I will in an hour and fifteen minutes.


what do you guys do with the 50 cents


We give it to Eno, and he buys whatever he feels with it. Mostly hard candy.


What if he feels an Aphex album and it costs more than 50c, does he HAVE to buy everything he feels?

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And on that note: I have come to see the pursuance of unified altruism in the application of experimental new societies to be rather inorganic (in contrast to the spontaneous fungal growth and inharmonious convergence of simultaneously aloof coalitions). I don't currently have time to expand on that notion but I will in an hour and fifteen minutes.


what do you guys do with the 50 cents


We give it to Eno, and he buys whatever he feels with it. Mostly hard candy.


What if he feels an Aphex album and it costs more than 50c, does he HAVE to buy everything he feels?


He has a lot of problems about feeling things. He can't touch popsicle sticks and I think this has led to somewhat of a cautious manner when feeling things. He keeps what he touches down to >50¢ most of the time.

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