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Here, Read This Essay I wrote aAbout OBAMA


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Phil Glowa


The Legacy Continues

The presidential campaign of Barack Obama leading up to the 2008 election was a vigorous and inspiring one. He offered lots of ideas and got everyone all worked up to get the change going. It was looking good, if you know what I mean. But- oh look at that- Obama hasn’t changed much. You know? He was al like “hey guys we gotta change and hope and stuff” but funny enough...the guy isn’t changing much in the realm of foreign policy. He is practically continuing the Bush Administration. I guess the reason I am saying this is because of a recent turn of events.

Recently, President Obama authorized the assassination of American-born Muslim cleric Alawi Al-Awlaki (currently suspected to be hiding in Yemen) on charges of suspected involvement in Al-Qaeda terrorist action. The use of the word ‘suspected’ to validate the state-sponsored execution of a U.S. citizen is baffling –if not fitting- when one considers the mass of constitutional violation that this action is perpetrating. Seeing as the 5th amendment was already broken in giving Al-Alwaki no trial, the necessity to give a concrete charge other than ‘suspected involvement’ is negligible.

What the acceptance of ‘suspected terrorism’ reflects is much like what the use of words like ‘probably’ and ‘most likely’ do- a governmental attitude of indifference towards justifying its means. Of course, this kind of unchecked action can only move in a distracted or uninterested social climate, so apparently the average American can accept ‘suspected terrorism’ as a justification for execution. The parallels of this political behavior to the former US era of McCarthyism are apparent, as finger pointing and human rights infringement are thrown about all while a positive, progressive agenda is purported. At the same time, the path of our current political affairs is leading towards much different changes than the public outcry against McCarthyism did. Instead of crying out against constitutional violation, the American public seems to be following a path into accepting rights infringement. In a way, the Obama administration is continuing a method of social conditioning and constitution bending that began nine and a half years ago under the bush administration – using the keyword: terror.

The Obama administration’s progressive internal focus has led to a distracted socio-political climate. The campaign positions are focused on progressive alteration of American public institutions. Controversial bills like healthcare reform have been making debate and distraction socially from foreign affairs. I mean, everyone is talking so loud and no one is paying attention to what is going on outside the country. Well some people are, but not enough, that is for sure. I am just getting so crazy tired of all this rabble rabble. It doesn’t do anything but get in the way of real progress.


he Obama administration is actually continuing Bush Policy, except with a progressive sheen about it, making the left quiet and accepting. The foreign policy set up under Bush concerning US citizens killed offshore has continued under the Obama presidency. The troop surge in Afghanistan shows a commitment to war. The left focuses on his internal US reform efforts. Back to the war…we are so freakin stuck in Afghanistan. But hey, also we are going to get into a war with Yemen in no time. It is okay, because we can just keep using drones and helicopters to bomb all the civilians (and maybe a member of al-Qaeda);

The ordering of execution without trial of American citizen is a violation of the 5th amendment of the constitution. The 5th amendment grants US citizens the right to due process of law and a trail before depriving them of life, liberty, or property. So obviously Obama is doing something that is completely 100% not constitutions and remains rdicuslous. Obama is being so crazy hypocritical right now and it just wow, so wrong. I mean, what if I was legally assassinated for having beliefes that the government didn’t like? It would be so crazy wrong and just generally incorrect that I probably would freak out, well I guess I wouldn’t because I would be dead. But really, just no, Obama, no. That is not cool.

Obama’s action is not constitutional, but given his whole deal, it is predictable. The guy is in it for America, no matter what the the party guys say. Obama is a man best characterized by the fact that he was drinking beer at the basketball game. I mean that is was the press likes to think, don’t they? That is what he is going for here. A finger-pointing beer-drinking president. It is just mindbogglin. I my mind is boggled and blown and stuff from hearing about this.

So what is the dael with this Alawi Al-Awlaki guy anyway? Well apparaently he was born in Las Cruces, New Mexico. He was born and raised in the U, S, and A. But he is like an internet extremist now. He gets all the people to follow him because of his enigmatic talks in English, which lots of muslims can relate with. So eneveryone is like fllowing him and stuff just cuz he talks all rowdy about stuff. I mean, is that a reason he should be shot in the haed? I don’t think so. The CIA is all like: whoop ddoop doop we think he is involved in terrorist plots well guess what his dad says hes not what about that suckers??!? I have sources for that by the way I caould toitally make a citation right now and wyou guys would flip out and it would be rad like a tadpole. My old school piece of pie pineapple apple shake the bake does wake with a half ton of easybake.

Okay guys lets just look athis opimteinstinjknskj rnoaen ovebersly. Just shbut up and listwen: Obama is so cool and I want to drink an beer with him. I just want to pet his dog. Me and his wife MICHELLE OBAMA could plant arugula in tha garden and then we could harvest it later and make a tasty vesty FUCK I meant zesty salad. Obama carries arugula in his pockets to munch on, you know [phil, 2010]. He is an elitist like I am (I carries arulga in my poeckts OMG THIS WOULD LEAD M eoto a ranjt about the greens which I love: arugula, collard greens, swiss chard, kale, broccoli leaves, boston lettuce, bak choy, spinach, fiddlehead ferns.

Okay soo wone time I a was in the w woods with my moom and we were a=well not actually we well I am I was little and it was in upstate new york and we were climibing umm azure mountatin. So it was early in the spring a season and we ncollected fifd fiddlehead ferns. Then we went back to my grandpas’s cabin and we cooked um up in butter.

OBama is commiting some okind of aft that is consderin wrong by the venereral nations of treatise and stuff and durr I du just I don’t know nayom==more. This is so important what I am about to say look right here maybe I wqill incease the boldness and size of the font to highlisgh t my point:
this is a point

Alright so lets me lay my cards on the table……oh shti they actually fell on to the floor. Wait lemme just lclean this up so I can talk to you about the eof Obama and assassinating people who are not having arugula. ,It is wreong;IT IS WRONG. This scourge must end spoon. I actually need to finish picking up these cards though. They are in the way of the soucgere. Ouhh, okay alright I’m like halfway done aokay. Here ZACH, help me pick up these cards. I no. No I don’t have any kings. Alright. END.

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Guest Drahken

It is like a sini post, but I actually made it to the end without my brain hemorrhaging.


Oh, I guess I better post the usual congratulatory jpg to keep things flowing.



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Guest Wall Bird

It's as if he drank a beer after every three paragraphs of writing. It starts of collected and factual, moves onto generalized statements and appeals to social relatedness, and ends in an over-the-tpp and highly illiterate rant.

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I will agree that Obama isn't change, but in my opinion he's a shit ton better then the Bush Administration, so until an real independent movement gets on its feet, I simply can't let the GOP take this country farther and farther to the right. Also its not like Obama doesn't have a full plate right now...


-War in Afghanistan

-War in Iraq

-Bomb SUV in Times Square

-Massive and continuing oil spew in Gulf of Mexico

-Arizona law debacle

-Wall Street reform

-Nutty right-wing-extremist militias

-Iran acting like dickholes again

-High unemployment

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Guest Wall Bird

I consider it a work of art.


I just realized that you wrote this. For some reason I didn't notice your subtitle. That changes my perspective a bit. Good work.

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Guest spraaaa

I was gonna write something about how your grammar feels a little unpolished and then I finished reading it. :emotawesomepm9: But I still think it would catch people off guard better if the first section was edited a little for clarity and news reporter-ishness. That's assuming it wasn't just written for this thread though. I'd like to hear it read on a talk show. In conclusion, 3+ out of 4 possibilities.

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OK I want to make it clear first off that I have absolutely no problem with you posting your Obama essay on this forum. I do need to make it clear that I think your essay has good ideas behind it. But for the record, I think it is essential that in the future you try to make your edits a little more pristine and maybe I'll be able to read through past the first sentence. I don't mean to be a dick, but bro, learn to fucking write.

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i enjoyed the essay immensely and it inspired me to release my inforget it


inhibitions? feel the rain on your skin? no one else can do it for you? only you can let it in? today is where your book begins?

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