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I think you should just work on being healthy. When you're healthier and in better shape, you will feel much happier and more confident. I think most girls would rather fuck a healthy guy than some guy that worries about his appearance and didn't think he could have sex until he lost 20 pounds.

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riding a bike one hour a day is a great way to get fit, and very easy to achieve. anyone can ride for an hour.


just find somewhere you want to ride to that's half-an-hour away. pick some place nice that you'll enjoy getting to. even better if there's a good/healthy place to eat there (like subway). motivation++ and an easy way to cut some calories if you order smart.


also, get a cheap speedometer for the bike ($20 for a basic one), and try to maintain at least 15kph, then 20kph, then 25kph. after a couple months of doing this every day, you'll be able to do 30kph for sustained periods of time. at this point, you'll be able to bike faster than most forms of public transportation, so riding everywhere becomes a reasonable choice.

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Guest Coalbucket PI

I'm 6'2" and 160lbs so I don't really need to lose weight but I've developed the beginnings of a beer belly, so I stepped my game up a little a few weeks ago.


Generally I'm cutting down the size of my meals and avoiding too much beer, Calorie counting is a good idea. You will find your appetite drops quite fast if you restrict yourself for a bit, and then it gets much easier to eat less.


I'm going to the gym 4-5 days a week, running 3 or 4 km and cycling at least 4 km and some weights. I've been trying out something called HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) which involves going as hard as you can for a short period and then at a resting pace for a short period. It varies what they say the timings should be but I've been doing 4 minutes of high intensity cycling and then 2 minutes just peddling slowly, repeated for about half an hour. This is also good to do running but not on a machine because you can't really sprint on a treadmill. I think it seems like a good program, it's supposed to get results quicker than just jogging for ages at the same pace.

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Guest the anonymous forumite

Things that work for me when I'm overweight:


Wake up, have a light breakfast (coffee + oatmeal or/and berries or and protein shake with skim milk), don't eat anything until noon, then eat a normal (80% - dont eat until you're full but until you are satisfied, eat slowly) sized meal (make sure to include vegetables). Have a low fructose fruit for dessert. Eat another low-fructose fruit in the afternoon. For dinner, eat proteins + veggies, NO CARBS (pasta-bread-rice- potatoes). Fat is ok as long as it's not too much fat. You won't need carbs at night since you usually have no physical efforts to make afterwards.


Exercise 3-4 times a week, including necessarily cardio (run 20 minutes).


Avoid sugar. If you are craving sugar, eat a fruit.


If you feel hungry beween meals, have some fiber or an l-glutamine complement.


edit: oh and if you wanna eat healthy, check this site: http://worldshealthiestfoods.com/foodstoc.php

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Guest iamabe

I like this thread.


There are times when I am in good shape, like when I discovered rock climbing and went multiple times a week with a friend for the whole summer. I stopped because it was expensive, and because my friend stopped going (it's just not fun alone). I've done martial arts on and off since I was a kid, but have since gotten tired of them and decided to move on.


So now I see that the sustainable thing to do is to go to the gym, because I can do it year round, alone. My problem is motivation. When it comes down to it, I need to "just do it", but do you guys have any advice or methods for motivating yourselves to go to the gym? I obviously am motivated to go because I want to be healthy, have energy, and not get leg cramps from walking up the hill where I live, but I'm talking about tricks for getting your ass to the gym when you dont want to, and working hard at the gym when you're there.

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I wont bother reading all these posts about diets and whatnot trying to shortcut your way to a healthier you (in your own eyes). When you feel good about yourself that's when you'll start enjoying life so first of all ask yourself why you'd want to change. If it's just to get laid, think again. If it's to actually have more energy thruout the day and getting high on life/exp instead of drugs well then I'd say that's a better argument, with the chicks as a welcome biproduct of that.


Seriously you say that you grow tired of running after 15mins. Hopefully that's because it's too monotone and not because you were experiencing an elevated heart rate. You have to forgive my tone here but I seriously get pissed of at the lack of education on this matter as it's such an (seemingly) increasing matter for ppl. There's a simple equation to follow, your metabolism + activity requires a certain amount of energy. If you eat more than what your body uses, you will gain weight over time, and vice versa. To eat way too little (almost starve) is bad for your body's functions such as joints and nutritious balance and you'll fuck yourself up. Also too much training on the other hand (no rest every now and then) will make yr body fall apart. That being said: COMMON SENSE, listen to your body and just eat OK and if you don't feel confident in doing that, then educate yrself.


just tell yourself it's NOT THAT HARD really, and just find a good way to elevate your heartrate for like an hour or so, 3 days in a row then have a day off with no fucking snacks etc, and you'll def. loose weight as you wish. Also try running/excersizing and listen to completely unheard albums - that's what I do and it takes my mind off of the "painful bit" totally.


fuck im tired

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A few years back I decided to get in shape. I'd been putting it off for years after gaining a few pounds each year. I never got too fat (I was nearing 190 lbs at 5'11") but I wanted to slim down. I ended up losing 20-25 lbs, 3 or 4 inches off my waist, and I'm okay with it. Actually, it's been great - one of the best decisions I've ever made. I've maintained it for 2 1/2 years or so now.


It really is simple - diet and exercise. I cut out all soda and drinks with sugar, cut down on things like french fries, scones, beer, and other high calorie stuff. Cut out mayo and cheese on sandwiches, stuff like that. It really adds up over time. I still pretty much eat what I like, but just less of it. I never limit myself to a set amount of calories - that doesn't work for me. I like to eat.


As far as working out, I do a half hour of cardio (elliptical, because my shins can't take running) and a half hour of weights at the gym. At first I was hardcore about it and would go 5 or 6 times a week. Now I go about twice a week because I'm lazy. I just maintain my weight at this point. I could probably lose more if I switched up my routine. I've plateaued, but that's okay.


Also, now that the good weather's here, I try to bike a lot. I also like to hike and whatnot. I find the weight drops off easier when the weather's good. I much prefer this over the gym.


As other people have said, don't diet/starve/over-exercise. It's really not healthy and you will burn out, gain the weight back, get sick etc. It's also really bad for your mental health. Try to develop a routine that's sustainable. Eat healthy food that you like. Look at the gym as a time to listen to music/get away/zone out or whatever.


Good luck.

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Guest 277: 930-933

Amphetamines and whisky, expect to do a lot of nocturnal running.

Make sure you drink enough water to keep your skin from going bad (especially with the sleep deprivation, I like to carry around wet wipes as well for any fatty skin issues), eat 200 grams of raw or slightly steamed vegetables every day, a bowl of yoghurt with two pieces of fruit, alternate chicken breast and steak.

Amphetamines and whisky are to be had after the meat.

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Guest hahathhat

burn more calories than you eat to lose weight.

exercise to live longer and feel happier.


finally: the scale is a liar. it can swing 8 lbs back and forth five times a week. any reading will be off +/- 5lbs and can even swing wildly throughout the day. if you MUST use a scale, do it naked at the same time every day, and only expect a gradual background change behind the random fluctuations.

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holy fuck

jesus mother fucking epic lol :trashbear:


More exercise than the energy intake from your food = weight loss :cisfor:


your motivation??? you want to feel better overall don't you? is that not motivation enough??

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hmm. well, to be honest this thread and the stories built up and really did help motivate me to go running today...


i went to the park and took a 25 minute jog. it felt so good. can't wait to go again! it started today!

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Guest abusivegeorge

I just fuck a pregnant chick on regular basis, works for me :cisfor: .


Dunno what I'll do when the 9 months is up though.


Get her up the duff and start all over again I suppose.


She CANNOT stop riding.

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Guest Calx Sherbet

buy a bike and ride it everywhere you go.


this is one of the easiest ways to get started


now that i think about it, i'm losing weight and i'm doing nothing :wtf:

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Guest abusivegeorge

buy a bike and ride it everywhere you go.


this is one of the easiest ways to get started


now that i think about it, i'm losing weight and i'm doing nothing :wtf:


I appear to be unable to send you (or anyone) a message so I'm gonna have to ask you here.


You coming on msn bud?

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Guest Calx Sherbet

buy a bike and ride it everywhere you go.


this is one of the easiest ways to get started


now that i think about it, i'm losing weight and i'm doing nothing :wtf:


I appear to be unable to send you (or anyone) a message so I'm gonna have to ask you here.


You coming on msn bud?


yea :pedobear:

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I bike and eat vegetables. I'm pretty thin and have a lot of energy.


Oatmeal for breakfast, brown rice and beans for lunch, and potatoes and onions for dinner.


Eat a lot for breakfast because your body likes to consume more calories in the morning [or whenever you wake up], as that's the time it's most efficient at doing so.

Taper off your caloric intake throughout the day.

It's good for your metabolism to eat small things often.

Don't expect results on a nightly basis....or a weekly one, for that matter. Getting healthy takes a long time, and you have to be dedicated to it, especially if you want to stay that way!

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Guest Rabid

This one always makes me think, because I'm the kind of person who wants to be "fitter and happier". Here are the questions you need to ask yourself: has your quest for fitness distracted you from your life goals? Left you unfulfilled? Made you shallow and vapid? If so then reevaluate what you're doing. If not then fuck radiohead and keep on going.

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