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Lady Killer


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hot lube should provide an unforgettable experience...




(yeeahh.. waaay too much time on my hands today--at work)




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disclaimer: this is not to acidphakist specifically but to anyone else who advocates creepy insecure misogynistic bullshit


Because it makes you a spineless asshole. Because it's pure hypocrisy. You might say... "Oh love you've got some baby-fat going eh?" or some of this facetious bullshit to essentially "put her down to your level"... Well then, even if it works, you're the one banging a chubster that evening, at least in your mind, aren't you? Also the basis of this tactic is pure fucking bollocks in the first place... you're trying to make her feel like shit to level the playing field? That means you feel like shit, mate. And that vibe you're broadcasting... she's picking that up. If you need to neg her to peg her... chances are she's already confident enough that she'll turn that neg around on you and either pwn you embarrassingly or, best case scenario, just put you in your place.


The truth is, it IS reverse engineering, it's reverse engineering of what comes naturally to grown-up level-headed men. If you LIKE women, ACT LIKE THAT. In every woman there's a daughter, a mother, a lover, a warrior. Even dumb skanks have a complexity and a depth to them that is simply intoxicating. Make women feel challenged, protected, nurtured and a little bit controlled. It's not hard and it's not a series of fucking tricks by some douchebag who paints his eyebrows on every morning, it has more to do with you finding your inner man. If you treat women like wild game, you amount them to nothing more than meat. If that's your thing, you might as well fuck two steaks held together with cheddar.



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If you're looking to hook up with a girl, the easiest way is to not give a shit.


Oh yeah, and get in shape. Girl's like that.

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some girls like out of shape guys too


/small, uncertain voice


i used to live in the farming boonies and it wasn't all that uncommon to now and then run into couples where the wife was about 6" taller than her husband and looked like she could pick him up and make origami art out of him lol

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That's my kind of woman!


Seriously, I need to get into better shape, but the current stress levels are keeping me a little pudgy. It's not bad, but this fucking city is so shallow. Hence me being an insecure ball of. . . insecurities.


The only "game" is a personal one--resolving those insecurities so that you can interact with people without second guessing everything, as far as I'm concerned. I have some work to do yet.

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