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it's your favorite... family?


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I spotted them for the first time several weeks ago because they live in the same city as me....


Leah was taking pictures (woh? what?!?) :crazy:


and whats his face was chasing their child around....


I did not make first Leah contact due to the embarrasing nature of how I know about her (thanks Zelah?) but I did have a sentimental watmm moment, all in my head, and it was beautiful, harkening back to the day when there weren't so many assholes on here and we were all a lot more funny....


Oh how I miss those days....


Simplex Grinell says hello...and fuck your own arse with an ice pick :ohmy:

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Guest nene multiple assgasms

well, once upon a time, there was a member known as zelah. and zelah fancied a young lady named leah, you see. zelah made his love for leah known to his fellow watmmies, and so leah became a meme. (didn't she also post here briefly, or did I imagine that?)

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Guest ruiagnelo

well, once upon a time, there was a member known as zelah. and zelah fancied a young lady named leah, you see. zelah made his love for leah known to his fellow watmmies, and so leah became a meme. (didn't she also post here briefly, or did I imagine that?)


Oh ok i get it know. Guess i should had come earlier.

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well, once upon a time, there was a member known as zelah. and zelah fancied a young lady named leah, you see. zelah made his love for leah known to his fellow watmmies, and so leah became a meme. (didn't she also post here briefly, or did I imagine that?)


yep, she did

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Guest Yegg

thanks for being one of the assholes Yegg :rolleyes:


I'm sassy




Wasn't talking about you btw, was talking about yek.

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Guest analogue wings

she posted here to defend herself i believe.


I believed too, but this WAS pre dupe crackdown.


And it was in the thread where Vik actually called her out...

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