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Panic attacks

Guest inteeliguntdesign

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Guest Lube Saibot

I get a sort of equivalent at times when I'm having a complicated migraine, almost always in conjunction with vertigo. Because I get some forewarning I very quickly learnt to head them off through clearing my head and concentrating on my breathing, so I've not had a full blown one since my teens.


I'd like to qualify my earlier statement. Just as there is 'good' and 'bad' AIDS, i.e. there's the homosexual and African version and then there's the version that good people get through no fault of their own such as dodgy blood transfusions, there's also 'good' and 'bad' panic attacks. My panic attack type symptoms are as a direct result of an inherited neurological condition, and not an indication of any underlying psychological weakness. I'd like to disassociate myself from the limp wristed whingers in this thread.


That's bullshit doubletalk. Anybody can say that. Psychological weakness = neurological condition, within the confines of your logic at least. Within the confines of real logic, neurology has SQUAT to do with panic attacks. Neurological conditions rarely fuck with your mind, they fuck with your five senses and motor functions. Then again you say "bad AIDS, the homosexual kind" while ironically still using that MasonicBoom avatar so I'll just assume this is your hipster troll post of the day.


I'm sorry that your flawed personality doesn't have the cachet of being an actual disease, just another invented one. Still, no need to get hysterical about it.


My... flawed personality? ...What? Dude are you actually serious? I mean i actually thought you were trolling, was just trolling back, if you actually think those things then you are retarded.


The need to inject some sort of faux-reputability or flair into an otherwise common psychiatric (which is different from neurological, idiot) disorder by calling it "an inherited neurological condiction" is more indicative of a flawed personality that my calling you out on a bullshit post. Specifically, it is indicative of a person with incredibly low self-esteem, that sometimes feels alone and scared and dying for absolutely no reason, that will join a thread of people saying they sometimes feel alone and scared and dying for absolutely no reason on that account, then try to somehow one-up everyone - in being sick, that is, which is retarded - by having his mental failings be due to some "family curse" or something.


I have a question: are you by any chance really short? Besides homophobic and racist, of course.


Then again, you might still be trolling so whatevs in that case, no harm no foul. Just thought i might speak for some of the people who were taking this thread seriously, which there seems to be a modest number of already.



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Especially with the help of psychedelics



pretty much the exact opposite of what you need for panic attacks.


I was thinking in more general terms of getting into your mind and seeing how it works and figuring out things.

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I get a sort of equivalent at times when I'm having a complicated migraine, almost always in conjunction with vertigo. Because I get some forewarning I very quickly learnt to head them off through clearing my head and concentrating on my breathing, so I've not had a full blown one since my teens.


I'd like to qualify my earlier statement. Just as there is 'good' and 'bad' AIDS, i.e. there's the homosexual and African version and then there's the version that good people get through no fault of their own such as dodgy blood transfusions, there's also 'good' and 'bad' panic attacks. My panic attack type symptoms are as a direct result of an inherited neurological condition, and not an indication of any underlying psychological weakness. I'd like to disassociate myself from the limp wristed whingers in this thread.


That's bullshit doubletalk. Anybody can say that. Psychological weakness = neurological condition, within the confines of your logic at least. Within the confines of real logic, neurology has SQUAT to do with panic attacks. Neurological conditions rarely fuck with your mind, they fuck with your five senses and motor functions. Then again you say "bad AIDS, the homosexual kind" while ironically still using that MasonicBoom avatar so I'll just assume this is your hipster troll post of the day.


I'm sorry that your flawed personality doesn't have the cachet of being an actual disease, just another invented one. Still, no need to get hysterical about it.


My... flawed personality? ...What? Dude are you actually serious? I mean i actually thought you were trolling, was just trolling back, if you actually think those things then you are retarded.


The need to inject some sort of faux-reputability or flair into an otherwise common psychiatric (which is different from neurological, idiot) disorder by calling it "an inherited neurological condiction" is more indicative of a flawed personality that my calling you out on a bullshit post. Specifically, it is indicative of a person with incredibly low self-esteem, that sometimes feels alone and scared and dying for absolutely no reason, that will join a thread of people saying they sometimes feel alone and scared and dying for absolutely no reason on that account, then try to somehow one-up everyone - in being sick, that is, which is retarded - by having his mental failings be due to some "family curse" or something.


I have a question: are you by any chance really short? Besides homophobic and racist, of course.


Then again, you might still be trolling so whatevs in that case, no harm no foul. Just thought i might speak for some of the people who were taking this thread seriously, which there seems to be a modest number of already.




Clearly either English isn't your first language or you're an american so I'll go easy. The inherited neurological condition referred to is the 'complicated migraine' referenced in the first quote, not panic attacks. Complicated migraines cover a handful of neurological illnesses, all of which have a strong inherited genetic component i.e. familial hemiplegic migraine. I don't get panic attacks, because 'panic attacks' don't exist. Along with most 20th century 'diseases' such as alcoholism, eating disorders and bipolar disorder, they were invented to make it easier to make money from them.


I'm not homophobic, I simply see homosexuality for what it is. A cock fetish. And nor am I racist, I just don't subscribe to cultural pluralism. Relativism, subjectivity and postmodernism were all created in the '50s and '60s by a cabal of philosophers and perverts who had run out of things to say, and they've since been appropriated by stupid people as, "well, that's my opinion man."


I'm 5'11" tall. My penis is of average length and decent girth, which is frustrating as I definitely remember ordering medium large.

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I was thinking in more general terms of getting into your mind and seeing how it works and figuring out things.


A couple years ago I would have said the exact same thing. But that's not how panic attacks always work. They can be intensely physical with no apparent emotional cause. In my case they were triggered by a very nasty flu (in combination with many months of stress)


I eventually just learned to ignore them and they went away. But it took a long time. And I still feel the effects every so often now and then.

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I'm not homophobic, I simply see homosexuality for what it is. A cock fetish. And nor am I racist, I just don't subscribe to cultural pluralism. Relativism, subjectivity and postmodernism were all created in the '50s and '60s by a cabal of philosophers and perverts who had run out of things to say, and they've since been appropriated by stupid people as, "well, that's my opinion man."


I always thought the term 'moral relativism' was invented by reactionaries who didn't have the balls to admit that their personal 'values' were well, just their opinions, man.

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I'm not homophobic, I simply see homosexuality for what it is. A cock fetish. And nor am I racist, I just don't subscribe to cultural pluralism. Relativism, subjectivity and postmodernism were all created in the '50s and '60s by a cabal of philosophers and perverts who had run out of things to say, and they've since been appropriated by stupid people as, "well, that's my opinion man."


I always thought the term 'moral relativism' was invented by reactionaries who didn't have the balls to admit that their personal 'values' were well, just their opinions, man.



You want reactionary? Go fuck a moose cuntface.

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Guest Lube Saibot

I started replying then realized putting you in your place would be a 2000-word-long post. You're homophobic, uneducated, ignorant, filled with adolescent conviction in half-assed conclusions about faces of the world you know little about, desensitized from excessive apathy. You're probably pretty clever otherwise. You've also probably been pretty successful in everything you've ever undertaken.


I genuinely hope all this baggage of preconceived notions and half-baked philosophy comes back to bite you in the ass someday, as it did me. I was never as stupid as you are though, that's going to be one big fall. Especially due to that "being clever" bit. Genuinely intellectually challenged people are immune to this shit. It's the smart idiots that get the axe in the end.


P.S. I'm going to give you one single example of what i mean above (the shortest one): you're smart enough to say "i don't subscribe to cultural pluralism", but you're not smart enough to differentiate between saying "i can't or won't relate to the lifestyle/culture of other races and by extension can't or won't relate to exponents of that race" (which IS "not subscribing to cultural pluralism") and saying "that AIDS that black people get is bad AIDS, because they kinda asked for it by being all those things that, statistically, black people indeed are, like poor and uneducated and marginalized etc."


Nobody ASKS FOR AIDS. You probably saw "Kids" or something and that's were you formed this douchy opinion from. "Aw look at them street rats fucking randomly, they're just ASKING FOR IT aren't they?" There is not such a thing as "good AIDS".


You basically said "nigger", you hipster twat.


Also, please go talk to any gay guy and tell him "all you are is a cock fetishist". Have one of your friends... haha what am i saying, sorry. Pay some stranger to film you getting your ass handed to you. Post it here. Thanks.


P.P.S. Not gay, not black, don't have AIDS, never had anyone die on me because of AIDS. It's just infuriating to see that genuine ignorance of this level still pervades, even today, even on an electronic music forum for purveyors of supposedly "intelligent" music. Not that I'm trying to glorify this place, i come here for batcock and wrong mspaints and nice butts threads as much as the next guy but fuck...

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P.S. I'm going to give you one single example of what i mean above (the shortest one): you're smart enough to say "i don't subscribe to cultural pluralism", but you're not smart enough to differentiate between saying "i can't or won't relate to the lifestyle/culture of other races and by extension can't or won't relate to exponents of that race" (which IS "not subscribing to cultural pluralism") and saying "that AIDS that black people get is bad AIDS, because they kinda asked for it by being all those things that, statistically, black people indeed are, like poor and uneducated and marginalized etc."



lube, this is what kakapo is making a reference to:


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Guest Lube Saibot

Yeah mate, i know brass eye (paedoggedon's my fave). Knew the good aids vs bad aids sketch before i even knew who chris morris was. i don't think kakapo's referencing that at this point.


Fuck you kakapo you epic troll.

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i cant believe i read all 8 pages of this. pretty much gave me a panic attack. i started reading faster and faster and comprehending less and less.



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Guest Franklin



as the resident therapist here I'll just say that panic attacks are maybe the worst form of anxiety and much too intense to "man up" to.

recovery from the disorder is relatively easy in theory but very hard to put into practise.


see a therapist, give yourself time and quit taking other drugs like mushrooms and alcohol to escape whilst in therapy.

once you're better you can go back to whatever drug you like.

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I'm not a troll. I always just assume everyone else is in on it and then play a straight bat. I'm pretty sure Lube was in on it.


Wattem has gotten far too nice recently. We need another debacle.


Anyway back on topic.


Panic attacks don't exist. By that I mean they're only ever a symptom of an underlying cause, could be something straight forward to deal with like high blood pressure, could be more complicated. Find out the cause and deal with it. Panic attacks on their own are nothing, they're a piece of piss to deal with, don't stick them on the psychiatric pedestal.

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