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Hobo With A Shotgun, a film with a


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IS BETTER, but this film is nothing without RUTGER HAUER!!!!!!




I would have liked to have seen 1980s Dennis Hopper play him. Damn.

and this


but still





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  • 1 month later...

The problem with the new Grindhouse movies has always been that about 10-15 minutes into the movie the director forgot that he was directing a grindhouse picture and then all of a sudden they try to implement a story and it looses the grindhouse look and ideas. The first 10 minutes of Machete were hilarious and then it was all down hill from there.

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I watched Planet Terror again today. It's easily in my favourite movies list, it's pretty much perfect. Also Rose McGowan gives me a boner that could puncture the ceiling.

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  • 4 months later...

i dunno... i saw the trailer on tv yesterday and thought the idea was so ridiculously funny i had to share. searched for it and such and here we are now...


hobo with guN!

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I would have liked to have seen 1980s Dennis Hopper play him. Damn.

this. also fuck yes. i want to see this so bad. whats the name of the film with the crazy mexican in it again? i'm so cut off in japan for these types of films.

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Guest Mirezzi



That was amazing BTW


Lies. All lies! It was fucking awful.

I'm amazed by how much this sort of dogshit sustains people. I know I'm a whiny douche bag and all, but...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.


Fuck Tarantino and Rodriguez. They've been dead for years.

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