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band wants to get my image's license rights

Guest ruiagnelo

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Guest ruiagnelo

it's the first time a band shows interest in using my works for commercial purposes, so i really don't have any experience at all.


i don't want to go forward with a ridiculously high price that can make them lose interest, but obviously i want to get as much as possible. i haven't replied to their last email yet and haven't told them this, because if they know it, they can try to make a special price for them, taking part of my inexperience.


if it helps, here it is the image:






it's part of a group of images i created 3 or 4 years ago, using exclusively digital tools, which i don't really appreciate at all, so i never thought i could earn money with it. this is actually surprising.



i am not expecting that you come up with specific values, but rather tell me about your experience so i can think of something.

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Guest ruiagnelo


If that were album artwork Id judge the bands to be either metal or Madonna. :emotawesomepm9:




if it is metal, they will probably erase the little person and put a big cross in it.



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nice image, ruiagnelo!


i don't have much experience with art for money, or any advice, but some goons did steal some of my artwork off my iuma music page years ago and used it on their myspace! the cunts. it was just by chance that i saw it. i asked them to take it down as it was my work. they did. i also remember they were using the name "drexciya" as their myspace address. needless to say it wasn't the real Drexciya, just some wannabe goons. i was pretty suprised at first thinking Drexciya had nicked my pic! lol

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I honestly think it depends on the band... if the band came to you and not their manager (assuming they even have one) then I can't imagine they'll be particularly big. Also depends on what kind of music it is... I'm sure you'll be able to tell if it's got any chance of mainstream success.


You could also possibly limit the amount of money they make off it with the right contract. I don't know how to write them up but you might be able to state something like "you may use this image for $500 for the first 2000 sales only". That way, if the happen to get mega famous, you're not gonna sit there kicking yourself thinking "I should've charged more!"


But like I say, I have no experience with those sorta agreements so you might wanna ask like.... a lawyer or something.

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you might wanna ask like.... a lawyer or something.


yeah ask a lawyer about it. don't just guess a figure.


Do you have an solicitor friends. One you dont know will charge you out the arsehole for virtually no info.

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Typically you can either: (1.) take a payout for it and give the rights for them to use it (2.) have them pay you for a one time usage of the image, and thereby retain the rights to its usage, or (3.) work out some kind of royalties deal. If they are a small band, I'd suggest 1 or 2 depending on if you plan to use the image for something else.

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you might wanna ask like.... a lawyer or something.


yeah ask a lawyer about it. don't just guess a figure.


Do you have an solicitor friends. One you dont know will charge you out the arsehole for virtually no info.


yeah, tonnes.


maybe ruiagnelo has some student friends who study Law. i dunno. just trying to help here chassis, you fucking bastard face! ;P

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Guest Coalbucket PI

You have to judge the scale of their operation, if its just some guys who won't make any money then don't ask for much and just make sure they print your name and website in the booklet or something. You should probably start by asking if they are printing up any copies, how many, etc to get an idea of what they are in to. Google the band too, see if they are anything.

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

Royalties. Take a % of the albums cost.




you could probably make at least 7 dollars this way or 62 pesos this way. Smart thinking.


.... this way, this way, this way

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Guest ruiagnelo

$1000 full rights.




that isn't a photo?




four photos mixed to create the composition and some effects. done using ps.

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$1000 full rights.




that isn't a photo?




four photos mixed to create the composition and some effects. done using ps.


mate you have a good eye. your compostitions are very well balanced.

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