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The Ctrl+V thread

Guest Hans Gruber

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(2:38:11 AM) 420range: dude i was thinkin the other day

(2:38:13 AM) 420range: why arent women funny

(2:38:15 AM) 420range: like at all

(2:41:31 AM) 420range: also why are all fat people stupid

(2:42:14 AM) beneboi: i dont know

(2:42:24 AM) beneboi: because you have to be stupid to get fat

(2:42:42 AM) 420range: some people are born fat

(2:42:48 AM) 420range: like if you have sex when youre fat

(2:42:53 AM) 420range: and you have a baby because youre stupid

(2:42:57 AM) 420range: your baby will be fat

(2:43:20 AM) 420range: so please try not to generalize like that

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much prefer this one, but would like it better without the pad - seems a little too much to me and drowns out the rest of the sounds... i love the drum programming though

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silver apples - oscillations

(...studio ident)

the advisory circle - swinscoe episode 1 [xfade]

the focus group - broohahja [xfade]

the white noise - love without sound (up to orgy)

ariel pink - strange fires [xfade]

leafcutter john - maria in the forest [xfade]

the advisory circle - sundial [xfade]

boards of canada - a is to b as b is to c [xfade]

the focus group - xylophone signal

paul giovanni and magnet - willow's song

the focus group - the moon ladder

paul giovanni and magnet - maypole song

the focus group - hava take

cassetteboy - 48 smiggie balls, duff paddy, shoepack

(...numbers stations)

silver apples - seagreen serenades

the advisory circle - frozen ponds PIF

ariel pink - i wait for kate [xfade]

the beatles - ADITL-4 dub [xfade]

leafcutter john - in the morning [xfade]

the advisory circle - eyes that are swelling [xfade]

(...numbers stations)

the advisory circle - civil defence is common sense

belbury poly - scarlet ceremony

nalle - ravens

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(spoiler added, possibly nsfw)


We were raised on HERSHEY chocolate as kids and even into adulthood. I will never eat it again. I hope from now on you will throw yours away whenever you are given any . It seems as though nothing is safe to eat anymore. This is what happens when you eat HERSHEY chocolate!




It could happen to you, your family and friends!!





HERSHEY Chocolate can cause SMALL FEET!

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Sorry Fishing Cat, you are banned from using this forum!

heh your an idiot drew, you thought i wouldn't catch you on MG and here would ya?-- remember i'm not stupid-- but you are... i mean your IP'S MATCHED

Edited by The Pod
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