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smoking weed and producing

Guest yikes

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Depends a lot on the weed that I get.


There are 3 main types of cannabis species: cannabis sativa, cannabis indica, and cannabis ruderalis. The last specie is not significantly noticeable, high-wise, and a combination of the first 2 species are generally what we associate our highs with. If you already know about this stuff, skip the spoiler-



Cannabis sativa high's are associated with the more psychoactive/hallucinogenic aspect of THC. It contains low amounts of CBD(cannabidiol-which has been found to inhibit the psychoactive presence in THC consumption), meaning that the psychoactive agent is more powerful depending on how much Sativa is in the strain versus indica. One tends to gain lots of energy and elevated thinking the higher the percentage of sativa yielded, supposedly. So far for me, this has been the case.


Common strains high in Sativa: Haze's, Skunk's, Diesel's and Trainwreck's


Cannabis indica high's are associated with the body-feeling high, lazy chill out, or couch lock as some of us put it. It contains high amounts of CBD, meaning that the psychoactive agent in THC is inhibited depending on how much indica is in the strain versus sativa. One tends to be more stationary and chilled out when smoking a strain that is high in indica. Not sure if it is directly correlated to Demotivational Syndrome, but I definitely sense much less motivation when smoking high amounts of indica than sativa.


Common Strains high in Indica: Kush's, Romulan, Skunk's, Northern Lights, Blueberry, and Purple's.




So when it comes to weed high(and music making for that matter), I try to get strains that are higher in sativa than indica because I find that I perform more fluently and have more energy to make music, thus more inspiration. I try not to smoke on consecutive days as the effects tend to slope downward.


Sobriety is a great music making mentality, and so is weed. And so is coffee. And so is adderall. And so is percocet. And so is beer. And so is water. And so is...yea


For Your Health!





Shit yea son :emotawesomepm9:

I wanted to see you and katie kilobyte when you guys where in texas!

Where you residin in the STL err-ea?

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Depends a lot on the weed that I get.


There are 3 main types of cannabis species: cannabis sativa, cannabis indica, and cannabis ruderalis. The last specie is not significantly noticeable, high-wise, and a combination of the first 2 species are generally what we associate our highs with. If you already know about this stuff, skip the spoiler-



Cannabis sativa high's are associated with the more psychoactive/hallucinogenic aspect of THC. It contains low amounts of CBD(cannabidiol-which has been found to inhibit the psychoactive presence in THC consumption), meaning that the psychoactive agent is more powerful depending on how much Sativa is in the strain versus indica. One tends to gain lots of energy and elevated thinking the higher the percentage of sativa yielded, supposedly. So far for me, this has been the case.


Common strains high in Sativa: Haze's, Skunk's, Diesel's and Trainwreck's


Cannabis indica high's are associated with the body-feeling high, lazy chill out, or couch lock as some of us put it. It contains high amounts of CBD, meaning that the psychoactive agent in THC is inhibited depending on how much indica is in the strain versus sativa. One tends to be more stationary and chilled out when smoking a strain that is high in indica. Not sure if it is directly correlated to Demotivational Syndrome, but I definitely sense much less motivation when smoking high amounts of indica than sativa.


Common Strains high in Indica: Kush's, Romulan, Skunk's, Northern Lights, Blueberry, and Purple's.




So when it comes to weed high(and music making for that matter), I try to get strains that are higher in sativa than indica because I find that I perform more fluently and have more energy to make music, thus more inspiration. I try not to smoke on consecutive days as the effects tend to slope downward.


Sobriety is a great music making mentality, and so is weed. And so is coffee. And so is adderall. And so is percocet. And so is beer. And so is water. And so is...yea


For Your Health!



There is a lot to be said about different combos. Good luck doing anything while tripping though, unless you bring thorazine to the session as well...

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5 min from downdown. 10 on foot.


bring drugs.





Mike you sound like Raoul Duke



You should know. You've met me. You saw me make a fool out of myself at that shitty club. yes you did.

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Guest dilbthelame

i find that smoking doesn't help me create (though it does bring some amazing tunes when i'm high as fuck going to sleep at 4am and can't be arsed to turn everything on and record) BUT it is incredibly useful for sitting at yer pc for hours in a row when you're at the editing stage.

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Guest Adjective

there's all sorts of tools one can use, i'd like to try a treehouse, just be careful not to make yourself dependent on just the one tool.


cannabis mixes really well, for me, with music making. it actually mixes well with a lot of things that aren't shopping. i find it makes me more enthusiastic about creating and my ears are way more sensitive, the sense of space between sounds gets exaggerated. i find myself more aware of what tweaking some odd parameter is doing to the sound. i feel like i'm zoomed in, everything is bigger and easier to sculpt and set in the scene. if something is already working well i tend to zone out and go into a listening trance, and if something doesn't work, i either get a ton of ideas or i decide i need a sandwich asap. it's win/win. not really... the chances i come out with something usable are about 50/50, but those are my sober numbers as well.


i wouldn't say weed is for everyone, i think everyone has their own favorite assistant, so employ the one you know really well, and if it's a drug, make sure mr. sober gets some input. otherwise he may lose interest in music.


there's more sober ways of changing perspectives too...

if i do something like switching the left and right channels on a mix, everything seems way different and i get compelled to move things around.

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Guest hahathhat

arguably, a good cheeseburger would have psychoactive effects that'd change the way you write a track. you wouldn't even need to fix it.

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post it and prove tha haters wrong bro.



hmmmmm.... maybe i'll post a snip when im done. this is for my new LP.


cannabis mixes really well, for me, with music making. it actually mixes well with a lot of things that aren't shopping.



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weed and music making works great for me. I'm high most of the time I'm producing. sometimes it works great but sometimes it kills my motivation and end up listening to some old tracks thinking they suck... or just watch some hockey games on streaming sites.


but when it works, it just works. i guess it makes my music "stoner music" imo. sometimes i don't even "get" my own ideas when I'm straight. i kinda wish i would produce a bit more while not on weed... when I'm all drunk, I cannot work properly though.

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arguably, a good cheeseburger would have psychoactive effects that'd change the way you write a track. you wouldn't even need to fix it.


Speaking of cheese. There is fucking morphine in cheese.




Hail the fucking cheese gods.

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i find the stuff i write after a smoke is quite different to my usual output, i seem to have less inhibitions - i tend to not care about making things a little cheesy or 'uncool'. for example, this is just a sketch from the other night, but i would NEVER have written anything like this while sober, or at least wouldn't have recorded it:




.. but i think i'll keep it and develop it into something. it's really sketchy at the moment because i was just fucking around really but hey!


i tend to be a little better at improvising on classical guitar when a little mashed too. i was thinking of refining my playing style a little and just recording an album of improvised/minimal classical guitar pieces.

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after 15 years of smoking the pot, my creativity seems to take a swift dive after taking a hit and trying to produce something i am happy with. i try to start making something stoned but i end up going "fuck it!" and deleting it, dismissing it as not up to my standards as a critical modern artist. perhaps if i stopped smoking weed for a year or two and then started up again, i might be a little more unblind to the wavelengths of creativity vibration that comes with the pot.


heroin on the other hand. i could become a legend on the heroin but it would be very short lived i imagine.

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I doubt this forum would even exist if it wasn't for the old herb


watmm would not exist in the same way rather, might be better but we will never know..




anyone who thinks psychoactive substances are just for dopey junkies and has nothing to do with creating music the music of the past century should take a look where they are and get da fuck oudda here imho

saying that weeds and such have not had an influence on many of the music's of the past century would be naive, however the truth is that we will never know how it could have been without it.

to say that the music's would have suffered i think is just as naive a statement. some are convinced these stuffs are the secret ingredient, the catalyst for their creative process but i would urge

them to question what they might be truly capable of without it.


I wouldn't speculate on something you've never tried or obviously know very little about dude.


never tried? do you actually believe that you know things about me soundwave?


do you actually believe that you know things about other posters troon?

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after 15 years of smoking the pot, my creativity seems to take a swift dive after taking a hit and trying to produce something i am happy with. i try to start making something stoned but i end up going "fuck it!" and deleting it, dismissing it as not up to my standards as a critical modern artist. perhaps if i stopped smoking weed for a year or two and then started up again, i might be a little more unblind to the wavelengths of creativity vibration that comes with the pot.


heroin on the other hand. i could become a legend on the heroin but it would be very short lived i imagine.



No junk, no soul
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I can't hear for shit when im stoned... everything just sounds so much different when ive got a clear head again. Either that or i get sucked into designing the kick drum for several hours. So i dont bother trying when ive smoked anymore...


I will then focus on watching movies and/or listening to other people's music. Anything to distract me from the atrocious noise I have made.


Then, if I am lucky and re-blaze or add in some wine, I may fire up the nord, spend two hours making a crazy complex patch, and never use it in a song or recording ever.


By that time I am more drunk than high and the combination will either give me the spins and I will go give the toilet a nice hug, or I will just go pass out.


The next day I will decide to take a break from working on music because it is too stressful...


ha, made me laugh! As an aside i dont think anyone's lazy. I used to think everyone was lazy and you just have to push through to get things done, but that isnt right because we all dont mind working tirelessly, patiently and with great focus when we want to do something. It's just things we dont want to do that we're all lazy with i rekcon.

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i have made plenty of tracks while stoned, but i'm not the sort of person that changes a whole lot when i'm high. it just sort of gets me more into the whole song, more concerned with the arrangement and how the parts work together. i don't usually have the patience to do tedious drum edits. i find that if i start thinking about too much it's really counter productive. it's nice because my mind is usually pretty active in listening, so i love complicated polyrhythms and such but the weed helps a little with finding a groove.


also when i'm drunk i just make silly shit, but i posted a pretty bitchin track in some other thread that i actually played live once, but i can't seem to polish it enough to be happy.

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when i'm sober i always want to get more pragmatic things out of the way so i have time to get stoned and work on tracks later.


the combo almost always works beneficially for me. however, i think we've established it depends on just about every other factor in the world, from how much you smoke to how much confidence you have to what kind of food you like. so a universal answer is probably impossible.


though i agree with others that a major pitfall of stoned musicking is the trap of zoning out on one minute element for too long at a time. for me it's not hard to notice when i'm doing that and switch things up, but i can see why it might get out of hand.

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