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smoking weed and producing

Guest yikes

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whatever your method is, just make some fucking music.

exactly, people do what people do to get themselves comfortable to do what they love. as long as the goal of focusing ones energy into creating something is intact, no one thing is hurting another /weed is a crutch argument


I like that you posted @ 4:20pm CST


**lights up**

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I doubt this forum would even exist if it wasn't for the old herb


watmm would not exist in the same way rather, might be better but we will never know..




anyone who thinks psychoactive substances are just for dopey junkies and has nothing to do with creating music the music of the past century should take a look where they are and get da fuck oudda here imho

saying that weeds and such have not had an influence on many of the music's of the past century would be naive, however the truth is that we will never know how it could have been without it.

to say that the music's would have suffered i think is just as naive a statement. some are convinced these stuffs are the secret ingredient, the catalyst for their creative process but i would urge

them to question what they might be truly capable of without it.


I wouldn't speculate on something you've never tried or obviously know very little about dude.


never tried? do you actually believe that you know things about me soundwave?



point taken :smile:



maybe you didn't get decent stuff? :happy:




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I like to smoke weed whilst working on a track, but I do find it can be quite counter productive as well sometimes. I often end up just listening to the same 4 bar pattern over and over again for ages and not actually getting anywhere...


same, but I keep transforming the same 4 bar pattern (fun) but I should really record it or "save as" a new pattern every 10 mins or something so I can see the progression. instead I end up with a pattern with very inconsistent everything that has glimpses of all the shit I did in the last two hours.


i prefer to write a track during the day, then get high at night and listen to it. you come at it from a completely different angle and hear things that are shit that need to be taken out or things that are missing that would absolutely be killer (melodies, rhythms, timbres, whatever). the key for me though is to take notes. write things down and come back to those later when you aren't fucked up. that way you get the best of both worlds, the thc-influenced ideas but the sober attentiveness.


i recently have been spending a lot of time focusing on the art of an idea. i don't know about you guys but my process often involves sitting down at the computer and trying to write something from scratch, and it often sounds like shit. but when i'm bored at work driving my forklift i'll often start beatboxing and coming up with the most brilliant ideas ever, and they always just go to waste. i'm thinking about picking up a little tiny pocket recorder or something that i can do overdubs on and just start recording these ideas with my mouth and then taking them home and transferring them to workable projects. i'm mentioning this because i think it will also be very useful to me when hitting the chronic.


you drive a forklift? that's constant inspiration!


the body is a chemistry all in itself its just a case of balancing the right ones that work for you in the right amount from keeping one alive, to enhance physical performance and of course recreation


THC can help focus, enhance perception and boost creativity but its all on the individual there is no right or wrong however I doubt this forum would even exist if it wasn't for the old herb


anyone who thinks psychoactive substances are just for dopey junkies and has nothing to do with creating music the music of the past century should take a look where they are and get da fuck oudda here imho




vibert = weed can be amazing for producing

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Guest Lube Saibot

Troon is the only one who knows what the fuck he's talking about in this thread. And that's coming from me.



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Whiny rant in spoiler:



Often, if I am working on a track, and then get high:


I will return, listen to it loop once or twice. Then close it.


Then I will start listening to older, finished, and unfinished tracks of mine.


I will then decide I should never make music again and figure out the most profitable way to sell off all my gear.


I will then focus on watching movies and/or listening to other people's music. Anything to distract me from the atrocious noise I have made.


Then, if I am lucky and re-blaze or add in some wine, I may fire up the nord, spend two hours making a crazy complex patch, and never use it in a song or recording ever.


By that time I am more drunk than high and the combination will either give me the spins and I will go give the toilet a nice hug, or I will just go pass out.


The next day I will decide to take a break from working on music because it is too stressful, and not make another track for ages.


Eventually I will make another track, hopefully sober, and enjoy making music again and appreciate all the nice things people have said about the stuff I have previously released. I will then make an increased effort to "make it" in the music industry.


Then something will happen and I won't follow through with my plans, and I will repeat this process, until I play a show, or have some remarkable inspiration and a drive to follow me through.


If that happens then I get all "why am I not doing more with this and trying to get my name out there, get on a label, etc". It will then occur to me that I am ridiculously lazy in regards to everything in life, except constantly reading and browsing the interwarbs.


I find lot's and lot's of green tea and cigarettes to be the best for being "productive" at making music.





I found earlier this year, when I was in a new city, and working all the time (aka hadn't found any hook ups yet). Making music while always sober was excruciating. Also note, that I had given up alcohol for a while at this time, so it was just me and my mind. Not a good idea. I went crazy and deleted everything off of my music computer, and all of my backups. Not much survived and I lost all the original cubase files from every song i've ever made on that computer. I also lost about 3 gigs worth of samples I made from 1999 to this year. I don't necessarily regret it, but it kinda stings from time to time. I guess I was going through another "screw music" era. My obsession with synthesizers is what, I suppose, brought me back to making tracks again, and admitting that no matter how hard I try, I will never *not* be a musician. It's just who I am, whether I do something with it or not.


My point is that if I had access to some weed, or SOMETHING to take me out of my head, or put me deeper in it, I may have at lest realized I was about to do something stupid. But this topic is about weed, and not mental problems so....whatevz.




I meant to add, that if I never made another song again, I would be completely happy just having synthsziers and making sounds for the rest of my life. But I do really enjoy making music. It's just that the former is fulfillment enough. And I DO really enjoy getting high, super high, and just playing around with my synthesizers and fx.

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Hautle knows whats up. That's where I'm at. Weed rarely affects me to the point where I CAN'T do something, and I've found it to be quite a focusing agent over the years. That said, if I go through a dry spell, I may go days without opening the 'ol daw, until I snap out of it and realize I don't need it. I'm a pothead though.



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Guest hahathhat

it's not that i smoke to write tracks... more like, after i'm high, i am just all OMG MUSICS COMPUTER SOUND HAPPY and then i am catatonic in front of machines for six hours. which is probably a lot more unhealthy than the joint

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Guest David R James

haha yeah me too, I should have clarified. I don't smoke to write music. Shit, I just smoke and HAPPEN to write music too, I dunno.


Good point man, this is where most people are blurring the issue.

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yeah its about having fun

why do people take shit so seriously?

this thread was for the real headz who know the deal

if you can't relate than speak not on which you don't …….smoke …..sonny



you will never ever convince me not to to sit in vondelpark with a huge kif/organic/bio diesel spiff from anytime cafe with a laptop and headphones ……...doin thangs

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Guest David R James

yeah its about having fun

why do people take shit so seriously?

this thread was for the real headz who know the deal

if you can't relate than speak not on which you don't …….smoke …..sonny



you will never ever convince me not to to sit in vondelpark with a huge kif/organic/bio diesel spiff from anytime cafe with a laptop and headphones ……...doin thangs


Real Headz? ha


What? you think just cos you think it helps YOU get through the day and helps with mixes and mastering people here would start kissing yo ass and say 'yeah we feel you, we know where you are coming from'. No 'sonny', It would of always started a debate.

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whatever your method is, just make some fucking music.


yeah, who really cares who smokes/drink/sniffs/injects whatever whenever. whatever. just makes some tunes the way you make tunes.

nice cuppa tea and a rollie is what i like. i don't smoke da 'erb til late of an evening if i'm gonna smoke it at all.

i don't need it to produce anything. but i do need my tea! - used to be a massive pothead tho.. so glad i'm past all that now!

horrible addiction to have. people say oh it's only weed, weed is fine. but when you're completely reliant on it everyday and mentally addicted to the stuff it aint fine at all. anyway.... do what thou wilt.

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yeah its about having fun

why do people take shit so seriously?

this thread was for the real headz who know the deal

if you can't relate than speak not on which you don't …….smoke …..sonny



you will never ever convince me not to to sit in vondelpark with a huge kif/organic/bio diesel spiff from anytime cafe with a laptop and headphones ……...doin thangs


Real Headz? ha


What? you think just cos you think it helps YOU get through the day and helps with mixes and mastering people here would start kissing yo ass and say 'yeah we feel you, we know where you are coming from'. No 'sonny', It would of always started a debate.





i never said anything about anyone kising my ass or agreeing with me but since you volunteered i'll let you kiss one of my hot gf's ass' if you pay me ;-)


what a bunch of fucking cunts

it's seemingly endless

a bastion of negative energy ,bored,with nothing to offer except smegmatic attempts at nothing

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Guest David R James

yeah its about having fun

why do people take shit so seriously?

this thread was for the real headz who know the deal

if you can't relate than speak not on which you don't …….smoke …..sonny



you will never ever convince me not to to sit in vondelpark with a huge kif/organic/bio diesel spiff from anytime cafe with a laptop and headphones ……...doin thangs


Real Headz? ha


What? you think just cos you think it helps YOU get through the day and helps with mixes and mastering people here would start kissing yo ass and say 'yeah we feel you, we know where you are coming from'. No 'sonny', It would of always started a debate.





i never said anything about anyone kising my ass or agreeing with me but since you volunteered i'll let you kiss one of my hot gf's ass' if you pay me ;-)


what a bunch of fucking cunts

it's eemingly endless

a bastion of negative energy ,bored,with nothing to offer except smegmatic attempts at nothing


Seems that I've allowed my personal feelings on the matter to dictate how i came across in that post. what i meant was that you can't expect everyone to agree with what you said at the start. It's a Marmite subject, a shobaleader 1 a JAS, "it's eemingly endless".

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what a bunch of fucking cunts

it's seemingly endless

a bastion of negative energy, bored, with nothing to offer except smegmatic attempts at nothing


Lol. speak for yourself, dude! who are you anyway? Basshunter?

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Depends a lot on the weed that I get.


There are 3 main types of cannabis species: cannabis sativa, cannabis indica, and cannabis ruderalis. The last specie is not significantly noticeable, high-wise, and a combination of the first 2 species are generally what we associate our highs with. If you already know about this stuff, skip the spoiler-



Cannabis sativa high's are associated with the more psychoactive/hallucinogenic aspect of THC. It contains low amounts of CBD(cannabidiol-which has been found to inhibit the psychoactive presence in THC consumption), meaning that the psychoactive agent is more powerful depending on how much Sativa is in the strain versus indica. One tends to gain lots of energy and elevated thinking the higher the percentage of sativa yielded, supposedly. So far for me, this has been the case.


Common strains high in Sativa: Haze's, Skunk's, Diesel's and Trainwreck's


Cannabis indica high's are associated with the body-feeling high, lazy chill out, or couch lock as some of us put it. It contains high amounts of CBD, meaning that the psychoactive agent in THC is inhibited depending on how much indica is in the strain versus sativa. One tends to be more stationary and chilled out when smoking a strain that is high in indica. Not sure if it is directly correlated to Demotivational Syndrome, but I definitely sense much less motivation when smoking high amounts of indica than sativa.


Common Strains high in Indica: Kush's, Romulan, Skunk's, Northern Lights, Blueberry, and Purple's.




So when it comes to weed high(and music making for that matter), I try to get strains that are higher in sativa than indica because I find that I perform more fluently and have more energy to make music, thus more inspiration. I try not to smoke on consecutive days as the effects tend to slope downward.


Sobriety is a great music making mentality, and so is weed. And so is coffee. And so is adderall. And so is percocet. And so is beer. And so is water. And so is...yea


For Your Health!


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the body is a chemistry all in itself its just a case of balancing the right ones that work for you in the right amount from keeping one alive, to enhance physical performance and of course recreation


THC can help focus, enhance perception and boost creativity but its all on the individual there is no right or wrong however I doubt this forum would even exist if it wasn't for the old herb


anyone who thinks psychoactive substances are just for dopey junkies and has nothing to do with creating music the music of the past century should take a look where they are and get da fuck oudda here imho




Ha. Exactly.

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Depends a lot on the weed that I get.


There are 3 main types of cannabis species: cannabis sativa, cannabis indica, and cannabis ruderalis. The last specie is not significantly noticeable, high-wise, and a combination of the first 2 species are generally what we associate our highs with. If you already know about this stuff, skip the spoiler-



Cannabis sativa high's are associated with the more psychoactive/hallucinogenic aspect of THC. It contains low amounts of CBD(cannabidiol-which has been found to inhibit the psychoactive presence in THC consumption), meaning that the psychoactive agent is more powerful depending on how much Sativa is in the strain versus indica. One tends to gain lots of energy and elevated thinking the higher the percentage of sativa yielded, supposedly. So far for me, this has been the case.


Common strains high in Sativa: Haze's, Skunk's, Diesel's and Trainwreck's


Cannabis indica high's are associated with the body-feeling high, lazy chill out, or couch lock as some of us put it. It contains high amounts of CBD, meaning that the psychoactive agent in THC is inhibited depending on how much indica is in the strain versus sativa. One tends to be more stationary and chilled out when smoking a strain that is high in indica. Not sure if it is directly correlated to Demotivational Syndrome, but I definitely sense much less motivation when smoking high amounts of indica than sativa.


Common Strains high in Indica: Kush's, Romulan, Skunk's, Northern Lights, Blueberry, and Purple's.




So when it comes to weed high(and music making for that matter), I try to get strains that are higher in sativa than indica because I find that I perform more fluently and have more energy to make music, thus more inspiration. I try not to smoke on consecutive days as the effects tend to slope downward.


Sobriety is a great music making mentality, and so is weed. And so is coffee. And so is adderall. And so is percocet. And so is beer. And so is water. And so is...yea


For Your Health!




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I myself prefer a good beer instead of a bowl when I'm producing, but I'll say that two of the most prolific artists of whom I'm friends with (who make like 5 tracks a week) both smoke the ganja pretty habitually.

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

I have had some really inspired sessions whilst stoned as fuck but they have been rare occasions. Herb plus recording/writing/performing is very hit and miss for me.


Malt liquor on the other hand gets me relaxed, confident as fuck and in the mood for making sweet music 98% of the time. Only problem is sometimes it makes me tired where I have only been working for 4 hours and I am exhausted.

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