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Guest the anonymous forumite

Someone close this thread, it's been already discussed in the other thread, you attention whore.



Haha, you bitch. I don't charge for attention. So I'm not a pro.


I wasn't being funny and you're not funny. I'm reporting you.

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Someone close this thread, it's been already discussed in the other thread, you attention whore.



Haha, you bitch. I don't charge for attention. So I'm not a pro.


I wasn't being funny and you're not funny. I'm reporting you.


Oh noes!!!!

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this thread is completely meaningless but ill post this anyway. i just read an interview on salon.com with the gaurdians legal affairs correspondent. for the moment, it seems to sum things up quite nicely.


Are there any suspicions that the U.S. government has influenced proceedings so far? Is there any opening that would allow the U.S. to get involved?


Swedish prosecutors are adamant that there has been no involvement of any other government, that this is a standard Swedish rape case, and the judge in court today reiterated that this case is not about WikiLeaks, it's about a rape allegation. Having said that, Swedish experts I've spoken to said that they wouldn't rule out some kind of political motivation. Once he's being held in Sweden (if he is extradited), then there would be a possibility of extradition to the U.S. -- but only after Swedish proceedings have finished, so a full trial, if it goes that far, and if he's convicted he would have to serve his sentence in Sweden before there could be any talk of extradition to the U.S.


In general, how do people in Britain -- people in the media, as well as the general public -- view Assange, and the way he is being treated? Do people think he's been treated fairly?


The general consensus here is that there's some kind of conspiracy and that the rape allegation is being used for political motives. There's a lot of skepticism about the rape claim, particularly because it was initially made in August, and then it was dropped, and then it was reignited at the time when WikiLeaks became a political problem, so the general view here is of shock that the extradition proceedings have got this far. I have to say that I think that, in any case where a woman is alleging rape, there should be a degree of caution in dismissing those allegations, and from what Swedish experts tell me, it's not that uncommon for a rape case to be dropped and then to be restarted again -- it happens sometimes in rape cases. So I don't think it's a case closed, but it is suspicious. And I do think the alleged rape victims' being identified through the internet is really worrying, because it's so important for rape complainants to be kept anonymous.


We keep hearing the unfamiliar phrase "sex by surprise" in relation to the sex crime allegations. Is this a normal term in the context of Swedish law?


Yes -- it's difficult to translate the Swedish rape law into English, but essentially, it's what's called a Category 2 rape offense in Sweden, which is fairly common, and it means having possibly consensual intercourse with somebody when they don't have full mental capacity. So it can be when they're asleep for example, and it's thought that that is the rape allegation against Assange.


Finally: how do you think Assange's media prominence might influence his case going forward? As I understand it, there's not a jury system in Sweden -- so will this be an issue at all?


It's going to be a key argument his lawyers make when they're contesting the extradition. We have, in all European countries, the European Convention on Human Rights, which guarantees a fair trial, and his lawyers will say that he won't receive a fair trial because of the media attention in his case. I think that it will be complicated to make that argument, first because he's partly responsible for all the media attention around him, and second because, as you said, there's not a jury system in Sweden, and in this country most of the concern about media attention is centered on jury influence. So that won't be an issue in Sweden. But I think the argument from his lawyers will be more about the political climate of this case, and that it's very difficult for him to receive a fair trial, because everybody is aware of the political sensitivity around what he's doing.



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These charges do immediately sound a bit silly to me.



You are one of those guys that think she really wanted it, aren't you? It's the way she was dressed, "no" means "yes" and all that...


i wouldn't mind raping your assange, ifyouknowwhatimean :cool:








pm nudes, plz.


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These charges do immediately sound a bit silly to me.



You are one of those guys that think she really wanted it, aren't you? It's the way she was dressed, "no" means "yes" and all that...


i wouldn't mind raping your assange, ifyouknowwhatimean :cool:








pm nudes, plz.



If you weren't spoken for by someone I consider a friend, I'd so LET you rape my assange.

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in case anyone just got lost in retardland, i repeat:



Revealed: Assange ‘rape’ accuser linked to notorious CIA operative


more articles


every single article parroting the CIA claims can be traced back to using a single article in the daily mail as a source (which used a pro-assange blog as a source). and i wouldn't use the daily mail to wipe my arse.




sorry to be the one to inject some reality into your universe, et

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Guest Helper ET

in case anyone just got lost in retardland, i repeat:



Revealed: Assange ‘rape’ accuser linked to notorious CIA operative


more articles



So if you know certain people, you are incapable of being raped? Cool!


they are assassinating his character. they do it all the time when they want to bring someone down. what are the chances she would be involved with the CIA? cmon man...

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You should read the news or the Wikileaks thread really, and not ask people to explain their rationale until you've bothered to read something about it yourself."The court heard Assange is accused of using his body weight to hold her down in a sexual manner.The second charge alleged Assange "sexually molested" Miss A by having sex with her without a condom when it was her "express wish" one should be used.The third charge claimed Assange "deliberately molested" Miss A on August 18 "in a way designed to violate her sexual integrity".The fourth charge accused Assange of having sex with a second woman, Miss W, on August 17 without a condom while she was asleep at her Stockholm home."These charges do immediately sound a bit silly to me.


But in the absence of any real evidence one way or another


This was my original point. I know what the allegations are. Where is the credible evidence one way or the other?

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To the U.S. government, and corporations linked to Wikileaks:


We call on you to stop the crackdown on Wikileaks and its partners immediately. We urge you to respect the democratic principles and laws of freedom of expression and freedom of the press. If Wikileaks and the journalists it works with have violated any laws they should be pursued in the courts with due process. They should not be subjected to an extra-judicial campaign of intimidation


Sign the petition

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He willingly broke a condom and sexed a friend when he said he wouldn't. that's rape for you.


He said he wouldn't sex a friend or he said he wouldn't break a condom? Let's work on our sentence structure.


Do you have a link to this information? I'm not able to find anything besides some conflicting stories. As far as I know, it's all speculation at this point.

It's been reported several times in swedish/scandinavian media since the charges were first made in august.


Here's a link to something in english. sauce



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This really saddens me. You guys want so badly to believe he is a good guy you are willing to ignore the serious charge of sexual assault.


I'm not sure if this is a community I want to be a part of. I CERTAINLY wouldn't drink with half of you: last thing I need is a roofie in my drink, a sore ass and people saying it's fishy I know so and so and therefore it wasn't rape...

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