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How is that article balanced? He talks like he knows these people personally and was their psychologist, making a professional assessment of their personalities. I think he makes a lot of assumptions and states them as fact. Interesting thoughts on somethings, but overall I think it's a throwaway piece.

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i thought it was balanced in the sense that most articles out there either make assange out to be some sort of hero, or else demonize him. sterling at least recognises that the situation is more complex than that.

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I thought it was a good article, but wasn't sure why there was so much melancholy in it.


Someone on MetaFilter wrote:

Bruce's enduring curse is that he fell in love with hacker culture, wrote a best-selling book about it & then almost immediately fell out of love with us. The reasons for it are somewhat obscure & personal but the result is it colors everything he's written ever since. So now he spends the rest of his career disowning & disavowing that which earned him his greatest fame.


The Economist blog has a reply to Sterling's piece that i havent read all of yet, but the end is quite good:



I doubt even self-evidently unjust policies (or strategems or maxims or wars) ever excite anything near "universal oppostion". But Mr Kant is right, as is Mr Assange, that ongoing injustice tends to require secrecy. He is right, as is Mr Assange, that injustice made public is thereby at least somewhat threatened. And he is therefore right, as is Mr Assange, that policies (or strategems or maxims or wars) that survive the test of thoroughgoing publicity are least likely unjust. Liberalism was once a radical, revolutionary philosophy, but it has become hard to believe it. What is most intriguing about the WikiLeaks saga is not the pathology of hacker culture as envisioned by Mr Sterling's fecund imagination, but the possibility that Julian Assange and his confederates have made dull liberal principles seem once again sexily subversive by exposing power's reactionary panic when a few people with a practical bent actually bother to take them seriously.
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Guest Funktion

lets keep in mind UFO=Unidentified Flying Object.


that does NOT automatically mean Extraterrestrials.


that's just what obama's jew robots want you to think.

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Guest Scrambled Ears

Julian Assange:

Many weirdos email us about UFOs or how they discovered that they were the anti-christ whilst talking with their ex-wife at a garden party over a pot-plant.


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How is that article balanced? He talks like he knows these people personally and was their psychologist, making a professional assessment of their personalities. I think he makes a lot of assumptions and states them as fact. Interesting thoughts on somethings, but overall I think it's a throwaway piece.


i thought it was balanced in the sense that most articles out there either make assange out to be some sort of hero, or else demonize him. sterling at least recognises that the situation is more complex than that.


both good posts, i enjoyed sterling's assessment but with some reservations.

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the flat out rejection of such an article goes to show why things like this are kept secret by Nasa, etc.. people just aren't ready to accept it. i was thinking of some unknown, underwater species that might have attacked a U.S. ship causing a 'war' with them.. which were most likely obliterated by the end.

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Kevin Paulson, the dishonest 'journalist' for Wired who helped prop up Lamo and smear Manning is now being rightly called out again



The worsening journalistic disgrace at Wired


For more than six months, Wired's Senior Editor Kevin Poulsen has possessed -- but refuses to publish -- the key evidence in one of the year's most significant political stories: the arrest of U.S. Army PFC Bradley Manning for allegedly acting as WikiLeaks' source. In late May, Adrian Lamo -- at the same time he was working with the FBI as a government informant against Manning -- gave Poulsen what he purported to be the full chat logs between Manning and Lamo in which the Army Private allegedly confessed to having been the source for the various cables, documents and video that WikiLeaks released throughout this year. In interviews with me in June, both Poulsen and Lamo confirmed that Lamo placed no substantive restrictions on Poulsen with regard to the chat logs: Wired was and remains free to publish the logs in their entirety.

more: http://www.salon.com/news/opinion/glenn_greenwald/2010/12/27/wired/index.html


but Wired's a cool magazine so Paulson's virtues shouldn't be questioned, he's a young hip guy like us... and he's a hacker!


Glenn Greenwald goes up against 2 government schills about Wikileaks



bruce sterling on assange/wikileaks/cablegate. maybe the best, most balanced article i've read on it.




interesting article very well written but i wouldn't present it as balanced, it's most definitely an editorial but a very good one.

i agree with some of what he's saying

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Glenn Greenwald goes up against 2 government schills about Wikileaks


Greenwald does a good job there


Also: in case it hasn't already been mentioned, Assange is not the only person who is releasing a book next year. Daniel Domscheit-Berg, (ex-wikileaks spokesman) has a book out in February from what I understand on his time with the organisation - that should make for an interesting read. Link: http://abcnews.go.com/Entertainment/wireStory?id=12461730

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its such a childish and uneffective debate tactic to say 'he's writing a book, so obviously his only motivation for doing any of this is financial'


yes there are such people and they can be easily identified, but who in god's earth at this point in Julian Assange's fame would NOT try to make some huge money off of it in the meantime

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plus he will no doubt have huge legal fees to pay - and if he could pay them without dipping into wikileaks' coffers it would be a plus. i don't blame him in the least.

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yeah that greewald clip is great. completely takes it to both the host and the other guest.. lol it was like an adult talking to two children.

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i like how he didn't bother presenting counterpoint to their weak rebuttals. He just held the line, it's the best way otherwise you risk letting the grounding for the terms of the debate slip away into the fantasy realm that those two little girls were living in.

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(everyone's after the poor chap, even the lifestock)


In julian's mind this is where he can see it going if he stays in the henclosure./ Rooster CID - We have in connection with eggnapping"

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if you took part in any of the DDOS attacks and you live in the us - watch out:


FBI probe on "Operation payback"


Two relevant posts on slashdot:

1...somehow I think it's one of those ircd's that hide user ip. Since they snatched the irc servers, they also got the masking keys and can now unmask all the ip's. Without getting the servers it wouldn't had been possible. Besides, there's probably more info and evidence on the servers.


2...If theres any sort of firewall logging or anything going on, all of their ips are compromised. If you were part of the attack on any of these sites, I'd be crying to mommy about how you're just a dumb script kiddie and didn't know what you were doing.. if I were you... before the police show up and informs her for you.
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LOIC employed NO proxies and performed NO IP obfuscation or anything like that. anyone who used it was an idiot. you can be sure the people who developed it and issued commands over IRC weren't using it.


there was a DDOS planned on the bank of america a couple of days ago, but it fell apart due to infighting and lack of organisation.

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