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its playing out perfectly. i remember during the election thinking "obama will get elected no doubt, because its too convenient." He was never meant to succeed on reversing agendas to benefit lower and middle class voters. his failure will prime republican voters to surge forth in consequent elections, and his hypocritical platform will further divide Democratic swing voters towards third parties or Republicans.


Exactly, someone earlier said that maybe the Rep's would allow Obama to stay another 4 years, I don't see that happening. They've consistently blocked a lot of legislation that would have helped the economy. They're going to run on the platform of fixing the economy in 2012 because Obama "did nothing to fix it". Reps will prolly win but w/e... It's just different sides of the same coin.

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its playing out perfectly. i remember during the election thinking "obama will get elected no doubt, because its too convenient." He was never meant to succeed on reversing agendas to benefit lower and middle class voters. his failure will prime republican voters to surge forth in consequent elections, and his hypocritical platform will further divide Democratic swing voters towards third parties or Republicans.


Exactly, someone earlier said that maybe the Rep's would allow Obama to stay another 4 years, I don't see that happening. They've consistently blocked a lot of legislation that would have helped the economy. They're going to run on the platform of fixing the economy in 2012 because Obama "did nothing to fix it". Reps will prolly win but w/e... It's just different sides of the same coin.


The Republicans will only want to get back in office if they're certain they can do whatever they want. Republicans are not the kind of people who'd save the economy by cutting spending, or make policies that's good for the economy but against their nature. No matter how hard they cry the opposite. Which Republican president did a good job reducing the deficits? Imagine what would have happened if the Reps were behind the wheel. The bigger the difference between the rich and the poor, the higher the probability of the Egypt-scenario. Bonus question: name one Republican president who made a case of reducing the differences between the rich and the poor. (I seriously have know idea btw)

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its playing out perfectly. i remember during the election thinking "obama will get elected no doubt, because its too convenient." He was never meant to succeed on reversing agendas to benefit lower and middle class voters. his failure will prime republican voters to surge forth in consequent elections, and his hypocritical platform will further divide Democratic swing voters towards third parties or Republicans.


Exactly, someone earlier said that maybe the Rep's would allow Obama to stay another 4 years, I don't see that happening. They've consistently blocked a lot of legislation that would have helped the economy. They're going to run on the platform of fixing the economy in 2012 because Obama "did nothing to fix it". Reps will prolly win but w/e... It's just different sides of the same coin.


The Republicans will only want to get back in office if they're certain they can do whatever they want. Republicans are not the kind of people who'd save the economy by cutting spending, or make policies that's good for the economy but against their nature. No matter how hard they cry the opposite. Which Republican president did a good job reducing the deficits? Imagine what would have happened if the Reps were behind the wheel. The bigger the difference between the rich and the poor, the higher the probability of the Egypt-scenario. Bonus question: name one Republican president who made a case of reducing the differences between the rich and the poor. (I seriously have know idea btw)


This will allow them to pass some ridiculous shit through the system with the justification that Obama didn't take enough action, and now we need serious actions to fix it OR ELSE.


"Reform" Watch out.

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sad thing is if a Republican wins the democrats who voted Obama in will all be pretending they are anti the direction of the US government again (when in fact they will be just anti the other side, and be promoting their own team) at 2012. PEople also forget just how good of a campaigner Obama was too, chances are he's not going to loose and just watch as it gets down to the wire all the people who are complaining about him now will still vote for him because 'well he's not as bad as the other guy'


once we stop thinking we can make changes to our federal government at the presidential ballot box, that's the first step to making real change. Obama's presidency was a distraction from the rampant increasing abuses of the american federal government, may seem cynical but i believe it was this way by design. Bush did so much damage that people started to 'wake up' so now we gotta get someone in who'will put everybody complaining back to sleep. And goddam if it didn't work absolutely perfectly.


edit: Props to Greenwald, you know damn well the Obama administration is trying to find ways to undermine him, in the mainstream he is solely carrying the energy of anti Obama sentiment from the left, which in a lot of ways probably makes him a big target. Good thing he lives in Brazil! !

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its playing out perfectly. i remember during the election thinking "obama will get elected no doubt, because its too convenient." He was never meant to succeed on reversing agendas to benefit lower and middle class voters. his failure will prime republican voters to surge forth in consequent elections, and his hypocritical platform will further divide Democratic swing voters towards third parties or Republicans.


Exactly, someone earlier said that maybe the Rep's would allow Obama to stay another 4 years, I don't see that happening. They've consistently blocked a lot of legislation that would have helped the economy. They're going to run on the platform of fixing the economy in 2012 because Obama "did nothing to fix it". Reps will prolly win but w/e... It's just different sides of the same coin.


The Republicans will only want to get back in office if they're certain they can do whatever they want. Republicans are not the kind of people who'd save the economy by cutting spending, or make policies that's good for the economy but against their nature. No matter how hard they cry the opposite. Which Republican president did a good job reducing the deficits? Imagine what would have happened if the Reps were behind the wheel. The bigger the difference between the rich and the poor, the higher the probability of the Egypt-scenario. Bonus question: name one Republican president who made a case of reducing the differences between the rich and the poor. (I seriously have know idea btw)


im up to the challenge, seeing as much of what you said is completely without basis.


Where should I start?


The first problem with your statement is I think you are referring to Reagan Republicanism, to which I would largely agree, but they tend to be far more neo-liberal in their financial policies than the old guard Republicans (today referred to as paleo-conservatives)


Under Eisenhower the market boomed and the income taxes on the upper class were some of the highest in American history.

He authorized the Interstate Highway System, which did a great benefit to overall infrastructure, which arguably benefited everyone involved save for hardcore environmentalists. He also warned in his last presidential speech against the military-industrial complex. As a former high ranking military official AND as a Republican president, thats a fucking rarity and he deserves credit for it regardless of his wayward foreign policy.


Richard Nixon, no matter how much you want to hate him introduced a lot of bi-partisan legislation that slowly helped economic recovery by restraining growing inflation AS WELL AS REFORMING WELFARE SYSTEMS


Under the passage of the Economic Stabilization Act (which btw was passed by a Democratic Congress) allowed for Nixon to institute freezes on large corporate price hikes and wages for higher echelon employees. His presidency introduced the Supplemental Security Income


Again, though Nixon was largely a fucking idiot in terms of foreign policy and the anti-war movement, he did SOMETHING to help out the economy.


In fact, Nixon is largely viewed by modern Reaganites as a Democrat in Republican clothing.


I could go on, but honestly the notion you have put forth is completely without basis.

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Nixon also was hugely responsible for most of the environmental protections, he started the EPA and implemented a lot of what Nadar made popular. What has Obama done besides make platitudes about his supposed 'ideals' ? He says he was going to close gitmo, he doesnt and makes arguments for why they are too dangerous to be allowed out but not dangeorus enough to bring charges to. The whole thing is bullshit. I just hope enough people start noticing before it's too late, although some would argue it already is.

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to continue, figure i might as well ad Ford into the mix, who not only raised income taxes on the rich (albeit temporarily), but was also a hardcore supporter of the ERA which again, coming from a Republican should never have happened.




These presidents are flawed, no doubt, but to sit there and say something like all Republican presidents help the rich and destroy the middle class is nonsense.

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In fact, Nixon is largely viewed by modern Reaganites as a Democrat in Republican clothing.


I could go on, but honestly the notion you have put forth is completely without basis.

I can confirm a lack of basis. But I can also confirm the contradiction in the above. Let's just agree that the modern Reaganites fit the stereotypes my completely baseless opinion were built on. Let's just hope someone shoots the Koch brothers. And then it wont matter which party will deliver the next president.

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wow ok, the obama administration are so nervous about appearing a certain way that they've fired yet another person for speaking the truth


WH forces P.J. Crowley to resign for condemning abuse of Manning



emember when the Bush administration punished Gen. Eric Shinseki for his public (and prescient) dissent on the Rumsfeld/Wolfowitz plan for Iraq, and all good Democrats thought that was so awful, such a terrible sign of the administration's refusal to tolerate any open debate? And then there was that time when Bush fired his White House economic adviser, Lawrence Lindsey, for publicly suggesting that the Iraq War might cost $100 billion, prompting similar cries of outrage from Democrats about how the GOP crushes internal debate and dissent. Obama's conduct seems quite far from the time during the campaign when Obama-fawning journalists like Time's Joe Klein were hailing him for wanting a "team of rivals", and Obama was saying things like this: "I don't want to have people who just agree with me. I want people who are continually pushing me out of my comfort zone."


*shudders in digust*

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somebody needs to do a real life hack on that mother fucker if you catch my drift. him having asburgers is no excuse for being an employee of the US government. guy is a cock and needs to be followed in public and yelled at/harassed wherever he goes. he used to tweet his GPS location in SF, probbably doesn't anymore for good reason. Probably for the same reason i never see UC Berkeley professor John yoo walking around Berkeley, he'd get his ass hurt pretty bad.

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