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The Christmas GIfts Thread

Guest the anonymous forumite

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Guest the anonymous forumite

In this thread, we shall share ideas and intentions about gifts we're giving this Christmas.


Girlfriend: don't know yet.

Mum: don't know yet

Dad : a white balance filter for his camera

Sister 1: a cooking seminar

Sister 2: gifts vouchers

Secret Santee : surprise


I'm especially looking for a suggestion in the girlfriend section.

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Guest the anonymous forumite


too bad you're not my santee.


how dare you


Edit: pleeeaase.

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Mom: Cover for her new iPhone

Dad: Cover for his new iPhone

Sister: Don't know yet

Brother in law: Don't know yet

Grandma: Don't know yet

Grandpa: Probably a pair or gloves, pajamas or something like that.

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gf: membership to prince charles cinema and im gonna make a book out of all the films they're showing + some other stuff, thinking Ambiant Otaku.

bro: wanna get him dj sprinkles 'Midtown 120 Blues' but its out of stock everywhere

mum: no idea

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for relatives, i'm just getting various photo frames and putting a nice picture of my babby in.


no idea what to get my mrs.


you got her pregnant, thats enough for a life time. maybe some frozen spem?


you're right! she's getting fuck all!

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Girlfriend: Elton John tickets (yep)

Parents: Champagne and Trivial Pursuit

Sister: Some assorted Marmite bits (mug, chocolate, cheesboard)

Her boyfriend: Lasagne kit

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Guest disparaissant

everyone i know: nothing

and i expect nothing in return.


hah bumhug!

pretty much. i'm poor as shit, and plain can't afford to get people things.

in other words, i'm not scrooge, i'm cratchett.

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everyone i know: nothing

and i expect nothing in return.


hah bumhug!

pretty much. i'm poor as shit, and plain can't afford to get people things.

in other words, i'm not scrooge, i'm cratchett.


im in the same position more or less, im quite tempted to make everyone 16 page book out of one piece of paper. i gave one to a friend recently as a birthday present and he loved it (inside was a small comic about his life)


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for relatives, i'm just getting various photo frames and putting a nice picture of my babby in.


no idea what to get my mrs.


you got her pregnant, thats enough for a life time. maybe some frozen spem?


you're right! she's getting fuck all!


hah! get her spa treatment with a nice card saying "thanks for giving birth to out son/daughter"?


im also tempted to get the gf this, but its a bit shit really:



when we first started going out (and to this day) when ever we find a comfortable cuddling/sleeping position we say "its one for the book" cos we say we're gonna make a book full of comfy cuddling and sleeping positions!



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Girlfriend: Elton John tickets (yep)

Parents: Champagne and Trivial Pursuit

Sister: Some assorted Marmite bits (mug, chocolate, cheesboard)

Her boyfriend: Lasagne kit


Oh yeah, and a Snuggie for my girlfriend.

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Girlfriend: Elton John tickets (yep)

Parents: Champagne and Trivial Pursuit

Sister: Some assorted Marmite bits (mug, chocolate, cheesboard)

Her boyfriend: Lasagne kit


Oh yeah, and a Snuggie for my girlfriend.


when i was at school a snuggie was a snow-nuggie, a nuggie is a wedgie, so a wedgie with snow down your pants. :nelson:


i hope she appreciates it.

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Family- bags and nightwear(women)chess set (dad)wooden toys(great nieces and nephews).My brothers arent getting anything this year as one has just got a humvee and the other, a brand new jag.

Secret santee-something from the Rephlex website and a second gift which I cant decide upon yet.

As usual I shall be spoiling myself and buying some obscenely pricey boots which I need about as much as a hen needs a flag.

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