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new years resolutions


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Guest the anonymous forumite

Mhhh, let's see, resolutions ? no. Plans ? yes, oh yes :


- doing a successful DMT extraction

- being nicer to people

- telling people who deserve it to fuck off

- start practicing Krav-Maga

- smoke that Salvia 20x extract before it gets too old

- cut down internet use to 1h a day

- have a record out

- Telling my mom I love her and spend more time with my family

- Give some money to charity

- Get an HIV test

- Study metaphysics

- read more


That's it for now.

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Guest happycase

Forgive dad.

Save money.

Continue healing.

Strengthen presence.

Integrate relationship with God into action.

Hold hands with the poor.

Attract loving people into my life.

Stop compromising values.

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Guest disparaissant

go back to school

learn to speak french

that's about it. i mean i guess i could lose a few pounds but i walk 3 miles a day so that's gonna happen either way. whateva.

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be even cooler...... its possible ??? :cool:


yes, and my resolution for you would be

watch the ride, prik face




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I want to spend more time on homework and have better grades.

Get a student job that I enjoy.

Have more motivation overall (regarding social activities, my daily mood, etc.)

Spend less time on WATMM when I should be productive.


In other words, stop being a lazy ass.

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