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Facebook Brings Facial Recognition to Photo Tagging


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As for facial recognition; I don't care. You still have to confirm whether you're tagged in a photo and you can delete your name-link at any point. You can't delete the photo unfortunately, which is especially bad if people don't know how to friends-only their photos, but meh. There are probably embarassing photos of you in numerous peoples drawers and physical photo albums already.

It's not a catalogue of people without their consent. I suppose the technology is supposed to be helpful for people who upload hundreds of photos and then set about tagging EVERYONE individually.


I'm not sure who mentioned it in this thread already, but I agree that almost everyone I know is already fed up of Facebook photos. All the girls I know take half as many photos as they used to.

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But these damn Like buttons that have popped up on every damn place are annoying. It's easy to mistakenly click it and then the "HOT BESTIALITY XXX" page get posted on your Facebook.


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Guest hahathhat

my dad was in some startup that did facial recognition. it is a hard problem! if you can control the lighting, the angle of the face in the picture, and the person doesn't change their facial hair, you can do it. Mess with any of those factors -- grow a beard, turn on a different lamp than the reference photo, turn your head to the side -- and it bombs.


afaik it's still useless for big brother shit, which relegates it to less serious shit like family photo software (in which it really doesn't matter if the software misidentifies someone as a terrorist, or fails to identify your mom in a photo).


and facebook sux

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of course you're going to need to "accept" the request to tag you in a picture, cmon guys.


but it's never been like this before, so are you saying that only now will facebook let people authorize permission?


As for facial recognition; I don't care. You still have to confirm whether you're tagged in a photo and you can delete your name-link at any point.


this is news to me, is it some default setting you have to change? people have been putting up tagged photos of me and i never have the choice, only after the fact can i untag them

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I have no idea as to how FB will be implementing this, but I assume it is merely to make it faster for a person to tag their photos. I don't think FB automatically scans all photos, and tags them, without any user input.


Most likely you'll hit a button that says "tag people in your photos now?" and when you do, itll go, one by one, and say "is this <insert name>?" and if it is, you click yes, and it moves on to the next one. if you hit no, itll say "please enter the actual name of this person" and you will, and hit enter. the more of the same person you tag, the better it will get.


its not a huge feature, and really only makes your life easier by bypassing manually clicking on the general face area of a person, and beginning to type who it is.


i could be wrong, but I doubt it.

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Ya mang, it's all about your privacy settings :cool:


im in my privacy setting and all i see is "Photos and videos you're tagged in " and you can set it for everyone, friends of friends or

friends only


is this what you mean? because i'm specifically talking about the ability to simply authorize a tag or not.


say for example, your friend tags you in a picture cheating on your wife, doing something illegal, etc before it appears up on facebook with you tagged you can choose to let him tag you or not


is this possible on facebook? or is the only work around to make sure only certain people can see your tagged photos? If this is the case i still see no way to do this on facebook privacy settings, the closest is 'friends only' but i dont even want all of my 'friends' to see the pictures either that i choose not to be tagged...is anybody understanding me?

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Yeah, I'm afraid that's the only way I know of. Hide every photo of you that is tagged by someone else.


I guess I'm usually online as they get uploaded and have time to censor them.

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Guest futuregirlfriend

once you activate facial recognition in picasa and add an entry for a baby it'll tag in every damn bald man you never realised was in the background of your photos as that baby. it's fucking great.

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Yeah, I'm afraid that's the only way I know of. Hide every photo of you that is tagged by someone else.


I guess I'm usually online as they get uploaded and have time to censor them.


i mean i guess i'm not using facebook for it's intended purpose then. i have a bunch of friends that i have no idea who they are i dont keep it in a close circle of family or friends. Maybe if i used it specifically in a family/friend type of way that privacy setting would work out for me.

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ya man, from facebook

You control who can see the photos and videos you're tagged in that appear on your profile. Keep in mind, the owner of a photo can still share that photo with people you're not friends with. If you don't want your tag to appear, remove it from the photo or video itself. This will also prevent it from appearing on your profile



You can't prevent other people from seeing the picture, or tagging you, but you can remove the tag.


You can also make your pictures available only to you, so if you are tagged it won't click through to your other pictures. Privacy setting in "Photos and videos you're tagged in" > Custom > Only me

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once you activate facial recognition in picasa and add an entry for a baby it'll tag in every damn bald man you never realised was in the background of your photos as that baby. it's fucking great.


Ha ha ha!

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Guest disparaissant

once you activate facial recognition in picasa and add an entry for a baby it'll tag in every damn bald man you never realised was in the background of your photos as that baby. it's fucking great.

this is amazing!


fun with the new profile page


tagged a couple people as PENIS hur hur i am so mature

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Guest disparaissant

do you think in the future people will be able to uncover our search/browsing histories?


haha, got things to worry about?

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Guest disparaissant

someday, an internet archaeologist will find my browser history and be incredibly bored. "oh. she's simultaneously browsing facebook, tumblr, and watmm. again. what a boring cunt."

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someday, an internet archaeologist will find my browser history and be incredibly bored. "oh. she's simultaneously browsing facebook, tumblr, and watmm. again. what a boring cunt."


Not just you honey.

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