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best ufo ever

Guest Babar

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reverses direction at 2:27, begins to shapeshift into a commercial airliner at 4:00, completely formed at 4:15. :emotawesomepm9:

^and look at the dudes channel, he is truly perplexed at what these craft are and has been filming them in Casco Bay, Maine by his house for the past 3 months.





Exact Approximate Date;

1am December 1st, 2010


Country: USA

State (USA): Florida

County: Orange (zip: 32789)

(Nearest) City: Orlando


Exact Approximate Time;

it was in the hour of 1am, i know for sure. i know not the exact time, as i didn't have my cellphone or a watch on me while it happened.


Duration of Event: About 5 minutes.


Shape of Object(s):

(if multiple sources or factors, check all that apply); Blimp; Boomerang; Bullet/Missile; Cigar; Cone; Chevron; [3rd one: (Red) Circle (It was a glowing orb more than anything)]; Cross; Cylinder; Diamond; [1st one: (Falling) Disc;] Egg; Fireball ; Flash; Oval; Saturn-like; Sphere; Square/Rectagular; [2nd one: Star-like]; Teardrop; Triangle; Other; Unknown;


Short Description of UFO Event (25 words or less):

A bright, falling flash! Multiple lights visible. Dematerialized in less than a second. Shy, fluttering sparkle accompanied by a curious red orb.


Detailed Description of the UFO Event:


Please tell us your story. Start from the beginning and describe everything exactly as it happened from beginning to end. Be as detailed as you can.


so as i was standing in my driveway last night at 1 in the morning waving to my friends as they pulled out, i turned to look over my house and into the night sky, as i always do, just to "see" if i can spot something out of the ordinary


little did i know, my first SOLID UFO experience in my entire life was about to commence right before me. JUST as my friend drove off, i looked out in the sky seeing nothing, and then SWOOSH! (visually* as the thing was absolutely silent) a lighted object falling diagonally through the North Eastern night-sky, a couple hundred feet above my house! it manifested, mid-fall, then disappeared before it got too close to the ground! (manifested about 200 feet while in a rapid free-fall, was clearly viable as a horizontal, lighted spacecraft of some sort, falling in a negative slope like this = \, then dematerialized about 100 or so feet from the houses below!!)


seconds later, i turned the other direction (North-West) to examine a sparkler like object fluttering through the clouds (away from me towards the North). i watched this thing flutter, sparkle, shine, and wiggle away gracefully for a good minute or so, until it began to retreat behind this cloud. just as i was losing sight of the sparkling light behind the cloud, a red ball-object manifested beside it, and rose up from behind this cloud.


the red ball smoothly rose to the occasion, and immediately started making it's way towards me!! i assumed it to be a device used for observational reasons, but i began to think of some sort of contact, as it was so fucking low and coming straight for me! (i'm pretty convinced these things knew i was watching them that night) They wanted me to see this, I just didn't know how Alien my experience could become, if i decided to stay put while this orb flew towards me. forget that, because it seemed clear they were trying to make some sort of contact with me! and i was more than a little overwhelmed at this gesture.


mind you it appeared to be only about 50 feet over the ground as well, and as it approached i began second guessing the unknown that approached.... looking back i really wish i had stayed :/


i stayed there in my driveway, staring at it, until it was right over my roof, then i wen't "oh shit" and retreated back inside.


i wasn't sober, as my friends and i had been smoking some good headies just before. i felt i had too much mental chatter, and i admit to running inside like a child.


though upon going inside, i was filled with a powerful excitement and energy for what i had just witnessed, weirdly enough i had no problem resting peacefully moments after the sighting. 3 UFOs in all, entirely unexplainable. i am a true believer in that i have absolutely no doubt of what i had witnessed was real, and entirely unexplainable according to what we know is technologically possible as a race. it could only be explained by what i felt within me during the experience, and i felt it was truly a consciousness expanding experience. i now know advanced races exist and are showing themselves, more and more to an advancing humanity. And the fact that these experiences are so personal and powerful proves the benevolent intentions that are behind these sightings.


i hope to see these guys again, but in a clearer state of mind, so i can have the heart to actually stay put, perhaps even try to communicate with them more.

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exactly i have seen unexplainable ufos as well. on two separate occasions.


this video is clearly a really poor excuse for a fake but lets not go so far as to decide that ALL ufos are fake because of one video.


i'm not much of a skeptic but if that first vid is CGI it looks more convincing than most of the shit coming out of hollywood. The light bloom and the atmospheric lighting is impeccable. Thanks to photoshop and aftereffects theres myriad jaded motherfuckers crying wolf on anything they cant conceive as being physically possible. We live in an age in which anything and everything has been so dissected empirically studied that i welcome these harmless opportunities to relish in the possibilities of the unknown.


Conclusion: its a ufo.

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sure but the people are talking about the gorgeous sunset and not the ufo. the husband just brought that video in and decided to experiment with some new effects on his computer.


its like it wasnt even planned out to be a hoax ahead of time

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Guest Super lurker ultra V12


reverses direction at 2:27, begins to shapeshift into a commercial airliner at 4:00, completely formed at 4:15. :emotawesomepm9:

^and look at the dudes channel, he is truly perplexed at what these craft are and has been filming them in Casco Bay, Maine by his house for the past 3 months.





Exact Approximate Date;

1am December 1st, 2010


Country: USA

State (USA): Florida

County: Orange (zip: 32789)

(Nearest) City: Orlando


Exact Approximate Time;

it was in the hour of 1am, i know for sure. i know not the exact time, as i didn't have my cellphone or a watch on me while it happened.


Duration of Event: About 5 minutes.


Shape of Object(s):

(if multiple sources or factors, check all that apply); Blimp; Boomerang; Bullet/Missile; Cigar; Cone; Chevron; [3rd one: (Red) Circle (It was a glowing orb more than anything)]; Cross; Cylinder; Diamond; [1st one: (Falling) Disc;] Egg; Fireball ; Flash; Oval; Saturn-like; Sphere; Square/Rectagular; [2nd one: Star-like]; Teardrop; Triangle; Other; Unknown;


Short Description of UFO Event (25 words or less):

A bright, falling flash! Multiple lights visible. Dematerialized in less than a second. Shy, fluttering sparkle accompanied by a curious red orb.


Detailed Description of the UFO Event:


Please tell us your story. Start from the beginning and describe everything exactly as it happened from beginning to end. Be as detailed as you can.


so as i was standing in my driveway last night at 1 in the morning waving to my friends as they pulled out, i turned to look over my house and into the night sky, as i always do, just to "see" if i can spot something out of the ordinary


little did i know, my first SOLID UFO experience in my entire life was about to commence right before me. JUST as my friend drove off, i looked out in the sky seeing nothing, and then SWOOSH! (visually* as the thing was absolutely silent) a lighted object falling diagonally through the North Eastern night-sky, a couple hundred feet above my house! it manifested, mid-fall, then disappeared before it got too close to the ground! (manifested about 200 feet while in a rapid free-fall, was clearly viable as a horizontal, lighted spacecraft of some sort, falling in a negative slope like this = \, then dematerialized about 100 or so feet from the houses below!!)


seconds later, i turned the other direction (North-West) to examine a sparkler like object fluttering through the clouds (away from me towards the North). i watched this thing flutter, sparkle, shine, and wiggle away gracefully for a good minute or so, until it began to retreat behind this cloud. just as i was losing sight of the sparkling light behind the cloud, a red ball-object manifested beside it, and rose up from behind this cloud.


the red ball smoothly rose to the occasion, and immediately started making it's way towards me!! i assumed it to be a device used for observational reasons, but i began to think of some sort of contact, as it was so fucking low and coming straight for me! (i'm pretty convinced these things knew i was watching them that night) They wanted me to see this, I just didn't know how Alien my experience could become, if i decided to stay put while this orb flew towards me. forget that, because it seemed clear they were trying to make some sort of contact with me! and i was more than a little overwhelmed at this gesture.


mind you it appeared to be only about 50 feet over the ground as well, and as it approached i began second guessing the unknown that approached.... looking back i really wish i had stayed :/


i stayed there in my driveway, staring at it, until it was right over my roof, then i wen't "oh shit" and retreated back inside.


i wasn't sober, as my friends and i had been smoking some good headies just before. i felt i had too much mental chatter, and i admit to running inside like a child.


though upon going inside, i was filled with a powerful excitement and energy for what i had just witnessed, weirdly enough i had no problem resting peacefully moments after the sighting. 3 UFOs in all, entirely unexplainable. i am a true believer in that i have absolutely no doubt of what i had witnessed was real, and entirely unexplainable according to what we know is technologically possible as a race. it could only be explained by what i felt within me during the experience, and i felt it was truly a consciousness expanding experience. i now know advanced races exist and are showing themselves, more and more to an advancing humanity. And the fact that these experiences are so personal and powerful proves the benevolent intentions that are behind these sightings.


i hope to see these guys again, but in a clearer state of mind, so i can have the heart to actually stay put, perhaps even try to communicate with them more.



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  • 1 month later...

A better best ufo ever.




well you get the idea there are other vids around.







my ufo has been spotted again in kazakhstan !


Had been spotted over Tomsk in 2007. I personnally saw it in august 2007. I filled a report. And that's the end. They never deigned contacting me again (the authorities, not the ufos) nor is my report in their public web archives. I can only imagine they have classfied it as it's some advanced russian weaponery. :cool:



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Yo Babar, I'm real happy for you, and I'ma let you finish, but Close Encounters of the Third Kind had one of the best UFOs of all time.

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