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closing on a new house tomorrow


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what a god damned stressful event. I have never experienced anything like this in my life. when I closed on my first home it was when you could get mortgage by having a pulse. how far things have changed here since. my drinking habit has gone off the charts and my stress level has been sky high. all this and I haven't even gotten to the hard work of redoing the entire kitchen and painting rooms, etc. I still have to get a nursery in order in less than 5 weeks.

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Guest mafted

just keep fighting and you'll come out.. as i guess you know from your first home. i just bought one about 6 months ago and it was the most stressful thing i've ever been through.


just to put it in perspective .. the bank was calling my place of employment (a family company, at that) a few days before i was to sign the lease to make sure i was still working there! this was after tax returns, pay stubs, letters of credit, etc. etc. then , even after i signed the contract, the bank came back and added 2% to the cost of the house. i can't say i liked that much. they must have been extremely lax on rules and procedures before things tanked.

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you have to move, too, don't you? holy shit. moving is the absolute goddam worst. i'd remodel 10 kitchens and close on 20 houses before i had to move again. aint no fucking way i'm moving again. just bury me in my back yard right now.

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yea moving sucks balls. we moved out of our condo into my parents until we get our new house in order. all of our stuff is in storage except for the boxes we are living out of at my parents. after the kitchen and nursery are done we can move from my parents and storage into our new house. I feel really bad for my wife. she has been a trooper through this and will have had to move twice while pregnant. the clock is ticking to finish before the little guy arrives. at least we got a house that we totally love but yea, this is it. never doing this again..

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I feel really bad for my wife. she has been a trooper through this and will have had to move twice while pregnant. the clock is ticking to finish before the little guy arrives. at least we got a house that we totally love but yea, this is it. never doing this again..


sounds like she deserves a massive push present. MASSIVE. 2c diamond at least. tell her i said that.

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I will if you can spot me some cash. I think for now she will get a MASSIVE spreadsheet outlining when all the 0% credit cards are up so we don't pay any interest on appliances and stuff.


also she gets to squeeze a watermelon out of her peehole. but hey, she does get a few weeks off of work.


if I tell her that though I'm sure you will be her favorite watmmer... after I try to explain the glory of watmm

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Guest Franklin

sounds like either you're one talented/efficient dude or you're taking on a bit much with the buy-a-house/move-into-house/kitchen reno/paint-the-house/prepare baby room/have a baby shit.


i can understand the drinking.


welcome to home-ownership. probably the best decision I've ever made.

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mowing lawns is worse than moving. let the grass grow i say. let the wildflowers grow as well. you belong among the wildflowers.



WOW Sorry , i got the wrong forum.


I wanted we are the music makers not we are the middle-aged suburban husband.


what's the median age of the feature artists i wonder?



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