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i'll wait for the experts to opine (xxx), but I don't care how elastic a kid's bones are, that looks like child abuse to me...seems the kid could get a brain bleed, dislocated something-or-other, not to mention the risk of some novice trying this and dashing his kid's brains out on the ground...

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gee, there's no way this was done with computers. it must be completely real... :emotawesomepm9:


lumpenprol, you're a CGI guy right? did it look real to you? i can't tell and it makes me sad ):

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gee, there's no way this was done with computers. it must be completely real... :emotawesomepm9:


lumpenprol, you're a CGI guy right? did it look real to you? i can't tell and it makes me sad ):


better to test it using the real thing :cisfor:

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gee, there's no way this was done with computers. it must be completely real... :emotawesomepm9:


lumpenprol, you're a CGI guy right? did it look real to you? i can't tell and it makes me sad ):


prob is youtube loads very slowly and choppily here in China, so I only watched a few disjointed minutes of it. Also the resolution is pretty bad. It looked real enough to me, after chaosmachine posted I tried to rewatch keeping an eye open for some telling things - whether or not the baby's shadow fell across the woman, whether or not the woman's hands and wrists seemed to be reacting to the position and weight of the baby, etc. I didn't see enough to test the shadow theory, but her body seemed to be reacting to the baby appropriately. Your guess is as good as mine, though if it was cg one would have to ask why go to all the trouble? If so, they rigged a baby model with not only a skeletal system but a muscular system, and then took care to painstakingly light and composite it, even going so far as to include tacky garden decor and the russian overlay. Seems pretty absurd...

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i dunno if this has already been posted,

but yeah..

It's only 11:17 am here and I'm barely awake. I refuse to watch some random baby abuse (the pre watch picture of the embedded youtube video gives me a big enough impression, some hippy looking woman flinging her baby around like a bloody gymnastic prop or something with more than enough movement/force to cause serious damage for life.)


I might watch this shit later in my own time though.....


it's just ashame that the verdict in wattum is saying it's real :( (so far)



edit: wtf 2 times?

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Guest hahathhat

ahaha god, this cracked me up repeatedly. corny africanesque music, and she's so serious as she... flings a baby around.


watch this kid become some crazy parkour legend in spite of your whining about child abuse!

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