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the revolution in egypt: mubarak resigns


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And now Jordan is in the mix... Tunisia, Egypt and Jordon, did I miss any.. who's next? Also, did anyone have this listed in there 2011 dead pool?

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edit: in reply to awepittance


eh, people are people, same needs and desires, you can't get dumber no matter how much you try (and sadly education doesn't make you smarter, only arguably more civilized). Push people too much and they'll push back. I also disagree when it comes to framing things as "the US govt has the best propaganda machine in history." Seems a lot of the "propaganda" is simply supply and demand, telling people what they want to hear (eg Fox news..of course I realize this is a kind of feedback loop). If we fall hard, it'll be because we've been complicit in our own downfall. Which I guess the Germans were too, but the difference is our "propaganda" is some weird fusion of big business influencing both popular sentiment and elected officials, lowest-common-denominator pandering, celebrity, the desire for gladiatorial spectacle, etc etc.



but, consider the entity that runs FOX basically has a media monopoly and owns radio, tv and newspaper companies around the world. it's like that Boards sample about what you can see and read .. it's basically mind control. take that with the fact that companies like the Associated Press are owned by the same guys (Murdoch and company) and you have control of minds. America is the military/defense end of the great Rothschild plan.

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And now Jordan is in the mix... Tunisia, Egypt and Jordon, did I miss any.. who's next? Also, did anyone have this listed in there 2011 dead pool?


there are protests in albania and s. sudan is seceding from the rest of the country.


also, isn't there stuff going down in lebanon too?

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but, consider the entity that runs FOX basically has a media monopoly and owns radio, tv and newspaper companies around the world. it's like that Boards sample about what you can see and read .. it's basically mind control. take that with the fact that companies like the Associated Press are owned by the same guys (Murdoch and company) and you have control of minds. America is the military/defense end of the great Rothschild plan.


but the thing is there is choice out there, it's just people *want* Fox, not NPR. Sure it's a feedback loop with the idiocy feeding on itself and yeah folks try to bend and shape public opinion, but at the end of the day...

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So let me see if I have this straight...


South Sudan is seceding.

Egypt is protesting, rioting and in turmoil.

Yemen is scheduling protests.

Jordan is protesting.

Albania was rioting last week?

Syria is planning a revolt and a protest.

Tunisia has been dismantled.

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things are turning bad in egypt. fuck.




the pro mubarak supporters are apparently plain clothes police. police id has been found on them. they are throwing smoke grenades at the revolutionary protesters too, so it's kinda obvious who they are. fuuuucked up situation.

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but, consider the entity that runs FOX basically has a media monopoly and owns radio, tv and newspaper companies around the world. it's like that Boards sample about what you can see and read .. it's basically mind control. take that with the fact that companies like the Associated Press are owned by the same guys (Murdoch and company) and you have control of minds. America is the military/defense end of the great Rothschild plan.


but the thing is there is choice out there, it's just people *want* Fox, not NPR. Sure it's a feedback loop with the idiocy feeding on itself and yeah folks try to bend and shape public opinion, but at the end of the day...


they count on that apathy, just as that CIA cable blatantly expressed, but realistically we can't do much about those in power. so, yeah.

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Guest mohamed




a camel hirer tries to stop protests agaist camel shits on pavements , according to state tv


25 guinees (5 euros) to do this

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Guest mohamed

'Mubarak has still his supporteers. They've been silent for days, but now.. here they come'


Al Jazzera English about to normalize the situation in Egypt

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keeps on calling them 'pro-democracy protesters'


must be something wrong with that white journalist's brain as well


what are you on about? is your username mohamed a parody? Are you one of Eugene's friends? It would be nice if you could explain the anti muslim/arab slant to the series of posts you just made.

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Guest mohamed

keeps on calling them 'pro-democracy protesters'


must be something wrong with that white journalist's brain as well


what are you on about? is your username mohamed a parody? Are you one of Eugene's friends? please explain your seemingly anti muslim/arab slant to the series of posts you just made


listen, shut the fuck up

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