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Top Gear insulting Mexicans

Guest inteeliguntdesign

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ok, i started the video at 2:30, no mention of mexico by 3:30... and that's your quota of my attention span for today. sorry


Yeah, sorry. It's really about Top Gear's humour and the one who was in the car crash in general, sparked by the recent insults. Stewart Lee's comedy does take a bit of persistence at first. Kind of makes you uneasy and uncertain about what he's getting at first. Worth it though.


Fucking love Stewart, his style is just really low key.

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ok, i started the video at 2:30, no mention of mexico by 3:30... and that's your quota of my attention span for today. sorry


Yeah, sorry. It's really about Top Gear's humour and the one who was in the car crash in general, sparked by the recent insults. Stewart Lee's comedy does take a bit of persistence at first. Kind of makes you uneasy and uncertain about what he's getting at first. Worth it though.


The Gordon Brown insult wasn't even on Top Gear and was more than a year ago. Nothing to do with the Mexicans.

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The Joke that caused all this fuss.

Hammond: …Cars reflect national characteristics, don't they, so German cars are very well built and ruthlessly efficient, Italian cars are a bit flamboyant and quick, a Mexican car's just going to be lazy, feckless, flatulent, overweight... (laughter) leaning against a fence asleep, looking at a cactus, with a blanket with a hole in the middle as a coat.


May: It is interesting, isn't it, because they can't do food, the Mexicans, can they? Because it's all like sick with cheese on it, I mean... (laughter)


Hammond: Refried sick!


May: Yeah, refried sick.


Hammond: I'm sorry, but just imagine waking up and remembering you're Mexican: 'awww, no'. (laughter)


Clarkson: No, it'd be brilliant… because you could just go straight back to sleep again.


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Liked that Stewart Lee clip, usually I don't find him funny at all.


Hammond is a poncey little cunt. Hope he gets serious spinal cord damage one day. Clarkson is a troll, I find him easy to ignore and occasionally he's quite witty. It's the simpletons who think he's on the money with his 'views' I feel sorry for. He even mentioned on Top Gear once about how his Sun column is just a load of made up shite. James May is good in his other shows, but has become a bit of an annoying stereotype of himself on Top Gear. The show, I find pretty entertaining, although they've kind of pushed it as far as it can go and have run out of ideas a bit and has become far too scripted and staged to the point where it's not even believable.


Still, it's better than most of the pish that passes for entertainment on TV these days.

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