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WATMM Drug Consumption Poll

Guest hahathhat

What Drugs Do You Do?  

198 members have voted

  1. 1. Booze

    • None
    • Rarely
    • Regularly, Light (beer with dinner)
    • Regularly, Heavy (3+ drinks with dinner)
    • Fuck Dinner, I start At 2PM
  2. 2. Grass

    • None
    • Rarely
    • Couple times a week
    • Daily
    • Couple times a day
  3. 3. Caffeine

    • None
    • Rarely
    • Morning Coffee
    • Morning Coffee + Afternoon Tea
    • Energy Drinks Aplenty
    • Caffeine Hed
  4. 4. Psychedelics

    • None
    • Tried once or twice
    • Couple times a year
    • Couple times a month
    • Daily Hed
  5. 5. Uppers (Adderall, Ritalin, Meth, MKAT, MDPV, Etc.)

    • None
    • Rarely
    • Daily
    • Heavy
  6. 6. Opiates/Downers (Vicodin, Seconal)

    • None
    • Rarely
    • Regular Vicodin Stash
    • Dr. House
    • Heroin
  7. 7. Coke

    • None
    • Rarely
    • Friday Night
    • Night Other Than Friday Night
    • Charlie Sheen
  8. 8. Tobacco

    • None
    • Rarely
    • Spliffs
    • If I'm drunk and someone offers
    • Regularly
    • I love cigarettes

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Try to find a sativa with high amounts of THC and low amounts of CBD and other cannabanoids and I think you might find a differing opinion


I say this probably too much but if you aren't learned about this basic difference in weed and you're an adult, you're just doing a disservice to yourself. It's common sense to know what you're smoking kids. :ok:


skunks usually very high in thc and low in cannibinoids, hence why it makes people wig out. If you saw the video posted recently of people being injected with pure THC (then compared to thc/cbd mix), or have heard testimonials from people who smoke those pure THC analogues, you can see how low or nonexistant CBD levels will make you uncomfortable, paranoid, and anxious. And in my opinion, more prone to psychosis


Recently, i talked to a big dealer (kilograms). This guy's consumption is fucking wicked - i swear i'm not kidding you : he smokes like 25g a day (hash). He also told me male plants where worth smoking which i have always agreed with - but try to preach this on cannabis dedicated forums - they will laugh at you - i hate stoners.

Seriously, male plants are the best. You gotta have to smoke quite a lot of it (a tobacco-less joint) but the effects are pure joy and are one million times more laugh-inducing than heavy skunk strains.

male plants

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IMO if you've got a positive state of mind or if you truly wish to progess mentally as a human being then theres nothing better for you than an experience like that, maybe once a month at the most.


How does smoking weed progress you mentally as a human being?


I was meaning a psychedelic experience in general, but regardless... It all depends on how you use any psychedelic drug. If you're using any psychoactive substance because it simply makes you feel good, which unfortunately accounts for (at least i would estimate) 98% of all people who smoke weed, you're not going to do any dig deeping into your own hurtful patterns of thought or the douchey, inconsiderate habits that are so deeply in-bedded in your daily life that from a sober perspective you don't even detect them.


& like I mentioned before indica is exceedingly more common than sativa, not to mention most weed in general isn't taken care of well and ends up being shit weed with highly degraded THC content so the vast majority of the marijuana you will find won't be very psychedelic/ won't cause any depth of introspection.


So basically unless you have some righteous hook ups with some intelligent weed growers or weed shops if you live in Cali, you'll be hard pressed to find any weed of useful quality for such an endeavor.


But the main issue is that in order to use your heightened state of awareness/change in thought process for good you have to want to look through all the dirty parts of your ego and want to make the effort to change. If you're like a few of my friends & find acid/mushroom trips too abrasive then I suggest finding the best sativa possible and learn how to cook with it. The high is very much more powerful and heady compared to regular marijuana because of the release of 11-hydroxy-metabolyte.


The illegality of cannabis is outrageous, an impediment to full utilization of a drug which helps produce the serenity and insight, sensitivity and fellowship so desperately needed in this increasingly mad and dangerous world."
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I am not into the science of weed, all I know is the nine times out of ten it disagrees with me. Makes me weak, makes me lazy, kills my will to live, destroys my get up and go, makes me paranoid (and fucks my lungs up.)


Some people have a few drinks and want to fight the world. Obviously booze does not agree with them. Whereas I can drink the stuff all day long and be totaly mellow, mischievious or fast asleep. Never any trouble. We are all different. Thankfuly I can see the warning signs so stay clear of the green.


I have on a handful of occasions had a great laugh on it, but it is so rare I gave up trying to recreate those scenarios.


Sometimes green has effected me so much it has been like a bad trip, bad hallucinations, cold sweats, and lots of paranoia fear. I once did a water bong and believe me I had to be looked after by friends as I disappeared into a very dark world.


All other drugs are fine and make me laugh, and I can do them till the cows come home believe me. I just think we are all wired up differently.

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I have on a handful of occasions had a great laugh on it


male weed bro. If you ever happen to meet a pathetic cunt who complains about his weed plants being male, just ask for them.



what about alcohol ?


edit : i have throat cancer.

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I am not into the science of weed, all I know is the nine times out of ten it disagrees with me. Makes me weak, makes me lazy, kills my will to live, destroys my get up and go, makes me paranoid (and fucks my lungs up.)


This was exactly my point... 9 times out of 10 you will be smoking indica because of how common it is, and everything which I have bolded are exactly the symptoms of someone who barely smokes who has just taken a big couple hits of some strong indica.


The paranoia is arguably symptoms of both strains but typically in my experience I get more paranoid when I have a crazy body high.


I understand your point but don't write off all marijuana just because you're most likely smoking a certain type which is giving you semi-common negative effects.


Also use a vaporizer for fucks sake.

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I have on a handful of occasions had a great laugh on it


male weed bro. If you ever happen to meet a pathetic cunt who complains about his weed plants being male, just ask for them.


Babar what you're saying is laughed out of weed forums for a reason...male plants don't bud (meaning they do have buds but the buds don't mature and produce trichomes) for the same reason that male humans can't get pregnant. There is a very small THC content in males which you can extract from the leaves and stems and make hash with but that's basically it. Chances are the grower you're speaking of has a hermie and since it's not female and he doesn't know enough he assumes its male.

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what about alcohol ?


No alcohol bro


I bet you're loads of fun.


You wouldn't believe the fun we had at the last straight edge knitting circle, someone dropped a stitch in the most hilarious way.

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I have a beer after work every day and 12 or so throughout the weekend. That's about it. My history with the other categories is no more.

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i've tripped on weed before. crazy closed eyed visuals, but all the time paranoid. at the time i thought it was scary but i was only about 10 percent with reality. everything else was crazy flashing of images in my mind. that was early pot smoking days. now the stuff just is horrible for me. maybe if i started smoking later in life i'd be ok but i don't think so.

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Guest Helper ET

you know when you get "the spins"?


well a year ago or so i wanted to see what would happen when you fought through it


so i would of course become quite drunk, and then the "the spins" would begin, but instead of shaking my head or going to sleep, i would just sit there and endure the suffering, and not resist the spinning, or try to run away from it, i tried to completely surrender to it


oh man, such a weird sensation. it like your body is separating into nothing and your mind is therefor going to collapse. actually its quite similar to the sensation i described in my troubles sleeping thread. or another way i could describe it, is like you are on a ride at the fair, one of those ones where you spin ridiculously fast and you think youre going to die. thats basically what happens in my head (and i think some others) when i get "the spins", the thing is, i sat down and consciously try to enter into wherever it will lead, (possible death, insanity, etc)


im still here


does anyone know what im talking about???

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I think anyone who has been too drunk to sleep knows what you're talking about.


I'm pretty clean these days. Stopped smoking weed because it was a waste of time and made me paranoid, I don't like alcohol because it tends to turn me into a loudmouth prick. I enjoy some MDMA a couple of times a year and am still hooked on cigarettes but that's about it.

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you know when you get "the spins"?


well a year ago or so i wanted to see what would happen when you fought through it


so i would of course become quite drunk, and then the "the spins" would begin, but instead of shaking my head or going to sleep, i would just sit there and endure the suffering, and not resist the spinning, or try to run away from it, i tried to completely surrender to it


oh man, such a weird sensation. it like your body is separating into nothing and your mind is therefor going to collapse. actually its quite similar to the sensation i described in my troubles sleeping thread. or another way i could describe it, is like you are on a ride at the fair, one of those ones where you spin ridiculously fast and you think youre going to die. thats basically what happens in my head (and i think some others) when i get "the spins", the thing is, i sat down and consciously try to enter into wherever it will lead, (possible death, insanity, etc)


im still here


does anyone know what im talking about???


I only get the spins when I lie down and close my eyes. When that happens I have to stay up until I sober up a little bit more.


Hasnt happened in ages though. Wonder why, its not even when I get really drunk because Ill just pass out. Maybe its when Im tired and drunk. :shrug:

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you know when you get "the spins"?


well a year ago or so i wanted to see what would happen when you fought through it


so i would of course become quite drunk, and then the "the spins" would begin, but instead of shaking my head or going to sleep, i would just sit there and endure the suffering, and not resist the spinning, or try to run away from it, i tried to completely surrender to it


oh man, such a weird sensation. it like your body is separating into nothing and your mind is therefor going to collapse. actually its quite similar to the sensation i described in my troubles sleeping thread. or another way i could describe it, is like you are on a ride at the fair, one of those ones where you spin ridiculously fast and you think youre going to die. thats basically what happens in my head (and i think some others) when i get "the spins", the thing is, i sat down and consciously try to enter into wherever it will lead, (possible death, insanity, etc)


im still here


does anyone know what im talking about???


I only get the spins when I lie down and close my eyes. When that happens I have to stay up until I sober up a little bit more.


Hasnt happened in ages though. Wonder why, its not even when I get really drunk because Ill just pass out. Maybe its when Im tired and drunk. :shrug:


ever smoked a spliff?

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Guest hahathhat

you know when you get "the spins"?


well a year ago or so i wanted to see what would happen when you fought through it


so i would of course become quite drunk, and then the "the spins" would begin, but instead of shaking my head or going to sleep, i would just sit there and endure the suffering, and not resist the spinning, or try to run away from it, i tried to completely surrender to it


oh man, such a weird sensation. it like your body is separating into nothing and your mind is therefor going to collapse. actually its quite similar to the sensation i described in my troubles sleeping thread. or another way i could describe it, is like you are on a ride at the fair, one of those ones where you spin ridiculously fast and you think youre going to die. thats basically what happens in my head (and i think some others) when i get "the spins", the thing is, i sat down and consciously try to enter into wherever it will lead, (possible death, insanity, etc)


im still here


does anyone know what im talking about???


I only get the spins when I lie down and close my eyes. When that happens I have to stay up until I sober up a little bit more.


Hasnt happened in ages though. Wonder why, its not even when I get really drunk because Ill just pass out. Maybe its when Im tired and drunk. :shrug:


ever smoked a spliff?


i was smoking a cigarette on the porch, as i tend to do about once a fortnight, when something unusual happened. a flying saucer descended from the sky, spinning and flashing and blinking. it parked in my yard, outside the porch. a hatch opened, and green alien men filed out from it in a placid, orderly fashion. all of the green alien men were wearing tailored 3-piece suits, and had expensive watches. one stepped forward and rapped on the window. i opened the porch door and asked what they wanted.


my question was answered with another question. they asked me, did i want to be a winner? i bluntly replied that i'd asked them what they wanted first, but my puerile wordplay seemed to be lost in translation. the question was repeated, did i want to be a winner? sure, why not, i said. it was a very general classification, but a positive one.


i was then told that to be a winner, i had to be a go-getter. to be a winner, i had to be a closer. i was told how winners got a life with four audis to choose from in the morning, and 2.3 martinis to enjoy in the evening. i was presented with a blackberry pearl, and told it was a gift for me. they said i could also have nice 3-piece suits, a legion of expensive watches, and a membership to an exclusive manhattan gym. they said i could have all these things, if i got on their Ship and took a Trip with them.


however, i'd been somewhat put off by their general lack of humor, and they seemed to spout the same babble no matter which questions i asked. additionally, their flying saucer struck me as kind of gaudy, i don't wear watches, and i hate suits.


so, i refused. i gave them back their blackberry pearl. they seemed a bit ruffled, for the first time, but continued calmly nonetheless. they insisted that i'd be insane to refuse such an offer. i was told that if i was not a winner, that would mean i'd be a loser. another called out from the ranks, a catcall suggesting that i was an impossible-to-help loser, and that they shouldn't have bothered with me. the leader shushed him and said to give me a chance to be reasonable. would i be sane, do the right thing, be a go-getter, a closer, a winner?


the good-cop/bad-cop routine was the final straw. i snubbed out my cigarette (only 3/4 done), closed the door, and went inside. i then closed my eyes and leaned on the wall, letting my mind drift a little in the hopes i'd calm down and forget i'd just been pitched by a cult of alien yuppies. however, something disproportionately dramatic happened: instead of my mind clearing, i felt it floating upwards, flipping upside-down and sideways. but, when i opened my eyes, i was back in my body again. while this sounds cool, it was actually intensely nauseating, like an over-the-top amusement park ride. i felt the argument with the aliens playing back in my head over and over, asking the same questions, would i be a winner, would i be a closer, would i be a go-getter, to which i replied, over and over, no, no, no, no, no. i peered out the blinds and saw the aliens were still there, staring at my porch. they were getting into my head, trying to argue me into changing my mind -- or trick me, or simply wear me down with constant pestering and heckling. they were trying to steal my soul.


at this point, my dinner of greasy chinese food, the scotch, and my general weakness to nicotine combined with the aliens' astral noodling to mass effect. i hurled myself into the bathroom, and hurled part of my stomach contents into the toilet shortly thereafter. i noticed that while the aliens were still in my head, they were quieter and less forceful after i'd puked. i tried to stand, but had to abort midway in order to eject the rest of my stomach contents. i noticed the voices were quieter still. their energy had been partially channeled through junk food, alcohol, and nicotone. however, even with the nicotine wearing off, i still heard them. they heckled, teased, and argued. so, i stumbled back into the living room and packed a bowl. after a few puffs, the voices started to seem intensely silly. i couldn't help but giggle uncontrollably at voices, and at everything they said. my laughter seemed to terrify the alien voices, causing them to flee. and i thought this stuff just made music better....


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Alcohol is the worst drug that I know.


it is! proper long term alcohol abuse will leave you tripping out and freaking out on a regular basis far more than any flashbacks from acid abuse, e.... mdma, ket.... etc.

and it's legal!!!! lol. BIG alcohol come downs are far worse than any comedown i've ever experienced in my life!! and i've experience some!!

alcohol will kill you, faster than fags, e, coke......... duno about crack, or meth, etc. but it's second to heroin, imo, for a horrible death.

yet almost everyone does it regularly! ('cos it's legal)

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