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Charlie Sheen


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‎"I am on a drug. It's called Charlie Sheen. It's not available. If you try it once, you will die. Your face will melt off and your children will weep over your exploded body"

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Guest Jackson Michaels

Charlie's comment after officially getting fired from Two and a half men:


This is very good news. They continue to be in breach, like so many whales. It is a big day of gladness at the Sober Valley Lodge because now I can take all of their bazillions, never have to look at whatshiscock again and I never have to put on those silly shirts for as long as this warlock exists in the terrestrial dimension.



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is he pulling some kind of jaoquin phoenix thing with all this? I know he is getting paid a bunch for every tweet he makes. that in itself is amazing to me. I think Kim kardashian gets $10,000 a tweet, even if it's "omg lol Im driving rite now lol brb omg lol"

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Guest Helper ET

doesnt anyone realize, that by feeding the charlie sheen discussion, you are buying into the game and completely falling for it? its just like justin beibler. youre such a pathetic slave, you need mainstream media to tell you what is ok to talk about with your friends. thats why i will never even say the phrase justin beibler, unless im talking about this concept. by simply mentioning it, you lose, and they win. the only reason im even talking about it now, is because i have to step into the matrix and play the game, in order to wake you up, because thats the only way to reach you


the guys always been a little funny. thats part of what makes him so awesome. then he joined the 9/11 truth movement. where the fuck were all of you when he did that? do you realize what he was claiming? he was saying that the US government executed an attack on its own citizens leading to the horrible murder of 3000 innocent americans. oh no, thats ok, thats normal, he should do that. but my god! go do some drugs, and make a few appearances in some mainstream media saying things out of the norm...... FREAK! cmon, that winning shit is awesome. youre all juts so used to losing you cant accept that someone as awesome as charlie can do it but you cant. except youre so dirty, you cant even admit that you lose every day, because youre such a slave, you immediately turn that into ridicule against a celebrity who risked his life trying to expose 9/11


you need discussion fed to you on a sliver platter of lies. makes me sick. i puke on your platter


i said it in this thread before and ill say it again. you guys are fucking pathetic (losing)

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you immediately turn that into ridicule against a celebrity who risked his life trying to expose 9/11


you mean a celebrity who squandered a golden opportunity with millions of twitter followers and at the height of the cultural zeitgeist to mention nothing of importance? I was actually hoping he would just start going all balls out 9/11 truth, but as we all know he rather would talk about adonis DNA and watching apocalypse now.




you need discussion fed to you on a sliver platter of lies. makes me sick. i puke on your platter


i said it in this thread before and ill say it again. you guys are fucking pathetic (losing)


you're doing a pretty good job of making any of the topics you talk about look bad just by association even if some of them are worth talking about

edit: in other words having that kind of attitude is not going to help get people to join your cause

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to throw ET a little bone here, this is a good video for multiple reasons, it shows that a) even if Charlie Sheen was/is crazy he actually took a big risk making a video like this.

b) this was only made a year ago, very sad because his face looks 10 years older in recent videos



he wrote this fairly detailed fictional meeting with Barack Obama before he went on this year long coke binge


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Guest Helper ET

dude are you on crack?


you come here and attack someone whos spreading the truth (something you know is so damaging to the cause)


then in the next post say, "well you know, hes right"


fuck off

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Guest Helper ET
you immediately turn that into ridicule against a celebrity who risked his life trying to expose 9/11
you mean a celebrity who squandered a golden opportunity with millions of twitter followers and at the height of the cultural zeitgeist to mention nothing of importance? I was actually hoping he would just start going all balls out 9/11 truth, but as we all know he rather would talk about adonis DNA and watching apocalypse now.
you need discussion fed to you on a sliver platter of lies. makes me sick. i puke on your platteri said it in this thread before and ill say it again. you guys are fucking pathetic (losing)
you're doing a pretty good job of making any of the topics you talk about look bad just by association even if some of them are worth talking aboutedit: in other words having that kind of attitude is not going to help get people to join your cause


fuck off. for all you know they threatened him and his family. and ya, here we go, people always think its about money. you only think that way because youre life is so controlled by money, you cant possibly imagine another scenario. these celebrity people are basically above it, they dont even think about it hardly. get that stupid money idea out of your head, jesus christ. it really pisses me off when people bring that money shit up about the illuminati. they are the money for fuck sake


and im sorry, do have something of substance to say to me or are you just going to sit there and and tell me you dont like my attitude, and so people wont listen to me. man, ive sat here for hours, so many times, trying to show people some truth. a stupid post in a charlie sheen thread on watmm is nothing. i just hope to god someone who is half awake think about what im saying, and realized how fucking stupid this whole thing is


i used to think you wore the crown here on watmm, regarding information on conspiracy. bow down bitch...


"throw me a bone"


stick it up your ass you arrogant denialist

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dude are you on crack?


you come here and attack someone whos spreading the truth (something you know is so damaging to the cause)


then in the next post say, "well you know, hes right"


fuck off


haha, i didn't say you were right, far from it. clearly you are not.


you need to handle criticism a little better ET, basically saying that everyone in the thread is a loser is just a bad idea all around

edit: i was just going to write a response to the 'his family is being threatened' claim but i'm not going to bother


edit: let's face it, this (3rd) appearance on ustream is far more damaging for his career compared to anything he could say about 9/11 = http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/13167959

his post manic state makes him seen like a junky who has hit rock bottom frequently. I'm not trying to stand in judgement of junkies either, i just don't think being a junky makes you a genius or worthy of praise.

(im kind of joking in this edit but i just feel really depressed watching him now)


i just hope to god someone who is half awake think about what im saying


what you're saying doesn't make sense, when he was just a hasbeen celeb nobody cared about when he said some pretty provocative political things, when he becomes the most covered celebrity in the world for 2 weeks he says and does nothing political, or ideological (unless you count his constitution on why he doesnt die when doing 7 gram rocks) wasting an opportunity he will never have again.

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Guest Helper ET

i dont care what a bunch of 20 year old drug addicts think about my political opinion


i need to handle criticism better? fuck you. this is me opening up my bottle of rage that thats been building up against you for the last year or two. you come on here with all your studied facts, most of which are pretty accurate, and you show people theres more to picture than meets the eye, then right when it gets real, you turn around and make it all sound like a silly game that "conspiracy nuts" talk about. do you work for CNN or something? because it sure sounds like it. you blow my mind. ive considered that you might be cointelpro, but i think youre just living in denial, like all the other fools. except with you its even worse, because you for one know better, and then when it it gets really crazy you go right back into la la land grow up, youre twice my age. can you imagine how many winds we could change if we worked together? holy shit dude


see. theyve sucked me in again. they dont want us discussing real issues, so they confuse everyone so we are arguing with each other rather than discussing real issues. and charlie sheen is not an issue. let the man be


and dont let awepittance trick you with his sneaky mind control games. im the real deal, i dont know about him, but i am

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Guest Helper ET

see, this is what i mean. grow the shit up. i didnt even say i thought you were cointelpro, i said the thought crossed my mind (based on your psycho behavior), then decided that i think youre just living in denial. but oh man, didnt that idea just excite you so much, you sprinted to the reply button to make your genius remark

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