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Skinny little bully gets chopped in half by chubby kid.

Guest tompty

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I personally don't enjoy seeing children get hurt, maybe I'm weird


i'm with this. violence is deplorable and it's incredibly sad that this kid had no choice but to resort to it. it's the officials, administrators and powers-that-be who take no steps to prevent bullying that are the real assholes in this situation.


jeezo guys the little shit deserved it and the big guy made sure noone will fuck with him again (hopefully). this is actually the single most effective way to teach bullies a lesson.

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Guest Iain C

well you say "no one will fuck with him again", but what if next time there are five kids? older brothers? weapons?


violence is NOT the best way to solve problems like this. sure, part of me is rooting for the big guy - but i just can't take any pleasure in watching a 12 year old getting his ankle broken by another kid.


this on this other hand, is very funny:


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oh boo hoo



i'm sure the kids that are nannied away from everything and homogenised will be fully capable adults in later life.

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Guest Coalbucket PI

I don't know, I couldn't say anyone deserved it from the video, the first time I watched it I presumed the big kid was the bully because he's twice the size. I'm pretty sure neither of their psychological problems got sorted out by doing a wrestling move.

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well you say "no one will fuck with him again", but what if next time there are five kids? older brothers? weapons?


violence is NOT the best way to solve problems like this. sure, part of me is rooting for the big guy - but i just can't take any pleasure in watching a 12 year old getting his ankle broken by another kid.



this was self defence. the fat kid got suspended for it so telling the authorities doesn't work either. it's lord of the flies out there iain!

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I don't know, I couldn't say anyone deserved it from the video, the first time I watched it I presumed the big kid was the bully because he's twice the size. I'm pretty sure neither of their psychological problems got sorted out by doing a wrestling move.

really? it's pretty obvious from the footage that the long-time victim of bullying is the larger kid.


maybe it's down to my personal experience as having been a victim of bullying for a long time and being able to detect the cocky fucking bastards in this video. or maybe it's the fact that i have a younger brother who is kinda large who exhibits similar reactions to being jibed/bullied.


or maybe it's due to the rumblings on reddit that confirm that he was in fact a victim of being bullied for a long time, and this footage is evidence that he had simply "had e-fucking-nough"

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Guest mafted

well you say "no one will fuck with him again", but what if next time there are five kids? older brothers? weapons?


violence is NOT the best way to solve problems like this. sure, part of me is rooting for the big guy - but i just can't take any pleasure in watching a 12 year old getting his ankle broken by another kid.



this was self defence. the fat kid got suspended for it so telling the authorities doesn't work either. it's lord of the flies out there iain!



are you serious? after the little guy punched him anything was fair game. that's bullshit.

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well you say "no one will fuck with him again", but what if next time there are five kids? older brothers? weapons?


violence is NOT the best way to solve problems like this. sure, part of me is rooting for the big guy - but i just can't take any pleasure in watching a 12 year old getting his ankle broken by another kid.



this was self defence. the fat kid got suspended for it so telling the authorities doesn't work either. it's lord of the flies out there iain!



are you serious? after the little guy punched him anything was fair game. that's bullshit.


am i serious? or iain? what's bullshit?


i am serious btw.

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Guest Mirezzi

maybe the skinny kid was finally standing up for himself against the real bully and then got his ass beat. (once again). Who knows.


nah. look at the cocky assholeish demeanour of the smaller kid. it's pretty plain who has become accustomed to harassing who here.


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maybe the skinny kid was finally standing up for himself against the real bully and then got his ass beat. (once again). Who knows.


nah. look at the cocky assholeish demeanour of the smaller kid. it's pretty plain who has become accustomed to harassing who here.



bingo x 2. i can't believe anyone would find it difficult to see this.

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Guest Iain C

well you say "no one will fuck with him again", but what if next time there are five kids? older brothers? weapons?


violence is NOT the best way to solve problems like this. sure, part of me is rooting for the big guy - but i just can't take any pleasure in watching a 12 year old getting his ankle broken by another kid.



this was self defence. the fat kid got suspended for it so telling the authorities doesn't work either. it's lord of the flies out there iain!



are you serious? after the little guy punched him anything was fair game. that's bullshit.


am i serious? or iain? what's bullshit?


i am serious btw.


read what i'm typing carefully, and try to understand each word. i think it sucks that the kid was forced into this situation and that it got this far. obviously telling the authorities didn't/doesn't work and he had no other option. my point is that it should work, he should have had an option, and things should change to give other kids that option - rather than just accepting this kind of violence as inevitable.


i can't take pleasure in the fucked up situation that created and escalated this. i'm sure if you ask the kid, given the choice it would never have got this far. the whole thing's just pretty sad really.


i would also add that a lot of the cheering voices taking pleasure in this (not just on watmm but elsewhere online) seem to be engaging in a kind of revenge-by-proxy for their own crummy experiences at school. which is also pretty sad. i didn't always have the easiest of times either, but that doesn't change the fact that this is just a nasty situation that shouldn't have to happen.

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Guest Iain C

oh boo hoo



i'm sure the kids that are nannied away from everything and homogenised will be fully capable adults in later life.


piss off. that's not what i'm saying and you know it. you say you were the victim of bullying - so was that a positive experience for you? did it build your character? or would you rather someone had intervened and stopped it?

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maybe the skinny kid was finally standing up for himself against the real bully and then got his ass beat. (once again). Who knows.


nah. look at the cocky assholeish demeanour of the smaller kid. it's pretty plain who has become accustomed to harassing who here.



bingo x 2. i can't believe anyone would find it difficult to see this.


Yeah ditto. I moved around a lot in middle school and regardless of where I went there were always cocky little fuckers who usually quite popular and often assholes to other kids. I was a tall lanky dude and for the most part I don't think being tall or bigger (but not obese) is a "plus" until late high school, unless you're a jock.


This little shit probably whined and cried back to the teachers and then to his parents. But fucking high five to the bigger kid. Bet you any money, if you ran into either at a bar in ten years, the bully will likely be drunk and looking to start shit and the kid would buy you a round. People who deal with this shit become better people, what's sad is bullying has become so fucking advanced and multi-leveled some kids can't take it. It isn't just teasing and getting hassled for your lunch money anymore for a lot of children. So in some sense, it was weird watching a video with more "familiar" bullying instead of a news report about a suicide, because that's all I seem to hear about anymore.

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i was bullied in school, and eventually i mashed my bully's head against the cement and made his teeth crack together so hard i watched a tear roll down his face. he left me alone after that.


i think it was a positive experience overall. i learned where my boundaries are, and that bully learned where others' boundaries are. if you're suggesting we can stop kids from picking on each other in general, get real.


in fact, i recall that even in PRE-SCHOOL, some kid was bullying me and calling me names and started pushing me around. after a few days of this I got fed up, apparently popped this kid right in the nose, and promptly got sent home. when my mom heard about the story she sided with me and asked the school what the heck I was supposed to do if nobody was stepping in to stop the other kid.


thanks, mom :cool:


one other notable experience was when I was about 8, i had gone to a friends house and was looking through a toy-chest when another one of his friends told me i was "too small to play with those toys" and grabbed the one i was looking at out of my hands, threatening to beat me up if I tried to get it back. I was about half this kids size (he was a few years older than me and i'd never met him before), so I did what any crafty tiny kid would do - i drop kicked him in the jewels. he went down and his parents called the ER and tried to sue my family by saying that i had damaged their kids nuts or something. nothing came of that.


moral of my story is, don't pick on people unless you're actually trying to get into a fight.


edit: i should add that i was never actually beat up regularly by my bullies, I just had a short fuse and didn't take kindly to that kind of crap. I calmed down drastically after jr high and haven't been in a real fight since then.

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oh boo hoo



i'm sure the kids that are nannied away from everything and homogenised will be fully capable adults in later life.


piss off. that's not what i'm saying and you know it. you say you were the victim of bullying - so was that a positive experience for you? did it build your character? or would you rather someone had intervened and stopped it?

yes that is what you're saying, as can be seen in the following quote:


violence is NOT the best way to solve problems like this.


there is too much of a culture these days of 'protecting' kids from various 'menaces', ails, and things.


i know families that are forever trying to make sure that their kids don't catch a cold, or chicken pox, or some other illness. the same families are always making sure that their kids don't fall off the bicycles etc etc etc.


there is a fine line between being concerned and over-nannying.


no, being on the receiving end of bullying was not a positive experience for me. but it taught me things.


and what you're talking about with regards to telling the authorities and nothing being done, are you really surprised? i know exactly what has happened here:


if Casey had even thought it was worth telling a teacher about it, all that would've happened is that the teacher would've said "just ignore them, they'll stop". they don't stop. it escalates to violence. kid perpetrating the violence gets a small punishment but is inevitably let back into school because the school can't expel students anymore because of 'equal opportunities'.


in this situation, Casey was completely and fully justified in doing the damage he did. although i do agree with you that his actions will most likely be met with retaliation in the form of a gang confrontation and most likely with weapons.


what we're really dealing with here is a total lack of respect

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oh boo hoo



i'm sure the kids that are nannied away from everything and homogenised will be fully capable adults in later life.


piss off. that's not what i'm saying and you know it. you say you were the victim of bullying - so was that a positive experience for you? did it build your character? or would you rather someone had intervened and stopped it?


i hospitalised a 4th year bully when i was in 1st year and it was an extremely positive experience actually.

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violence is NOT the best way to solve problems like this.


also, just to make my point clearer: in this case, violence was absolutely the best way to solve this.


as you have said already, the 'system' of schools supposedly being Anti-Bullying is obviously failing and has been failing for years. it's been 11 years since i was in school, and the system was a fucking joke back then too and we had the 'luxury'of knowing that if a bully was bad enough they would be expelled. these days (at least in the UK) children aren't expelled from schools anymore, and what generally happens is that the victim is separated from the rest of the pupils which further ostracises the victim and just reinforces an attitude in the bully that being a bully 'gets shit done'.

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Guest Iain C

how does what i'm saying about this one specific situation have anything to do with your cute little daily mail rant about the nannying of society?


listen close. i agree that the authorities didn't do anything to protect him. i agree that in this situation, the kid wasn't left with any other choice. pay attention now, because this is my point: if the authorities had the balls to stand up to the bullies, exclude them from school, punish and discipline them appropriately for the terrible things they do to other kids it would never have got this far, nobody would have to get punched or slammed or their ankles broken, and this lad wouldn't be facing retaliation for his (in the circumstances, reasonable) act of self-defense.


this isn't a situation to celebrate, it's a situation to deplore because it's totally fucking unnecessary. teachers and heads should take action to stop bullying. they damned well could, if they wanted to. but they're more concerned with not rocking the boat.


so i ask you again: assuming the teachers, heads, or whoever WERE prepared to intervene, exclude or expel the bullies, and stop things from getting this far, is this violent confrontation STILL the best possible outcome for this situation?


if you think so, i'd posit that you're blinded by a desire for revenge rather than having anyone's best interests at heart. at the end of the day you're laughing at a 12-year-old boy getting his bones broken. think about that.

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listen close. i agree that the authorities didn't do anything to protect him. i agree that in this situation, the kid wasn't left with any other choice. pay attention now, because this is my point: if the authorities had the balls to stand up to the bullies, exclude them from school, punish and discipline them appropriately for the terrible things they do to other kids it would never have got this far, nobody would have to get punched or slammed or their ankles broken, and this lad wouldn't be facing retaliation for his (in the circumstances, reasonable) act of self-defense.



bullshit. the bullies would find the kid outside of school and wail on him.

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Guest Iain C

violence is NOT the best way to solve problems like this.


also, just to make my point clearer: in this case, violence was absolutely the best way to solve this.


as you have said already, the 'system' of schools supposedly being Anti-Bullying is obviously failing and has been failing for years.


that's what i'm saying. what i'm also saying is that an effective antibullying policy is and would be possible, if the teachers and heads had the will for it. that they don't makes them the dicks in this situation, really. and i just don't think there's anything funny about watching this poor tormented kid lash out. it's incredibly sad.


listen close. i agree that the authorities didn't do anything to protect him. i agree that in this situation, the kid wasn't left with any other choice. pay attention now, because this is my point: if the authorities had the balls to stand up to the bullies, exclude them from school, punish and discipline them appropriately for the terrible things they do to other kids it would never have got this far, nobody would have to get punched or slammed or their ankles broken, and this lad wouldn't be facing retaliation for his (in the circumstances, reasonable) act of self-defense.



bullshit. the bullies would find the kid outside of school and wail on him.


then call the police. which, honestly, should be what the schools are doing ANYWAY when a kid is badly assaulted.

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how does what i'm saying about this one specific situation have anything to do with your cute little daily mail rant about the nannying of society?


listen close. i agree that the authorities didn't do anything to protect him. i agree that in this situation, the kid wasn't left with any other choice. pay attention now, because this is my point: if the authorities had the balls to stand up to the bullies, exclude them from school, punish and discipline them appropriately for the terrible things they do to other kids it would never have got this far, nobody would have to get punched or slammed or their ankles broken, and this lad wouldn't be facing retaliation for his (in the circumstances, reasonable) act of self-defense.


this isn't a situation to celebrate, it's a situation to deplore because it's totally fucking unnecessary. teachers and heads should take action to stop bullying. they damned well could, if they wanted to. but they're more concerned with not rocking the boat.


so i ask you again: assuming the teachers, heads, or whoever WERE prepared to intervene, exclude or expel the bullies, and stop things from getting this far, is this violent confrontation STILL the best possible outcome for this situation?


if you think so, i'd posit that you're blinded by a desire for revenge rather than having anyone's best interests at heart. at the end of the day you're laughing at a 12-year-old boy getting his bones broken. think about that.

i completely agree with you that if the authorities did what should have been done (expel the bully from the school completely), then this situation would've have happened, and i wouldn't be coming across as the "daily mail ranting cunt" that you think i am.


and to answer your question: no, in your proposed situation, violence wouldn't have been the best solution. but your proposed situation is, unfortunately in this day and age, cloud cuckoo land.


also, please note - i am not celebrating or laughing at a 12 year old getting his bones broken. i am celebrating a downtrodden and ostracised individual standing up for himself instead of waiting hopelessly for a system that doesn't give a fuck to do something about it.

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