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Skinny little bully gets chopped in half by chubby kid.

Guest tompty

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violence is NOT the best way to solve problems like this.


also, just to make my point clearer: in this case, violence was absolutely the best way to solve this.


as you have said already, the 'system' of schools supposedly being Anti-Bullying is obviously failing and has been failing for years.


that's what i'm saying. what i'm also saying is that an effective antibullying policy is and would be possible, if the teachers and heads had the will for it. that they don't makes them the dicks in this situation, really. and i just don't think there's anything funny about watching this poor tormented kid lash out. it's incredibly sad.

i think we're looking at this video from completely different perspectives. you're looking at it from the bigger picture, in a "we should change the system" kind of way.


whereas i am looking at it from a very small scale of "the system is fucked and there's no chance it's going to change, they don't care, i'm just glad that Casey taught that bastard a lesson" kind of way.

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Watching that video was kinda like watching the end of Edward Scissorhands, and I fucking LOVED it!

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listen close. i agree that the authorities didn't do anything to protect him. i agree that in this situation, the kid wasn't left with any other choice. pay attention now, because this is my point: if the authorities had the balls to stand up to the bullies, exclude them from school, punish and discipline them appropriately for the terrible things they do to other kids it would never have got this far, nobody would have to get punched or slammed or their ankles broken, and this lad wouldn't be facing retaliation for his (in the circumstances, reasonable) act of self-defense.



bullshit. the bullies would find the kid outside of school and wail on him.


then call the police. which, honestly, should be what the schools are doing ANYWAY when a kid is badly assaulted.

the police wouldn't really deal with it, as has been quite publicly shown....that mom and her daughter being terrorised by the local thugs for years, that committed suicide as a last ditch solution, even after many many complaints and callings of the police.


Political Correctness gone wrong. plain and simple.

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Guest Iain C

ok this is an aside, i think our argument here has reached an impasse and i'm willing to just put it down to a difference of perspective... but you can't use phrases like "political correctness gone wrong" and "cloud cuckoo land" and NOT read the Daily Mail, surely?

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Guest Mirezzi

Iain C, you're on a slippery slope here. I love the pacifist manifesto you're bleating out here, I really do. Olive branch and a diplomatic chat and all that. But really, let's not pretend that shit works.


If the authorities at your school fail you, call more authorities? Because everybody knows cops are so awesome? WTF.


This situation was clearly unfortunate, but sometimes the last shred of integrity youngsters have when it comes to contending with the bullies of the world...is protected by picking the bully up by the scruff of his neck, twirling him above your shoulders, and slamming him onto concrete.


When I was a kid, I was not bullied and I was not a bully, but I did witness plenty of bullying. I once got my ass kicked intervening on behalf of a kid who was being bullied. Watching a shy or weak kid, whose glasses are falling off while his nostrils flair up with snot and tears roll down his cheeks...no teacher's intervention will fix that bully's antics nearly as effectively as a slab of concrete met with formidable velocity.


The lanky bully was on the path to becoming a sociopath, perhaps, and NOTHING will fix that. If his victim ignores his antics, that fuels him. If his victim fights back, that fuels him. It's lose-lose. HOWEVER, if that bully is NOT on the path to becoming a sociopath, then maybe this moment of unexpected brutality will wake him the fuck up.


(I realize this post, like most posts to this thread, is filled with conjecture and hyperbole, but I can't resist indulging in it.)

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Guest Iain C

oh, but i'll also add that defeatism never changed anything for the better. you can just accept that "the system's fucked and it's never going to change" or whatever, or you can actually try and make a positive change to the world around you in any way you can. it's not physically impossible.

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Guest Iain C

Iain C, you're on a slippery slope here. I love the pacifist manifesto you're bleating out here, I really do. Olive branch and a diplomatic chat and all that. But really, let's not pretend that shit works.


If the authorities at your school fail you, call more authorities? Because everybody knows cops are so awesome? WTF.


This situation was clearly unfortunate, but sometimes the last shred of integrity youngsters have when it comes to contending with the bullies of the world...is protected by picking the bully up by the scruff of his neck, twirling him above your shoulders, and slamming him onto concrete.


listen to me. i fully accept that in this situation, the kid had no choice. the authorities failed him and he had nowhere left to turn. my point is that i don't think that lack of choice is something to be celebrated. i think things could change for the better if the authorities could get past their inertia and actually had the will to change. that they don't is a massive indictment.


why is my point so hard to grasp? i'm not saying the kid should have let himself get beaten up. not at all.


edit: in fact, i wonder if you've actually read my posts at all? which part is a 'pacifist manifesto'? i said i deplore violence. sure. but sometimes violence is necessary. i just don't think it's something to cheer about.

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Guest Mirezzi

oh, but i'll also add that defeatism never changed anything for the better. you can just accept that "the system's fucked and it's never going to change" or whatever, or you can actually try and make a positive change to the world around you in any way you can. it's not physically impossible.


What you need, my friend, is less...




...and more...



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Iain C, you're on a slippery slope here. I love the pacifist manifesto you're bleating out here, I really do. Olive branch and a diplomatic chat and all that. But really, let's not pretend that shit works.


If the authorities at your school fail you, call more authorities? Because everybody knows cops are so awesome? WTF.


This situation was clearly unfortunate, but sometimes the last shred of integrity youngsters have when it comes to contending with the bullies of the world...is protected by picking the bully up by the scruff of his neck, twirling him above your shoulders, and slamming him onto concrete.


When I was a kid, I was not bullied and I was not a bully, but I did witness plenty of bullying. I once got my ass kicked intervening on behalf of a kid who was being bullied. Watching a shy or weak kid, whose glasses are falling off while his nostrils flair up with snot and tears roll down his cheeks...no teacher's intervention will fix that bully's antics nearly as effectively as a slab of concrete met with formidable velocity.


The lanky bully was on the path to becoming a sociopath, perhaps, and NOTHING will fix that. If his victim ignores his antics, that fuels him. If his victim fights back, that fuels him. It's lose-lose. HOWEVER, if that bully is NOT on the path to becoming a sociopath, then maybe this moment of unexpected brutality will wake him the fuck up.


(I realize this post, like most posts to this thread, is filled with conjecture and hyperbole, but I can't resist indulging in it.)

quoted for being fucking spot on the money.


ok this is an aside, i think our argument here has reached an impasse and i'm willing to just put it down to a difference of perspective... but you can't use phrases like "political correctness gone wrong" and "cloud cuckoo land" and NOT read the Daily Mail, surely?

Location: London


says it all really, tbh. yes this is absolutely down to difference of perspective and, obviously, of experiences. i'm willing to wager that you have never lived outside of London, am i correct?


oh, but i'll also add that defeatism never changed anything for the better. you can just accept that "the system's fucked and it's never going to change" or whatever, or you can actually try and make a positive change to the world around you in any way you can. it's not physically impossible.

i bet you're vegan too.

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Guest Mirezzi

Iain C, you're on a slippery slope here. I love the pacifist manifesto you're bleating out here, I really do. Olive branch and a diplomatic chat and all that. But really, let's not pretend that shit works.


If the authorities at your school fail you, call more authorities? Because everybody knows cops are so awesome? WTF.


This situation was clearly unfortunate, but sometimes the last shred of integrity youngsters have when it comes to contending with the bullies of the world...is protected by picking the bully up by the scruff of his neck, twirling him above your shoulders, and slamming him onto concrete.


listen to me. i fully accept that in this situation, the kid had no choice. the authorities failed him and he had nowhere left to turn. my point is that i don't think that lack of choice is something to be celebrated. i think things could change for the better if the authorities could get past their inertia and actually had the will to change. that they don't is a massive indictment.


why is my point so hard to grasp? i'm not saying the kid should have let himself get beaten up. not at all.


edit: in fact, i wonder if you've actually read my posts at all? which part is a 'pacifist manifesto'? i said i deplore violence. sure. but sometimes violence is necessary. i just don't think it's something to cheer about.

I think the problem I have (being sincere here, no lols or bullshit) with your argument is that it's made in such an armchair post-facto fashion. This incident happened very quickly and in real-time, mere SECONDS after the bully had punched that kid Casey right in the fucking jaw and was doing his awkward chicken dance and preparing to hit him more because he saw the opportunity since Casey wasn't defending himself.


Like Oscillik pointed out, you're going all Jimmy Carter on us, working out some of the big picture problems here: the culture of bullying, the complicit teachers, bad parents, etc. I think most of us are responding to this one simple narrative of Casey Beats Down A Douche Bag. So quit harshing on our enjoyment. We'll get in touch with you when we're done with the schadenfreude.

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Guest Iain C

actually i've only lived in london for five years. i grew up in a small town outside of peterborough on the cambridgeshire/lincolnshire border. also, way to go for bringing personal attacks into what i thought was a fairly civil argument.

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actually i've only lived in london for five years. i grew up in a small town outside of peterborough on the cambridgeshire/lincolnshire border. also, way to go for bringing personal attacks into what i thought was a fairly civil argument.


yeah? i've lived in: Harlow (Essex), Widnes (Cheshire), Saltley and Bordesly Green (Birmingham), St. Helens (Merseyside), Burton-on-Trent and Stapenhill (Staffordshire).


hmmm way to go for bringing personal attacks into it?


i think you can best me, mate


how does what i'm saying about this one specific situation have anything to do with your cute little daily mail rant about the nannying of society?



ok this is an aside, i think our argument here has reached an impasse and i'm willing to just put it down to a difference of perspective... but you can't use phrases like "political correctness gone wrong" and "cloud cuckoo land" and NOT read the Daily Mail, surely?

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Guest Mirezzi

also, way to go for bringing personal attacks into what i thought was a fairly civil argument.

Yeah, let's not go for all-time ridiculous irony by bullying somebody in an anti-bullying thread. :facepalm:

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Guest Iain C

So quit harshing on our enjoyment. We'll get in touch with you when we're done with the schadenfreude.


fine. i think that's what it comes down to, really - i'm not that into schadenfreude. i guess i've made my point, you guys disagree. carry on.

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Guest Mirezzi

So quit harshing on our enjoyment. We'll get in touch with you when we're done with the schadenfreude.


fine. i think that's what it comes down to, really - i'm not that into schadenfreude. i guess i've made my point, you guys disagree. carry on.

I actually don't entirely disagree with you, but the perverse little hobgoblin who controls my mind at times like these is getting the best of me.


On a side note of my own: I was fairly confident my thread would be better than the other one, so the jazz was totally worth it. :cisfor:

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Guest Iain C

actually i've only lived in london for five years. i grew up in a small town outside of peterborough on the cambridgeshire/lincolnshire border. also, way to go for bringing personal attacks into what i thought was a fairly civil argument.


yeah? i've lived in: Harlow (Essex), Widnes (Cheshire), Saltley and Bordesly Green (Birmingham), St. Helens (Merseyside), Burton-on-Trent and Stapenhill (Staffordshire).



good for you? i don't know what that's got to do with it. but like i say, i'm out of here. i don't understand why your tone has become so hostile over the past few posts but it's clear we're not going to convince each other of anything.

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Guest Coalbucket PI

Well I sort of agree with Iain for the most part but I don't really feel that strongly about it either so I'll leave it there as well

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i just gotta say, calling the police is quite the lol


i can only imagine how that would have worked out. the next day the officer steps to the scrawny bully.


"Now, Casey doesn't want you to keep bullying him, and we'll send you to juvenile hall if we catch you doing it again."


Scrawny kid: "Ok officer, I'm sorry. I promise I won't."


cop leaves


after school: "Casey you fat faggot I'm gonna tell everyone you're a whiny baby!" *push push shove shove*

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actually i've only lived in london for five years. i grew up in a small town outside of peterborough on the cambridgeshire/lincolnshire border. also, way to go for bringing personal attacks into what i thought was a fairly civil argument.


yeah? i've lived in: Harlow (Essex), Widnes (Cheshire), Saltley and Bordesly Green (Birmingham), St. Helens (Merseyside), Burton-on-Trent and Stapenhill (Staffordshire).


lol wtf are you going on about?

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actually i've only lived in london for five years. i grew up in a small town outside of peterborough on the cambridgeshire/lincolnshire border. also, way to go for bringing personal attacks into what i thought was a fairly civil argument.


yeah? i've lived in: Harlow (Essex), Widnes (Cheshire), Saltley and Bordesly Green (Birmingham), St. Helens (Merseyside), Burton-on-Trent and Stapenhill (Staffordshire).



good for you? i don't know what that's got to do with it. but like i say, i'm out of here. i don't understand why your tone has become so hostile over the past few posts but it's clear we're not going to convince each other of anything.

might have to do with your insinuation that i am a Daily Mail reader, and your implied negative bias towards such people?


just throwing that out there.

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i just gotta say, calling the police is quite the lol


i can only imagine how that would have worked out. the next day the officer steps to the scrawny bully.


"Now, Casey doesn't want you to keep bullying him, and we'll send you to juvenile hall if we catch you doing it again."


Scrawny kid: "Ok officer, I'm sorry. I promise I won't."


cop leaves


after school: "Casey you fat faggot I'm gonna tell everyone you're a whiny baby!" *push push shove shove*


back when i was like 10 or something there were these local kids who used to jump out of an alley everyday with a knife and scare the crap out of me. until we called the cops, and adults were waiting on the other street and caught them in the act.


that was the end of that.


(in retrospect, i'm sure those kids were just being douchetards, they weren't going to slash me or anything)

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i just gotta say, calling the police is quite the lol


i can only imagine how that would have worked out. the next day the officer steps to the scrawny bully.


"Now, Casey doesn't want you to keep bullying him, and we'll send you to juvenile hall if we catch you doing it again."


Scrawny kid: "Ok officer, I'm sorry. I promise I won't."


cop leaves


after school: "Casey you fat faggot I'm gonna tell everyone you're a whiny baby!" *push push shove shove*


back when i was like 10 or something there were these local kids who used to jump out of an alley everyday with a knife and scare the crap out of me. until we called the cops, and adults were waiting on the other street and caught them in the act.


that was the end of that.


(in retrospect, i'm sure those kids were just being douchetards, they weren't going to slash me or anything)

in the places i've lived, that wouldn't have been the end of that at all.

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This video is popular because the issue of bullying contains so much grey area whereas this video is quite black and white. That little fucker (and as I mentioned in the other forum, for some reason a lot of middle schools have short popular kids who pick on others) was being cheered on and going for an easy target, a kid whose arguably a gentle giant. I'm all for proactive school administrators and anti-bullying efforts, but I know bullying teasing will always exist, and most people who aren't mean-spirited pricks deal with it as victims and/or observers. So yeah, watching a victim absolutely humiliate and defeat a cocky bully is worth cheering. Is everything ok after this? Of course not. But that bigger kid unleashed without killing himself or bringing a gun to school and likewise that bully knows that sometimes you reap what you sow. In ten years, assuming life goes on normally from here on, the bully will be an average pathetic douchebag and the victim will be an average friendly dude. Probably, that just seems to be the case for a lot of people I knew growing up.

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