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Dune behind the scenes


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Guest disparaissant

I wonder what would have happened if Ridley Scott had directed Dune?


He did get first refusal but the death of his bro and the mortality themes in Bladrunner appealed to him more.


At the end of the day I don't think Lynch, although a good director, was right for the task which in itself was a huge undertaking to do right in a single film.


44 million and the spent most of it in the first third of the film which was a damn shame as this could really have been epic.



The nasty bit with the Baron really disturbed me as a kid, put me off raspberry ice lollies forever.


I would have loved to see Jodorowsky's version.

It would have been a mess, but goddamn it would have been a psychedelic mess.

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I would still liked to see Jodo's version but in a way The Incal made up for it. Lynch movie is not as bad as people paint it, the sets alone and the design are like nothing else.


I still think the special effects are very good, old effects age better than the 90-00's CGI in my opinion.

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To this day Lynch refuses to discuss anything related to Dune.


From what I've read it's the combination of the studio taking control of the editing, and to Lynch himself biting off more than he could chew. I love Lynch, but at the time I think the project was too big for him to handle. In my opinion the movie itself isn't awful, but compared to the book it's... not particularly good either.

I don't much care for the books. I mean, I like the ideas behind them and the events that happen in them and all that, but Herbert's writing style is just blurgh. Super dense and just dry as fuck. Much prefer the movie, flawed as it is.



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Guest Scrambled Ears

I don't much care for the books. I mean, I like the ideas behind them and the events that happen in them and all that, but Herbert's writing style is just blurgh. Super dense and just dry as fuck. Much prefer the movie, flawed as it is.


not mad...just disappointed

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thanks for the tip, I might watch the third stage edit tonight.

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Slightly off topic has anybody here seen the 3 hour extended version? It's on my hit list..

There's a reason it's called "The Alan Smithee Cut." I mean the Lynch cut leaves a lot of important info out, but the extended cut mostly just has SHITLOADS of voiceover stuff that explains in EXCRUCIATING detail the most obvious stuff from the plot. It's just... not good. It's like the version of Blade Runner that has the Deckard voiceover. It's just not necessary.

i agree with this analysis...the extended cut is something i play when i just need dune in the background for as long as possible if i'm working on something else. it's not lynch's dune, it feels like dune with some powerpoint mixed in.


I just found a copy and started watching it.. see what you mean. Some of the extra scenes are kinda nice and do flow better but the powerpoint presentation does indeed suck. Even worse, they changed the narrator from the lady to some random dude with about as much emotion as a really bad video game voice actor.

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Guest Fishtank

I really liked Dune, I don't understand why it gets so much flack

I didn't think it was that hard to follow

as a sci-fi movie it's more interesting to watch than a lot of the garbage hollywood spews out

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