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I'm actually forced to sit on my ass 13-16 hours a day at work, which gives me just enough time to drive home, eat food, wash dishes and sleep. Life is awesome.

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What's a weekend?

Apparently this is the gig I've restricted myself to by going to law school, even though it doesn't pay off the student loans HAHAHAHAHAHAKILLME


Maybe I should start fapping at work to burn calories?

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Guest hahathhat

if you're cold, you burn a shitload of calories regenerating the lost body heat. simply reprogram the office thermostat.

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6 feet

12 stone (76 kilos)

i dunno, i'm skinny with a small bit of a beer gut


wao, i'm way over weight. judging by the metric stats going on in here (can't be bothered converting the stone age weirdo stuff)

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pretty sure im fat.


You always said you were fat, but 215 lbs ain't nothin. I'm 6'4" and 254 lbs. I must have a fucked metabolism after years of computer work, because I can eat nothing and gain weight. Have high blood pressure too. Now doing elliptical once or twice a day...


What's elliptical

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All these online "BF" calculators are asking me for weird body measurements so I'll just do BMI.




BMI 18


Underweight. Whatever that means. :shrug:

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All these online "BF" calculators are asking me for weird body measurements so I'll just do BMI.




BMI 18


Underweight. Whatever that means. :shrug:



lol. the BMI is faaaarrr from accurate. my doctor told me if I had tried to get down to the ideal weight according to BMI I would be in the later stages of anorexia

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6'8'' (2.032 m)


308lbs (140 Kgs, 22 stone)


I'm a large fellow. I wouldn't consider myself to be obese but my BF is too high.

tall people represent!

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