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The Governator


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i still seriously want to watch Stan lee spontaneously combust


Yet Lee and Kirby were undisputedly the chief architects who built Marvel Comics, a company that would generate hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue. Lee's trademark breezy banter set the tone for Marvel Comics while Kirby's unstoppable visual imagination populated his comics with literally hundreds of distinct characters and settings, which became increasingly cosmic and psychedelic as the 1960s progressed. Kirby's imagination was like a tropical jungle: a hothouse of vitality and unexpected life-forms. Entire worlds seemed to flow out of his pen.


Alas, the Lee-Kirby team-work couldn't last. As Marvel Comics became more popular, the firm increasingly used Lee as a figure-head and spokesman. With his family ties and managerial position, Lee became the public voice of Marvel Comics. In innumerable interviews with journalists, Lee often made it sound as if Marvel comics sprang spontaneous from his imagination, with artists like Kirby and Ditko serving merely as hired hands who carried out his vision. Equally galling was the fact that Lee would receive a sizable salary, comparable to that of a top CEO, while most of artists who worked with him drew a meager free-lancers salary, often without health benefits or a pension.


Lee's credit-hogging and relentless self-promotion proved too much for Kirby, who left Marvel Comics for greener pastures in 1970, the very year that the Beatles broke up. In interviews, including the ones collected in The Comics Journal Library volume, Kirby disputed Lee's version of the creation of Marvel comics. With wounded pride, Kirby downplayed Lee's importance in creating Marvel comics, insisting that "Stan Lee and I never collaborated on anything!" (On other occasions, Kirby could be more generous in acknowledging Lee's importance and regretted the harsh words he uttered in this interview).


The two men became such bitter foes that when Kirby died in 1994, Lee wasn't sure whether he would be welcome at the funeral. Only a personal request by Kirby's widow convinced Lee to attend, although he stayed in the back and quickly slunk out.


he deserves no attention in my mind, i wish more people would ignore his 'art'. in my mind he deserves little to no credit for any of the marvel universe

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wow, conceptually, this could have been amazing, but that trailer is terrible at all levels.

Yeah. It sounds like it could be some ridiculous over the top 90s throwback thing, but the actual trailer was pretty boring. And the animation seemed dated in a bad way.

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you guys remember Stan Lee's last cartoon Stripperella right?





this is almost the worst shit i've ever seen. This not only illustrates the botton of the barrel nature of Stan Lee, but also of 'the governator'

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