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WATMM Fitness Thread


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fell off because i started smoking again, but ive quit yet again, and im going through a week long grace period until my energy (and lungs) are up to starting it again.



but basically, if you want to lose weight and put on a little bit o' muscle, bike an hour a day, 5-6 days a week, and cut your diet by like 200-300 calories, nothing major.


after a month i was already starting to look cut, plus I had calves that could fuck up a soccer ball's day.


arm exercises im absolutely awful at though, cant help you there.



situps may be good for you?


i got to the point in high school where i was american-psycho style crunching up to 300 in one sitting...only recently has that 4-pack worn down...and im too lazy to work on the lower abs.

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THE WATMM Fitness Thread


The thread that i keep promising myself that i'll read. Maybe i'll start tomorrow.


i see what you did there

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Guest hahathhat



dieting from an engineer's perspective. the first diet system that i was actually able to stick to, if only for most of a year. it caused me to get pretty critical about how i eat; understand my habits and where i was going wrong.


i'm still not ready to run a marathon, but i feel like i have a handle on the situation.

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i've sacrificed my gym workout for work. but at work i get a lot of cardio and weight lifting and i've managed to lose a decent amount of weight by coupling that with a healthy diet. i tend to walk about 5km per day. plus work which is typically being on my feet for 8 to 10 hours at a time.


but i balance that with cigarettes and booze.

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Guest Coalbucket PI

At the moment I am trying to stick to running three times a week, 3km each time, and then swimming for about 15 minutes and a few upper body weights. I really find weights boring and I don't do a good enough range of exercises. I'd like to up it but I struggle to find more than 3 hours a week. I've been doing roughly this amount of exercise for a few years and I don't really lose weight because I already have a low BMI but I think it keeps my beer belly at bay. I am planning to move to a closer gym and start running outdoors a bit if the weather lets me. I like running but one of my knees is always making me worried so I haven't really tried running longer distances, and sometimes I just have to drop it altogether if I'm worried I'm damaging it.


Last summer I started doing high intensity interval training and I think it works well compared to steady jogging and takes less time. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/High-intensity_interval_training You basically do your cardio exercises at full output for short periods and then have 'rest' periods where you go down to moderate intensity. There are various ways of doing it, some people do really short intervals like 20 seconds on, 10 seconds off, or 4 minutes and 2 minutes, I'm not sure which is best. There are iphone apps and such that can beep the intervals for you, or I quite liked doing it on a running track doing 200m sprint, 100m jog and so on. You will go very pink and sweaty.

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Pink and sweaty normally means good things in the context of exercise!


I've joined a gym for about a month and a bit for the first time, strangely enjoying it. Some days more than others perhaps, but it's true that working out does give you more energy when you finish. I try to go three times a week after work for an hour/hour and a half, my diet is still fairly terrible, but I'm sure I've trimmed up a little bit which is nice!

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THE WATMM Fitness Thread


The thread that i keep promising myself that i'll read. Maybe i'll start tomorrow.


i see what you did there


It's just me watching you, watching me, buddy.


[just talkin' jibberish, soz, sounds cool though.]

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At the moment I am trying to stick to running three times a week, 3km each time, and then swimming for about 15 minutes and a few upper body weights. I really find weights boring and I don't do a good enough range of exercises. I'd like to up it but I struggle to find more than 3 hours a week. I've been doing roughly this amount of exercise for a few years and I don't really lose weight because I already have a low BMI but I think it keeps my beer belly at bay. I am planning to move to a closer gym and start running outdoors a bit if the weather lets me. I like running but one of my knees is always making me worried so I haven't really tried running longer distances, and sometimes I just have to drop it altogether if I'm worried I'm damaging it.


Last summer I started doing high intensity interval training and I think it works well compared to steady jogging and takes less time. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/High-intensity_interval_training You basically do your cardio exercises at full output for short periods and then have 'rest' periods where you go down to moderate intensity. There are various ways of doing it, some people do really short intervals like 20 seconds on, 10 seconds off, or 4 minutes and 2 minutes, I'm not sure which is best. There are iphone apps and such that can beep the intervals for you, or I quite liked doing it on a running track doing 200m sprint, 100m jog and so on. You will go very pink and sweaty.


For fat burn, a decent 45 minute jog (or elliptical or whatever) is way better than interval training though. Make sure you are working hard enough to sweat!

Interval training is great for cardio.


Coalbucket PI - if you can't run for 3km without your knee hurting, you should listen to your body. Do a fast paced walk instead. You don't want to have fucked up knees and be using a walker by the time you're 40. Swimming is great for fat burning, but difficult for cardio.

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I've lost 10kg's over the last 1-2 months!


Just like that? What was your method?



Here's my story - I managed to loose 10 kg over a period of three weeks in December. ~10 liters of water and less than 500 kcal a day. Obviously, this is not too healthy and pretty hardcore.


My problem is, I'm kind of a trash-gourmet. As some of you may know, I can cook, and I never eat fast food spontaneously or because it's handy/time saving. No, I plan this a day ahead, then I eat ridiculous amounts of burgers and fries which I "adjust" to my liking with spices and extra ingredients (have also mentioned that before), so in the end it takes longer than just cooking a whole meal altogether. I've done those trash-nights from 2007-2009 without a problem. But last year I kinda went over board and did it way too often.


I also managed to re-gain the 10kg's I lost again since December by going back to my old "diet". Fail, but I had it coming.


Now I'm doing it a little differently. I'm pretty much doing what Smettingham Rutherford IV said: I don't cut my daily calories as drastically as before, I eat normally (no fast food though) but I still drink great amounts of water as I don't struggle with that. A little bit of riding the bike, too. Let's see where this is going. So far, I'm not experiencing this as a diet, rather a change in routine. I'm hoping to loose more than 10 kg's this time round, and keep it that way. I'll probably still have my trash nights at some point but not as often and not eating as much.

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Guest Coalbucket PI


For fat burn, a decent 45 minute jog (or elliptical or whatever) is way better than interval training though. Make sure you are working hard enough to sweat!

Interval training is great for cardio.


Coalbucket PI - if you can't run for 3km without your knee hurting, you should listen to your body. Do a fast paced walk instead. You don't want to have fucked up knees and be using a walker by the time you're 40. Swimming is great for fat burning, but difficult for cardio.

I’m not sure that a long jog is better to be honest, I read a bunch of stuff about it before but I know how it is with fitness advice, you’re never really sure what the definitive answer is. The way HIIT makes your heart go and your muscles ache feels better, and I know a load of people I see at the gym jogging all the time who stay fat as hell, my dad is one of them.


As for my knee, I need to check with the doctor again. The most trouble I get from it is from sitting with it bent for too long or walking after sitting for a long time, and still it isn’t pain so much as unusual sensations that make me worried about problems in the future. Running has never really felt like its causing problems and the physio advised me to run carefully to strengthen it. I’m not convinced by their diagnosis now after nothing has improved.

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A long jog where you are working hard is in my experience much better - you burn way more calories because you are working your body for extended periods of time. The people jogging at the gym who never lose weight are most likely a) not working hard enough, and b) eating like shit. Try and run on grass if you can, much better than running on cement, and slightly better than a treadmill and infinitely more interesting...

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At the moment I am trying to stick to running three times a week, 3km each time, and then swimming for about 15 minutes and a few upper body weights. I really find weights boring and I don't do a good enough range of exercises. I'd like to up it but I struggle to find more than 3 hours a week. I've been doing roughly this amount of exercise for a few years and I don't really lose weight because I already have a low BMI but I think it keeps my beer belly at bay. I am planning to move to a closer gym and start running outdoors a bit if the weather lets me. I like running but one of my knees is always making me worried so I haven't really tried running longer distances, and sometimes I just have to drop it altogether if I'm worried I'm damaging it.


Last summer I started doing high intensity interval training and I think it works well compared to steady jogging and takes less time. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/High-intensity_interval_training You basically do your cardio exercises at full output for short periods and then have 'rest' periods where you go down to moderate intensity. There are various ways of doing it, some people do really short intervals like 20 seconds on, 10 seconds off, or 4 minutes and 2 minutes, I'm not sure which is best. There are iphone apps and such that can beep the intervals for you, or I quite liked doing it on a running track doing 200m sprint, 100m jog and so on. You will go very pink and sweaty.


For fat burn, a decent 45 minute jog (or elliptical or whatever) is way better than interval training though. Make sure you are working hard enough to sweat!

Interval training is great for cardio.


Coalbucket PI - if you can't run for 3km without your knee hurting, you should listen to your body. Do a fast paced walk instead. You don't want to have fucked up knees and be using a walker by the time you're 40. Swimming is great for fat burning, but difficult for cardio.


What Chen said. HIIT is great for a short amount of time, but for a real fat burn you need to have an elevated heart rate for a prolonged length of time. Don't believe all that shit you hear about HIIT. To burn fat, you need to do endurance running. HIIT is good to increase your vo2 max, but for fat burn --> endurance run.


Also for knees, you can always get a knee brace for $15-20. They help heap loads.


Today I ran 5.02KM. Was not feeling it at all, I didn't eat enough beforehand and I lacked major energy. Bah. Better luck tomorrow.

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I gym 4-5 days a week. 35 - 45 min run then about half hour on weights. Don't ever eat until bout 10AM when I have an apple/orange/banana or two. Eat salads at lunch with tuna/prawns/chicken or just a dressing. More fruit in the afternoon. When I have dinner it's not so good. Could be anything from frozen pizza to fish or pasta to rice.


I snapped an ankle ligament a few weeks back so haven't been doing too much exercise of late. I never really weigh myself. I go on how I look/feel. The thing is I always feel I need to lose a lot more weight. I find smoking helps :huh:

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Spratters, you should do your weights prior to your long cardio runs.


Generally, one should do a quick 5-10 minute warm up (skip rope is great) then do your weight, then you can do your longer cardio.


Personal trainer speaking :P

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Guest Ranky Redlof

had a good training today, hot instructrice with massive tits showing me breast stuff nom nom. then went for a madco menu and some beers. :whistling:

50km bikeride tomorrow :shuriken:

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Spratters, you should do your weights prior to your long cardio runs.


Generally, one should do a quick 5-10 minute warm up (skip rope is great) then do your weight, then you can do your longer cardio.


Personal trainer speaking :P


I did try that the other year. I just got tired and bored with running. Maybe I'll have a go at that tomorrow morning.


I do do 5 minutes on the cross trainer before I jump on the running thingy.

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I've lost 10kg's over the last 1-2 months!


Just like that? What was your method?



Here's my story - I managed to loose 10 kg over a period of three weeks in December. ~10 liters of water and less than 500 kcal a day. Obviously, this is not too healthy and pretty hardcore.


My problem is, I'm kind of a trash-gourmet. As some of you may know, I can cook, and I never eat fast food spontaneously or because it's handy/time saving. No, I plan this a day ahead, then I eat ridiculous amounts of burgers and fries which I "adjust" to my liking with spices and extra ingredients (have also mentioned that before), so in the end it takes longer than just cooking a whole meal altogether. I've done those trash-nights from 2007-2009 without a problem. But last year I kinda went over board and did it way too often.


I also managed to re-gain the 10kg's I lost again since December by going back to my old "diet". Fail, but I had it coming.


Now I'm doing it a little differently. I'm pretty much doing what Smettingham Rutherford IV said: I don't cut my daily calories as drastically as before, I eat normally (no fast food though) but I still drink great amounts of water as I don't struggle with that. A little bit of riding the bike, too. Let's see where this is going. So far, I'm not experiencing this as a diet, rather a change in routine. I'm hoping to loose more than 10 kg's this time round, and keep it that way. I'll probably still have my trash nights at some point but not as often and not eating as much.


By watching what I eat. As little carbs as possible - no rice, potatoes, fries, pasta, bread etc.. No sugary stuff, just meat, fish, veggies and fruit. I'm a good cook so I still eat delicious food, no problem. Gonna start working out as well when summer comes.

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morning cardio pre breakfast supposedly burns more body fat cause you are at your lowest insulin levels when you wake up. No glucose in the blood to burn for fuel. So your body uses fat for energy

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