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The Prison Systems For Your Mind!


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The answer is quite obvious. Banish prisoners to beaches on deserted islands.


































also, are you in prison right now?


yea, duh. i post on watmm from toothbrush made laptop




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Our legal systems across the world do not act as preventative measures against crime. Police effectively "wait" until a crime happens, then inflict the punishment which is highly illogical and incredibly backwards. Education is where we'd have to begin as a potential solution to crime - raising children with emotional intelligence and an ability to relate to one another and recognise the importance of life. Couple this with a more equal, sustainable economic system, and I think we would be heading in the right direction. Almost all crime (I estimate 95%) is monetary-related to some degree (whether directly or indirectly linked to money). Therefore, we must question the basis of the monetary economic system. Does it provide everyone with all their basic human needs? Or does servitude/inequality come in the way of this?


I could go on for a while about the failure of punishment and why it does not necessarily work... I might revisit the thread to include some research I've been reading up on recently. Though not academic research, I just finished Clarence Darrow's 'Crime: It's causes and treatment'. Although a very old piece of work, still very relevant.

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- prison systems around the word are a multi billion dollar industry, how is such an obviously corrupt system justified?


* it is not justified but it's never thrills to clean up others messes, no one wants to get involved and why would we anyway when we've given ourselves all these shiny pretty things to look at.


- why don't we just call things what they are like we did hundreds of years ago, what are we trying to hide?


* candy coats keep us warm in the night


- have you been to prison? are you in prison right now?


* yes and yes


- does imprisonment actually help people or just contain them and get them out of the way?


* we are molded by that which we come into contact with most regularly in our lives, it becomes part of who we are


- is solitary confinement worse then death?


* yes


- why do they feed prisoners such crap food, do they think it's going to help them?


* long lines of hands in pockets touching the genitals


- how many jobs and how much money is involved in the business of incarceration around the world? is the money factor motivation for the continued perpetuation of crime and for keeping prisons full?


* yes


- does keeping a human being in prison effect them in the same way as keeping an animal in a cage?


* yes


- do you believe in death penalty?


* no, death will come naturally to those who wait


- what's your favorite prison film ?


* the birdman of alcatraz


- is the human body a prison? the earth, the universe, are they prisons? are we contained in a larger sense? why do we have to put forth effort to go from here to there?


* yes, they all have the potential to be but it depends on ones perspective or ones circumstance. the body of those who are sick can be a prison, the earth if poisoned and made to be turbulent

enough could be and in some cases already is our prison and the universe could very easily be a prison if one was to enter it without taking the proper precautions. in short, anything

that confines us or creates a barrier between us and what we need to survive is a prison.


- does gravity actually contain us against our will?


* yes


- have we all become so overwhelmed with the sheer complexity of this whole experience (life) that we run from it and self-medicate every chance we get?


* in some cases, yes


- coming from our own perspective we tend to think that everything is the way we think it is but could it in fact be completely different?


* yes and it probably is


- what if something totally insane and unexpected happened right now, what would it take for you to believe that there is something strange going on?


* nothing


- have we become so desensitized by horrible things going on in the world that we treat the most horrific of events like it was nothing at all unless we are effected directly?


* yes


- are we being conditioned by the world around us to see horrific behaviors as normal and even necessary? the birds do it, the bees do it, the lions do it, right?


* yes, even the world around us is conditioning us to make excuses in its favor, has been for eons


- do we get so distracted by this world that we can't see anything else, can't hear, can't think, can't feel anything else? until it is subdued will we ever be aware of what else might be going on?


* no, not completely aware. it's simple cause and effect, simple science


- if the stereo is turned up full, can you still hear what i'm saying in the next room?


* no


- are we humble or are we convinced of our own ability to control and solve things?


* depends on the person, most people it would seem, flip back and forth between the two


- is the current state of the world trying to put us at odds with each other? could we actually be made to attack one another?


* yes and yes, it's happening right now


- what would you do if someone threatened your family or your friends or threatened you? would your first reaction be to make peace?


* i'm working towards making peace but i'm not quite there yet


- what perpetuates war?


* fear and that which we don't know


- are the far reaches of space really what we are looking for when we blast off in our rocket ships or is it something else that we are searching for?


* something else


- do you like mayonnaise or mustered on sandwiches?


* both


- if truth presented more difficulty to you in this life then a lie would you still choose the truth?


* i alway try to adhere to the truth no matter what but there are those instances when i fail and i aim to change that to the best of my abilities


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Our legal systems across the world do not act as preventative measures against crime. Police effectively "wait" until a crime happens, then inflict the punishment which is highly illogical and incredibly backwards. Education is where we'd have to begin as a potential solution to crime - raising children with emotional intelligence and an ability to relate to one another and recognise the importance of life. Couple this with a more equal, sustainable economic system, and I think we would be heading in the right direction. Almost all crime (I estimate 95%) is monetary-related to some degree (whether directly or indirectly linked to money). Therefore, we must question the basis of the monetary economic system. Does it provide everyone with all their basic human needs? Or does servitude/inequality come in the way of this?


I could go on for a while about the failure of punishment and why it does not necessarily work... I might revisit the thread to include some research I've been reading up on recently. Though not academic research, I just finished Clarence Darrow's 'Crime: It's causes and treatment'. Although a very old piece of work, still very relevant.



unglaublich. You can turn any topic into the problems with the current economic system. Maybe if we were on a resource based economy, we'd have new Boards of Canada sooner?

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the prison system makes no sense even in our current system. problem is, we don't know better alternatives, or how to handle a transition into one.


to me is an example of how a not so ideal temporary solution to a problem grows out of inertia and becomes a problem itself.

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Yeah the prison system is messed up, overcrowded, people sentenced for marijuana violations etc. Private prisons are freaky things.

I don't think a resource based economy is gonna change anything though lol.

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Yeah the prison system is messed up, overcrowded, people sentenced for marijuana violations etc. Private prisons are freaky things.

I don't think a resource based economy is gonna change anything though lol.


with the power of SCIENCE maaan. :nyan:

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- is solitary confinement worse then death?


* yes


i have an issue with basically everything you said, but this one stuck out. what is your take on the ascetics of any faith you care to mention? people who chose to live in a cave/on a pillar/any other isolated place you care to mention of their own free will?

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Yeah the prison system is messed up, overcrowded, people sentenced for marijuana violations etc. Private prisons are freaky things.

I don't think a resource based economy is gonna change anything though lol.


with the power of SCIENCE maaan. :nyan:



I think you mean "with the power of SCIENCE nyaaan"!!!:nyan: :nyan: :nyan: :nyan:

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It's true that any crime other than lulzy tagging/defacement/illegal downloading is tied to money but I don't think rejigging the way a society does business with itself or how it defines currency would ever change much.


Rape, murder, reckless driving, drug use, assault, battery, indecent exposure, posting on xlt - all crimes, but nowt to do with money. Although to be fair, it is generally pretty difficult to pin crimes down to one explicit motive, usually there are several factors at play.


By the way Bread, crime rates have gone down in the US in the 2000-2009 period, and that's even with the insane war on drugs they're prosecuting there.

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Guest Scrambled Ears

really the more revealing questions always comes when asking people when/how they would persecute people. ie panopticon, stanford prison experiment, etc. i think it becomes clear pretty quickly how devious the illusion of justice truly is. blake has lots to say about this...so does jesus

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