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Canadian Federal Elections

Guest Spittal

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Guest Spittal

I think I might be voting green, they are the only ones that actually stand for something. Also, the only ones who I feel like aren't just "putting on a show".



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Just voted NDP. My MP is already NDP with 75% support so no doubt he'll be re-elected. Proud to be from Atlantic Canada where we thoroughly enjoy fucking over Harper's wishes for a majority.

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I don't think much will change; Harper will still get his minority. More NDP presence wouldn't hurt anyone though and I think they would be badass as the official opposition.

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Honestly, NDP as official opposition to Tories or vice versa would be not necessarily so bad. You'd get the good low taxes of the Conservatives plus the focus on social issues of the NDP, right?



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liberals are dead. game over.


conservatives have the majority, locked down till 2015...


ndp split the vote.

finally, the greens get a seat.


thanks to me :spiteful:

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Right on b'ys. Good job Steve, good job Jack. Feelin for Iggy as he doesn't seem to be getting a seat, but he's a good sport and his speech was right sweet.


Trust the moustache.





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What the fucking fuck. Fuck you you fucking conservative voting motherfuckers.

How the fuck does Jason Kenney get re-elected? That fucking racist cocksucker has so much oil company jizz pumped in his ass it comes out of his mouth!


"Oh yeah, Harper's not so bad, he just prorogued parliament twice, he raised taxes when he said he wouldn't and his party wants to enact a bill that is the RIAA/MPAA's wet dream, but yeah I'll vote for him."

Fuck you Toronto!

At least the bloc is gone.

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Guest disparaissant

shit now where will i threaten to move to when elections don't go my way down here in the USA?

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I worked at the elections as Deputy Returning Officer. Longest 15 hours of my life.


Glad the conservatives got a majority though. NDP ruled our riding, which I was happy to see because the Bloc owned it beforehand.

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shit now where will i threaten to move to when elections don't go my way down here in the USA?


I'm thinking of using the $1500 in my savings account to set myself up as King of Mexico.

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I'm glad to see Jack is ruling my holy land. Bloc Québécois had no purpose anymore at this point...

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it's a fundamental failure of the system. 60 percent vote left or center, and now the right has full control.

I agree, i think a majority party should actually have to have a majority - that is over 50% of the vote.



I worked at the elections as Deputy Returning Officer. Longest 15 hours of my life.


Glad the conservatives got a majority though. NDP ruled our riding, which I was happy to see because the Bloc owned it beforehand.


YOu're glad the conservatives got a majority? I hope you're being sarcastic.


Read these three articles that should be of great interest to you personally as a consumer of music.


Massive US effort to establish Canadian DMCA


Wikileaks cable shows Canadian public pressure delayed DMCA bill in 2008*


US government and CRIA combine to lobby Canadian copyright


*The important part in this bit - the Conservatives (and to some degree Liberals as well) only delayed this because they felt it would negatively impact their re-election campaigns.


Now note the NDP response to the proposed bill.

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Guest Spittal

yeah, I dunno.


I voted Green, but I'm pretty happy with the election results. I'm glad we have a majority at least something might happen in government now. As for the Bloq, they had it coming. Ignatieff is a loser and got whats coming so.


And the NDP... well, I like the party more than I like the conservatives. it's just, I don't trust Layton for a second.

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No more elections for 4 years. 4 years of a strong economy, a strong military and the end to excessive social spending!


Lol now I know you're trolling.

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