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breakin' down, askin' for help

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i seriously need to be pointed in the right direction here. i don't know a great deal about advanced webdesign, but i can get around if i'm shown it at least once. basically, i want to make a simple, slick site for my photography. i can set up a bunch of thumbnails in a row in html, but i'd really like to get a little less clunky with the whole thing.


essentially, this is what i already have set up: http://oursonmusic.com/photography.html


and this is a real quickly jumbled image of what i'm trying to get:




the key difference is that the image opens up in a new instance and not a browser. notice that the polaroid photo opens up in a polaroid themed window, where you can add the image to cart and maybe even cycle through images there. i know this is possible in flash, but, i just don't know how. i just need a little direction, please.


sorry for boring topic, i've been wracking my head over this for a while now.

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this can easily be done in javascript; in fact there's tons of free photo gallery options online. check out lightbox if you haven't, or just search 'javascript photo gallery'. adding some sort of link that sends the image to a shopping cart might get tricky but i'm sure it's possible.


another option is to install indexhibit. it's an amazing platform for uploading images into clean, neat galleries. minimal coding required and extremely easy to maintain. browse the participants list (http://indexhibit.org/participants/) to get an idea of the general layout. from there it has lightbox built in as a gallery viewing option, (i.e. http://www.atambaycaglar.com/index.php?/print/). i don't have any idea how the images are sent to the shopping cart, but again, i'm sure it's possible. i use it for my website, and i always suggest it for any other photographers.

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Guest Gary C

Yeah, Javascript does those maximising images within browser windows thing. I'm sure there are tutorials online.

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As mentioned, Javascript galleries are plentiful - look for a good JQuery-based one (JQuery is a Javascript framework that makes it easier to do very complicated things in Javascript). One product that I've used and recommended to clients is SlideShowPro, which even has an administrative backend, but this might be overkill for you right now, but is very easy to set up.

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I made a pop-up-type-slideshow thing a while ago from JavaScript that might be of some use. It's a framework that you can fuck about with to get to your wanted spec. Not a massive amount of code to be honest. I think it's on my old computer. I'll see if I can find it. Not saying it's exactly what you're after straight away but i'm sure it wouldn't take too long to sort it.

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i knew this was possible in javascript, but i just didn't know where to start. i REALLY didn't want to use flash. i will check all this stuff out when i get home on sunday.


i've been trying to get this project finished for ages now, there's actually been a decent demand for some of my work, and i really want to get it out there.


hey, thanks Keltoi, that's one of my favorites.



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Here's a list of some jquery lightboxes: http://www.designyourway.net/blog/resources/30-efficient-jquery-lightbox-plugins/

But there are tons more.


This wont take care of the "add to cart" and checkout though. You'll need some server-side logic for that.


This seems like a reasonable cheap flow for your needs: add to cart -> list of ordered pics + checkout button -> fill in contact information form -> mail information and cart content to you -> provide a paypall option (which is easy to integrate) or contact the buyer for payment

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I used Gallery 2 with Drupal but recently decided to redo the site in Drupal 7 which doesn't support a full blown gallery module yet :(

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Guest uptown devil

there's actually been a decent demand for some of my work, and i really want to get it out there.


are you planning on selling prints? i would definitely buy the after rain artwork.



and probably a few others as well. really nice work man

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uptown, yes that's the idea. it's something that i should have taken care of a long time ago.


thanks for the continued help, i will be sure to check everything out in detail when i get home later in the week.


also, thanks again for the nice comments. all photos are candid, non-edited shots.

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