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Namlook and FAX label


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I have a feeling I might have done this thread sometime before but did a quick search but couldn't find anything. Anyhoo, the Hawtin documentary thread had some youtubes of a Namlook docu and that got me interested in in listening to the blokes music and he has a shit ton of it and I doubt all of it is good. So what is worth checking out. I have Namlook/Move D - Space & Time album which is good, his album Jeux Dangereux under his Air pseudonym and then his collab with Higher Intelligence Agency S.H.A.D.O. which is great with that 90s IDMz sound. What else is worth checking out. I know he did the From Within collab with Hawtin, but I think I have heard something, but don't remember being super impressed by it.

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Guest Hanratty

from past research there seems to be some consensus on the better Fax albums. But from my own experience I think it is better to suspend judgement and let the ambience wash over you. Usually I fall asleep. I don't think that means it relaxed me or anything. Usually I am just tired from life and not enough happens in the music to keep me actively listening. Maybe I like the concept of Fax more that the actual music. It still intrigues me despite the fact that I am often bored by it.

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shades of orion 2



some of the Jet Chamber (Namlook w/ Atom Heart) series was ok...


The Fires of Ork (w/ Biosphere)


Dreamfish (w/Mixmaster Morris)


some of the "Dark Side of the Moogs" were good, but there are so many i cant remember which ones...

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Guest Fatcaesar

I remember the good old days when I listened to DI.fm's Ambient channel, and they often played Namlook, but these days I often listen to:


Namlook IV


Psychonavigation - If I remember correctly, this series was good as well.


Escape - I only like the Futurescape part, though it's some of the best ambient out there!

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Guest Fatcaesar

Oh and btw.. he's a douche.


Watch the Slice 2 part series on him when he describes ambient and bashes Eno's music

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Speaking of Namlook/Inoue - the 2350 Broadway series is excellent - I haven't heard the fourth installment, but the first three are amazing. Pure sonic landscapes.

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Oh and btw.. he's a douche.


Watch the Slice 2 part series on him when he describes ambient and bashes Eno's music








DSoTM 8 (live)

Expoloring the Psychedellic Landscape


Russian Spring

Fires of Ork

2350 Broadway collection

Jet Chamber collection

Alien Community 1+2

Air 1+2

New Organic Life 3

Namlook X

Octopus 1&3

Wechselspannug 1&2

Gate Zero

Sea Biscuit


and everything by Tetsu Inoue or Atom Heart also check 2350.org for reviews ect

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Guest Fatcaesar

Oh and btw.. he's a douche.


Watch the Slice 2 part series on him when he describes ambient and bashes Eno's music





:facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm:

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