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creepy disturbing stuff...i need to remain obsessed


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Alright, so I have been reading up all the old threads on the semi-legendary Wyoming Project ARG/prank by the SA goons..and now some shitty movie called White Noise is on the TV and Im reading about Black-Eyed Kids on some UFO hunter website.


I am hooked on the creepy. I need movies, books, creepypasta stuff, creepy youtube "homemade videos"


I saw Insidious with the ladyfriend a few weeks ago...the second half completely ruined it...before that it had some pretty excellent scares (including a spooky daylight scene that made me jump out of my seat..and thats hard to do)




what say you all? do you have creepy stories to share? good movie recs? weird videos you saw on youtube?




Just for those that aren't familiar with the Wyoming Incident, here are the original videos....theyve been debunked long long ago, but if you watch them without knowing its pretty fuckin spooky






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i remember this from waay back in the day....didn't someone on watmm say they received this as an email or something? wonder what the story behind it is..

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....did you make this yourself?

Depends on whether you want the interesting story or the boring one :lol:




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ahh the max headroom incident...i love that one too...though i find it far more hilarious than disturbing...awesome that it really happened though

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The 'Haunted Zelda - Majora's Mask' story is pretty cool, mainly for how well it had been faked ! ( http://inuscreepystuff.blogspot.com/2010/09/majora.html )


tl;dr version-


Man gets a copy of Majora's Mask, it turns out to be weird and glitchy (and presumed possessed) resulting in these 3 videos:




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Guest Z_B_Z

check out the book 'hunt for the skinwalker' if you get the chance. much of it seems completely outlandish, but i cant help but feel that something incredibly weird was actually going.


From Booklist

Rarely do scientists have the opportunity to study and measure a recurring series of mysterious and inexplicable events in the field. So, in 1996 a team of open-minded researchers from the National Institute for Discovery Science, founded and funded by Las Vegas businessman Robert Bigelow, jumped at the chance to investigate weird phenomena still occurring on a cattle ranch in Uintah County, Utah. Its owner had been plagued for the past two years by odd disappearances, manifestations of a shape-shifting entity the Ute Indians called a "skinwalker," floating blue orbs of light, cattle mutilations, a giant wolf that seemed unaffected by bullets, and a sinister, hyena-like creature. Biochemist Kelleher tells the story of the team's experiences on the ranch as "an ambitious if unconventional example of what science is supposed to do--explore the unknown." Unfortunately, after a few intriguing observations, the phenomena ceased and the scientists were left to speculate about shamanic and interdimensional realities intersecting with our own. An interesting and sometimes frightening narrative of events, though ultimately short on final answers. George Eberhart

Copyright © American Library Association. All rights reserved



Product Description


The author of the controversial bestseller Brain Trust brings his scientific expertise to the chilling true story of unexplained phenomena on Utah's Skinwalker Ranch -- and challenges us with a new vision of reality.


For more than fifty years, the bizarre events at a remote Utah ranch have ranged from the perplexing to the wholly terrifying. Vanishing and mutilated cattle. Unidentified Flying Objects. The appearance of huge, otherworldly creatures. Invisible objects emitting magnetic fields with the power to spark a cattle stampede. Flying orbs of light with dazzling maneuverability and lethal consequences. For one family, life on the Skinwalker Ranch had become a life under siege by an unknown enemy or enemies. Nothing else could explain the horrors that surrounded them -- perhaps science could.


Leading a first-class team of research scientists on a disturbing odyssey into the unknown, Colm Kelleher spent hundreds of days and nights on the Skinwalker property and experienced firsthand many of its haunting mysteries. With investigative reporter George Knapp -- the only journalist allowed to witness and document the team's work -- Kelleher chronicles in superb detail the spectacular happenings the team observed personally, and the theories of modern physics behind the phenomena. Far from the coldly detached findings one might expect, their conclusions are utterly hair-raising in their implications. Opening a door to the unseen world around us, Hunt for the Skinwalker is a clarion call to expand our vision far beyond what we know.


also, 'the mothman prophecies' is an entertaining read. MUCH better than the shitty movie.

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I might be your man for "creepypasta", so to speak. I'm sure people are going to suggest great films and stuff, like they already have, but I can tell you stuff I've experienced and show you stuff no one else has cause I've made it myself. :spiteful:


I've been making films, preferably with horror elements, for almost 10 years. xxx has seen some, maybe he can comment on the degree of creepypasta they have to offer. :wink:


I produce various strange and creepy things.


what's your part on that?





I always liked this photo, even if it is faked or something else entirely.


lol, this. I remember my first internet obsession, ghoststudy.com ... I even have a pic on there. It's just a still from a video I recorded, which doesn't make sense cause you have to see the movement to experience the creepypasta. I'm telling you, when I first saw the footage I nearly crapped my pants. Me and the friend who shot it watched it simultaneously later the same day and we both started screaming like little girls once we saw "IT". :fear:


I'll see if I can find it.


And I'll (re-)post the EVP I accidentally recorded while shooting a scene for a film in March 2010. Still creeps me out.


Also I am convinced I once had a recording of an actual ghost on video, I do not know whether it still exists, I made it when I was a kid, with my first camcorder. I didn't think much of it as it wasn't creepy at all, it was rather silly, but there's no explanation for it. There was no way for me to make it digital back then, the tapes I owned were the tapes I had for filming. I can only hope that I haven't taped over that VHS-C cassette shortly after I recorded it.


also, 'the mothman prophecies' is an entertaining read. MUCH better than the shitty movie.


I strongly dislike Richard Geere but The Mothman Prophecies is actually a pretty good movie with a few flaws. The actual history of the Mothman-idea is incredibly vague and probably just bullshit.

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Guest Apeofnaples

Curated/Produced by, directed a few and wrote one, project inspired by Peter Lorre and Boris Karloff genre radio plays of old.

I wanted to like The Mothman movie, the director's great, had some cool moments. Must read the book

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Okay here's the EVP or whatever it is. It is not CRISTAL CLEAR so don't have high expectations, but it's pretty clear compared to the noisy stuff that everyone else puts on the net. And it was recorded in a controlled environment.




We were shooting a test-scene for a film we were going to make. We were four people in the room, my house, and we were filming with two identical cameras with on-board mics, both cameras were being hand-held. One by me, one by my friend who was standing in front of me. I was the only one wearing headphones. The actresses did their thing, I was concentrating on the camera when suddenly I heard someone whisper "That's good" - I looked up only to see that no one except me was reacting to it. I didn't want to interrupt the scene so I let them finish, then I asked "Why'd one if you say it was good, like, right in the middle of the shoot?" - That's when I realized it wasn't them I had heard.


I compared the left and right audio channel of both microphones to roughly locate the source. I could pinpoint it to a spot slightly to my left, which rules out the possibility of my friend with the other camera unconsciously uttering the words. One actress was talking, and had it been the other actress, it would have been much stronger on the right channel of my friend's cam, which it wasn't.


I wouldn't have paid any attention to this thing, had I not heard it while it happened. Usual EVPs are created under horrible circumstances and there is no way to re-create the situation it was recorded in, so I'm quite skeptical of them in general. I do however find this one "creepy" to say the least.



So now you're gonna hear a very loud actress saying SO WHAT? in German, followed by the faint but clearly audible whispered phrase "Das ist gut."




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What was the name of that room Theocide once told a bullshit story about? Jesus Friend Room?


jesus friendship room. lol, that was a good old yarn.

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