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The Advisory Circle - As The Crow Flies

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ok, onto my third listen (leaked, no guilt, vinyl on the way :P)


this is the most accomplished and cohesive ghost box release yet. it really is something.

ceridwen out-bibios bibio :emotawesomepm9: - and 'the learning owl re-appears' quotes something else from the gbx catalogue at the end... i can't quite put my finger on what yet, and it's driving me crazy.

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this is the most accomplished and cohesive ghost box release yet. it really is something.


I can only agree with this. GB have excelled even themselves I suspect.

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Guest arbee

been listening to it since I woke up... I cannot seem to be able to start the stuff I need to do.


I have the feeling I will be listening to this album a whole lot for the next months. it's just so awesome.

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first impressions:


Quite a few familiar sounds here... (e.g. Learning Owl Reappears is a clear continuation of BelPol's Owls and Flowers). I wasn't expecting this level of reincorporation of themes from previous and related works. If you consider this album as part of the larger GBX whole, though, this subtle blending of themes between releases creates an odd sort of distorted, spiraling continuity, and further enhances that odd sense of false recollection and artificial ache for a past that never existed.


Overall it's closer to the cobwebby, somewhat mencacing atmosphere of Other Channels than the purity and ebulliance of much of MHYG, though much of it is upbeat and melodic (vs. effects-laden soundscapes and sample manipulation à la second half of Other Channels). The balance between studio polish and organic flaws is really nicely achieved. Definitely my favorite release so far this year.

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Quite a few familiar sounds here... (e.g. Learning Owl Reappears is a clear continuation of BelPol's Owls and Flowers).


ahhhh, that's it. it was driving me crazy

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Quite a few familiar sounds here... (e.g. Learning Owl Reappears is a clear continuation of BelPol's Owls and Flowers).


ahhhh, that's it. it was driving me crazy


Lot of credit due there, I never even noticed... The return of Starry Wisdom was a welcome surprise as well though.

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Quite a few familiar sounds here... (e.g. Learning Owl Reappears is a clear continuation of BelPol's Owls and Flowers).


ahhhh, that's it. it was driving me crazy


Lot of credit due there, I never even noticed... The return of Starry Wisdom was a welcome surprise as well though.


title is a lovecraft reference, too, as is eric zann <3

i love the way the gbx mythos is all so interconnected.

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Quite a few familiar sounds here... (e.g. Learning Owl Reappears is a clear continuation of BelPol's Owls and Flowers).


ahhhh, that's it. it was driving me crazy


Lot of credit due there, I never even noticed... The return of Starry Wisdom was a welcome surprise as well though.


title is a lovecraft reference, too, as is eric zann <3

i love the way the gbx mythos is all so interconnected.


I probably wouldn't have made any connection with HPL until I saw that title on Sketches and Spells (and then Ouroborindra). I think GB links him up with Nigel Kneale and Algernon Blackwood when noone else would. Like a hidden universal 'H' word.

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honestly, i like some other of jon brooks projects a bit better then these advisory circle thingys, but this is still outstanding work.

given this is still only my second full listen through and thingys change.


'we cleanse this space', wow!


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i think that the advisory circle stuff is somewhat constrained by the fact that jon has to remain 'within the gbx universe', so to speak. but that's no bad thing, imo.

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