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hating people


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so if someone rapes my gf I should get in touch with my inner rapist? hmmmm


well that would require having an inner rapist...... think of them as pathetic


i definitely hate but im trying to reform. trivial hate is a pretty dumb reason to get worked up about something. injustice and ignorance are different but internalizing that and turning it into strong hatred is just destructive towards you and then you carry baggage. in your hypothetical situation it would help if the focus was on justice and empathy and support for the victim, not all-consuming hatred. but of course hatred in this situation is reasonable

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I don't really hate individual people, but idiotic mobs of people fill me with burning misanthropy. I can't say I've really hated anyone I've actually met in person. It's even hard for me to stay angry with people in part because I feel people are powerless to do anything other than that which is in their nature. So I usually end up feeling pity for people I might otherwise feel enmity towards.

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Guest disparaissant

too busy hatin' myself :emotawesomepm9:


wait :sad:


srsly though i'm with zephyr_nova i don't mind individuals, i don't think i hate any ONE PERSON or anything like that. but i do hate people as a whole. people as a whole suck.

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don't usually get involved with people i could hate. so it doesnt go beyond irritation. one guy came close to fucking up almost everything in my life. i wouldnt have chosen to be around him, my first impression was that he was no good, but he was employed at my work...he lied about someone so he could have their job. we pretended to get along. he repeatedly lied, i told the truth and people started to think i was lying. in the end he had lied so much that things didnt add up and what he was up to became

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obvious. and people who know him spoke up. fuck i can't be bothered. this posts would have to be fucking long to tell everything and how i feel about it. but basically the hate vanished when i didnt have anything to do with him, i see him walking by everyday and dont care. ugh

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There's a handful of people that I have a problem with, but I don't go about my day wasting energy hating. I have a really long fuse with people, but once my patience with someone is over, I stop associating with them, put up some boundaries, and try to forget about it.

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I go back and forth between hating people with a ferocious, murderous intensity to identifying with, sometimes loving them. I'm weird like that. I'm at the mercy of my roller-coaster ride of thoughts, emotions and ideas.


I can't pin it on something simple, like hating people for things I see in myself. I don't really know myself that well and I'm a different person every few months. Real talk.




everything here applies to myself more or less 100%. no identity. fragments scattered over empty space. on one hand it's mental illness, on the other hand it's somehow a way to reach higher ground.


it's weird, the fragments... different personalities moving over time. it's natural. there is a center, i've become slowly more aware of it. you have to love yourself though, which is difficult and can take a long time to figure out. i still don't trust myself very well, or anyone else for that matter. too many drugs, unfortunately, for a hypersensitive mind.

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for a while i began to rather seriously consider myself a 'misanthropist.' considering people in general completely untrustworthy, family too at a certain point, and that in the end we are totally, totally alone.


this is pretty true though, isn't it? we're lucky to find friends, and even those can't be considered part of us, worthy of trust. everyone must be kept at arms length. it's shitty. and horrifically depressing when you are properly comprehending it.



but fearing something like that, it's natural. we should fear it. it's scary. we can grow from those fears, right? i was away in the deep of the appalachian woods recently and i really felt this fear in a strong way. unfortunately i couldn't handle it and had to leave early. isolation is a daily affair for some of us. in fact, any feeling apart from isolation could be viewed in some way as a delusion. we use TV sets and shit to distract ourselves from the fact that the people around us don't really know who we are, and we don't know them.




I love music. of course all this is just one small way of looking at it. over time I came out of the 'misanthropy' viewpoint and started to remember the 'warmth' and love inside of me. that really is the place of meaning, i think [obviously] you know you're in a good place if you can utilize the warmth when looking at people and their dark and disgusting deeds instead of thinking violently.



the worst thing about people and misanthropy is the part where you know even you yourself would be subject to the pitfalls of homo sapiens.

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i tend to hate ex girlfriends. I never talk to them again. I burn bridges etc. At least the ones that dump me. Im careful about who I let into my life. You have to earn your way in. Im too sensitive (ie. i get depression and anxiety if bad people wear me down)Can't afford the medical bills anymore and I've suffered fools too many times in the past. If you are an asshole often enough you get the boot. That includes my own Grandmother

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