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squatted for the first time ever today. damn that felt good. but my legs feel like total jelly right now


But you've probably got buns of steel :emotawesomepm9:

that i do :emotawesomepm9:

Just finished my 3rd week of commuting. My legs are so strong now, and my stamina is improving greatly. Ive had to really be sure to stretch daily, as my legs get so tight from all the biking. I feel amazing though.


Kind of disappointed that I am using up my energy on biking though... Resulting in not enough energy for good muscle building exercises. I feel like my upper body muscles are losing size a little from doing so much biking. I really need to up my food intake to keep up with it, but it's hard!


man, no joke, start drinking homemade fruit smoothies every day. I shit you not. my energy levels are fucking through and beyond what I think used to be a roof.


woah. i recently started doing this too. what ingredients do you usually use? i usually use a banana, cup of blueberries, 1/2 cup milk, 1/2 cup juice or yogurt, and ice obviously

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frozen mixed berries, one banana, milk, and whey protein. thats it. fucking...delicious!


Your yogurt mix sounds like a great idea too.



I gotta give it up for bananas...they really tie the whole thing together.

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frozen mixed berries, one banana, milk, and whey protein. thats it. fucking...delicious!


Your yogurt mix sounds like a great idea too.



I gotta give it up for bananas...they really tie the whole thing together.

fuck yeah, bananas are the best stuff in the world. I'm think of buying some whey protein too but i'm really paranoid about supplements for whatever reason (especially creatine)

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if you buy natural whey protein, there are no artificial supplements. just straight up protein isolate from cheese whey. The only negative thing Ive ever heard about it is that it can give certain people gas.

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did this for the first time today:



i'm so fucking happy, omg.

jeez ive got ropeburn on the back of my arms from trying that with jeans on

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yeah, the back of my arms are a little bruised from trying it so much lately. my instructor said that as you strength your core, you put less weight on the arms and it becomes easier.

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apparently my mirrors are weird or with bad lighting or something, because i went to the beach with a friend and she said i was lookin pretty ripped. I do not see it.


oh yeah, did one of those stairmaster things (at least i think it was?)for the first time for cardio...and my legs feel like they are encased in cement.


I think most people don't see it themselves because they're so used to looking at yourself, but everyone else notices it.

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apparently my mirrors are weird or with bad lighting or something, because i went to the beach with a friend and she said i was lookin pretty ripped. I do not see it.


oh yeah, did one of those stairmaster things (at least i think it was?)for the first time for cardio...and my legs feel like they are encased in cement.


I think most people don't see it themselves because they're so used to looking at yourself, but everyone else notices it.

also, i don't know what SR4 is doing in front of the mirror (probably nothing more strenuous than wanking), but it's likely that his beach romp involved more doing moving things that make the muscles show up. more so than flexing or whatever maybe, if sr4 does that, i dunno.


i was naked, in front of the bathroom mirror earlier trying out a yoga move my housemate showed me, it involved sideways torso bending (something i haven't done in front of a mirror) and my ab muscles suddenly looked more.. ripped.. than usual.

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apparently my mirrors are weird or with bad lighting or something, because i went to the beach with a friend and she said i was lookin pretty ripped. I do not see it.


oh yeah, did one of those stairmaster things (at least i think it was?)for the first time for cardio...and my legs feel like they are encased in cement.


I think most people don't see it themselves because they're so used to looking at yourself, but everyone else notices it.

also, i don't know what SR4 is doing in front of the mirror (probably nothing more strenuous than wanking), but it's likely that his beach romp involved more doing moving things that make the muscles show up. more so than flexing or whatever maybe, if sr4 does that, i dunno.


i was naked, in front of the bathroom mirror earlier trying out a yoga move my housemate showed me, it involved sideways torso bending (something i haven't done in front of a mirror) and my ab muscles suddenly looked more.. ripped.. than usual.

.... can not unseeee.... can not unseeeeee!

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Guest fiznuthian

woke up and my ass hurts.....



from the plyo!


What a workout that was. Going to follow Smettyboss and Fizboss's lead and make a shake this morning =)


Mwhaha, more fruit :D

I've still been eating fruit like a maniac.. eating beef and chicken fried in coconut oil.. lots of potatoes and sweet potatoes..

but especially lots of fruit. i never bother to make a smoothie out of them, usually just whole form but it's all the same.


really makes me wonder what all of the low-carb paleo diet people are thinking, what with their fear of fructose. i've leaned out a little more since eating LOTS of the stuff, so obviously the fructose -> insulin -> de novo lipogenesis hypothesis popularized by Dr. Lustig's "Sugar: The bitter truth" is not quite adding up.. i don't count calories either, so what's going on here?

Fruit is basically food for gut flora.. possibly more so than vegetables because fruit is loaded with soluble fiber and not much insoluble. our friends in the intestinal tract love the stuff apparently..


not to be gross but since eating lots of fruit every day (i found accounts of this happening to other people online), but my shits have never been easier and cleaner ever in my life.. i feel like i'm wasting toilet paper some days because i'll wipe and nothing shows up.

ironically my shits also smell a lot less stinky, sweeter in a way.. maybe all the cherries, kiwi, plums, grapes, etc i'm eating are somehow making their way through but I don't think so. what a nice gift from my gut though. i don't think my shits' smell is as offending to other people now. :emb:

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ive noticed as soon as something is off limits its all i want. I will never say im a vegetarian or never eat refined sugar cause then it sits in the back of my head. Ill just tell myself ill eat it less often.

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apparently my mirrors are weird or with bad lighting or something, because i went to the beach with a friend and she said i was lookin pretty ripped. I do not see it.


oh yeah, did one of those stairmaster things (at least i think it was?)for the first time for cardio...and my legs feel like they are encased in cement.


I think most people don't see it themselves because they're so used to looking at yourself, but everyone else notices it.

also, i don't know what SR4 is doing in front of the mirror (probably nothing more strenuous than wanking), but it's likely that his beach romp involved more doing moving things that make the muscles show up. more so than flexing or whatever maybe, if sr4 does that, i dunno.


i was naked, in front of the bathroom mirror earlier trying out a yoga move my housemate showed me, it involved sideways torso bending (something i haven't done in front of a mirror) and my ab muscles suddenly looked more.. ripped.. than usual.


lol. i used to flex a little bit just to see improvement, but now its just everyday before the shower to see if ive toned anymore. narcissistic as hell, but whatever, its one of the benefits to doing it!

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i've just got an image of cherry, kiwi, plum and grape shaped shits in my mind now.


I'm still picturing naked Tauboo mirror yoga moves.... now mixed with cherries, kiwi, plum, and grape. :emotawesomepm9:


Edit: no homo lol

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Guest fiznuthian

i've just got an image of cherry, kiwi, plum and grape shaped shits in my mind now.


I'm still picturing naked Tauboo mirror yoga moves.... now mixed with cherries, kiwi, plum, and grape. :emotawesomepm9:


Edit: no homo lol


Just did a downward dog pose and a plum appeared on the floor.

Thanks, watmm. :cry:

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Guest fiznuthian

If anyone wants to check out an awesome hatha yoga DVD series, look into the Yoga Challenge series with Tony Sanchez.


It's basically 3 people in a room displaying seperate difficulty levels of the same poses with a calm woman narrating it all over amazing ambient music.. As a fan of ambient music I definitely approve, the sound track really makes it. Absolutely fantastic stuff.


I found what I think is the set on amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Yoga-Challenge-Hatha-Tony-Sanchez/dp/B001CMS16U

My friend has the series on his computer. I have no idea where he was able to find it online.


I know it says for beginners but that shit is TOUGH.. anyone who isn't out of shape at all is seriously going to struggle with it..

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i've just got an image of cherry, kiwi, plum and grape shaped shits in my mind now.


I'm still picturing naked Tauboo mirror yoga moves.... now mixed with cherries, kiwi, plum, and grape. :emotawesomepm9:


Edit: no homo lol

same here but it's like michael fassbender in Shame, close enough. can't remember what i look like.

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Guest fiznuthian

found the composer of the soundtrack for that dvd:




im liking this a lot.


oh my god, so awesome! that DVD set is worth every penny IMO.

i'll be buying it for sure.

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