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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

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Guest uptown devil

The only thing in the world that hates the smell of my cat's shit more than I do is my cat

He looks like he wants to kill himself after shitting and runs into the bathroom every ten minutes to see if the smell has disappeared

lol. mine books it out of the room immediately after and leaves me to suffer alone. worst part is the litter box is in my bedroom.

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New sub-thread idea, first world cat problems. Shame your cats can't type. I wonder if they'd be spiteful in their posting?


- "want outside, no outside, sit at window scratching at the glass, suffocating in dutch oven of own making. Stupid humans."

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i actually can't take the cat chat anymore


it's like people talking about their baby or kids


nah maybe it's not that.. maybe it's people talking about shit and puke and shit coming out of small things, that i can't take








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Tauboo's got a point tho, you can have a cool pet, that genuinely makes you laugh or reflect on things, kind of like dreams, but most of the time no one gives shit because everyone has their own pet and shit. It's like talking about a really nice turkey sandwich you made the other day and how it tasted. FFS ITS A TURKEY SANDWICH

Edited by compson
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I cut myself off from alcohol abruptly last Sunday, haven't had a drop all week. I usually get seizures when I stop drinking, but I think I've been having them in my sleep lately.


I woke up with big molar sized and shaped cuts in my mouth like I bit the fuck out of my lip and cheeks.


It hurts like fucking hell and I can't eat all the salty stuff I want.


Its depressing me enough to make me want to drink.



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FWP: I don't really listen to enough IDM to feel justified hanging around at an aphex twin forum. Aphex twin fans are a lol though, kinda like the TOOL fans of the electronic music world. There, I said it. *ducks*

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Tauboo's got a point tho, you can have a cool pet, that genuinely makes you laugh or reflect on things, kind of like dreams, but most of the time no one gives shit because everyone has their own pet and shit. It's like talking about a really nice turkey sandwich you made the other day and how it tasted. FFS ITS A TURKEY SANDWICH


have you read any threads in genban ?

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The pink elephants say Hi Luke :happy:



thanks guys, I've got some lorazepam to make my brain simmer down. The issues only last 24-72 hours, they are simple/partial seizures so I'm not actually dangerous to anyone or lose control of my bodily functions or anything (except for apparently eating my mouth in my sleep lol), but it's disorienting as hell and my short term memory is destroyed for about a week.



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I feel like a complete useless garbage when I fail a filthy fucking easy exam. Today had calculus. Molly holly! I expected a plethora of weird functions but no, just some continuity and 4.- f(x) which I needed to find the derivative... I think I got the first 3 right, the last one wasn't hard, but I just didn't knew how to simplify that large, big, horrible y. Seriously guys... I think i'm the only one at my class that takes deeply serious exams and shit. Though I know the educational system needs to be redone, I just hate that I can work flawless in homeworks and shit, and when its the exam, I struggle to hell just to drown in my blood. This shit really affects me. It would be too much to say "I'm depressed" because of that, but, what I can say. is that I can't function normally to enjoy my own countdown to death, life in one word.. Nooo!!!!! Well... Help me find happiness.

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I feel like a complete useless garbage when I fail a filthy fucking easy exam. Today had calculus. Molly holly! I expected a plethora of weird functions but no, just some continuity and 4.- f(x) which I needed to find the derivative... I think I got the first 3 right, the last one wasn't hard, but I just didn't knew how to simplify that large, big, horrible y. Seriously guys... I think i'm the only one at my class that takes deeply serious exams and shit. Though I know the educational system needs to be redone, I just hate that I can work flawless in homeworks and shit, and when its the exam, I struggle to hell just to drown in my blood. This shit really affects me. It would be too much to say "I'm depressed" because of that, but, what I can say. is that I can't function normally to enjoy my own countdown to death, life in one word.. Nooo!!!!! Well... Help me find happiness.


I had the same problems through elementary, junior high, and high school. The standardized approach taught to professors etc isn't meant to handle us, we are outliers in their system.


Do you get anxiety at all? Like is it something a percocet and shot of whisky before an exam would fix? I used to take a couple shots of alcohol before exams because the depressant qualities took care of my anxiety. Granted I am a struggling alcoholic now but it worked at the time.


Anxiety is killer when it comes to exams!


Good luck =)

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New FWP.


Fucking fuck iTunes turned on "Organize My Music Folder" without me turning it on, it did it itself the fucking POS.


Now I have to redo my whole music folder the way I like it. That's 17,000 fucking music files to move around. I've got a backup but it's incomplete.


Sad panda.

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another day in the life of an apple product user. (*yes i went there)




One-Click iTunes Library Import


sorry about my bad language. The not-drinking makes me easily excitable lol.


I'm thinking of switching to media monkey or something itunes is making me mad.

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My leather couches are so smooth, that the mouse and the towel that i've set up to stabilize the mouse, keep sliding off the armrest. It doesn't matter so much in cold weather, but it's currently 31*C. Don't understand the physics behind this.

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