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The Last Harry Potter Movie


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I only saw the first four movies before I got bored with the series, but I posit this question for the fans: Is there really enough interesting plot in this series to fill eight 2+ hour long movies? Will these be worth watching a few years from now when the hype has died off? From what I saw in the beginning few movies, it was a bunch of irrelevant details fleshing out the magic world, showing off CG, and seriously hampering the pacing of the films. Also, every single one played out as a magical whodunit, with it being easy by the 2nd or 3rd movie to predict who the secret bad guy was based on the formula laid out by the previous.


I feel like a better path to take would have been to wait for the book series to be completed, then make a film trilogy out of the entire series of books, but of course nobody would have considered this, as they wouldn't have been able to cash in on the hype when the novels were still a pop culture craze.


Film & literature both have very different strengths as storytelling mediums. Simply recreating a tome visually without trimming the fat or taking some artistic license doesn't make for a good movie. More attention being paid to pacing/editing, dialogue more suited for film than literature (for example, exposition through visual cues instead of just watching two characters tell each other the plot points), visual panache through great cinematography rather than simply as much CG as can be crammed on the screen at one time, these are things that make for good films...not just taking a popular novel and translating it word-for-word to the screen. These films remind me of the Lord Of The Rings trilogy in that they suffer from the same faults.

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Im with autopilot, and they bite star wars a lot in this one. Also not into large battle scenes. Especially when a computer makes them. Too busy for my eyes

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I only saw the first four movies before I got bored with the series, but I posit this question for the fans: Is there really enough interesting plot in this series to fill eight 2+ hour long movies?


I did read the last book 2 times when it came out because it was so great. so I would say: yes :smile:

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i hated part 1 (released in 2010) but i really liked this one. brilliant use of CGI in some of the scenes.

on another note, i find it funny how the character of ron weasley became almost obsolete and useless over the years. other characters were quickly forgotten.

i had the thought that if warner bros and rowling want to make another billion dollar success, all they have to do is a prelogy a la star wars. the heroes would be james and lily potter, young snape etc. everyone does it so why wouldn't they?

all i care about now is the hobbit film by peter jackson.

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