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Dark Souls


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Well I finally bought this game (it was cheap).


And it sure is frustrating. I can't even the past the first boss (the Asylum Demon) :derp:


There is a small window of invincibility when you roll. Master dodging and you master the game. Well, it also helps to remeber the enemies patterns of attacks (like getting the fck out of the way when the asylum demon flies into the air).

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Well I finally bought this game (it was cheap).


And it sure is frustrating. I can't even the past the first boss (the Asylum Demon) :derp:


Stick to his ass crack like glue and hack away two handed. When he jumps into the air, roll back and as soon as he lands get back to dat azz.


Also, I'm assuming you escaped through the doorway when you first encountered him, right? Because if you're still using the sword hilt, you're not supposed to beat him yet.

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Well I finally bought this game (it was cheap).


And it sure is frustrating. I can't even the past the first boss (the Asylum Demon) :derp:

Oh man you are so doomed to die a million times
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I need to put more effort into this I think. I kept getting done by the pairs of skeletons which pop up in the graveyard. Fuckers.


I probably need a good long stint to fucking smash through a load of it.

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Guest bitroast

graveyard is wrong direction at the start of the game!

it took me so long to realise this. with the game having such a reputation for high difficulty, i thought i was just sucking :P

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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest cult fiction

I am finding this game is hugely better post-1.05 patch.


Humanity drop rate increase makes it easy and fun to do more online oriented stuff and kindle up bonfires.


Seeing more interesting strategies with black phantoms - before I got hit by a lot of really annoying spell stuff(slow down, iron flesh, etc.) that has all been nerfed. Best fights are with people who toss estus flask disabling items constantly.


The big increase in souls gained makes beating bosses feel more rewarding, which along with the Anor Londo blacksmith selling twinkling tinite, makes it way less aggravating to upgrade your stuff.


I did Lost Izalith only aggroing a single dragon legs. That part was a major slog before, carefully killing off each of the like 5-8 in your way before the tower unless you just tried to run it.


Game is still very difficult, but is now only a bit harder than Demon's Souls rather than a lot. Good going From!

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Guest Sprigg

^I agree, the patch made the game much more enjoyable (and I enjoyed it a hell of a lot my first time!)


I'm now having DS withdrawal... knew I'd regret selling my xbox :(

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graveyard is wrong direction at the start of the game!

it took me so long to realise this. with the game having such a reputation for high difficulty, i thought i was just sucking :P

Ahh, cheers for that. Was starting to get to me. I'll have another go and hopefully get quite a bit further without wasting time like I was.

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Hey guys, had a small question and felt like I should ask WATMM first. I'm right at the end of my first play through with a dex/faith char.


I want to get the Black Bow of Pharis before NG. I've heard she can be quite the bitch and I just want the easiest way to do this possible. Currently I'm in the forest hunters covenant so I can walk right up to her.


This was my plan:

  1. Walk up to her
  2. Apply Power within
  3. Cast Sunlight Blade
  4. Cast Tranquil Walk of peace
  5. Spam my 3 Wrath of Gods
  6. Swing like crazy

Does this seem viable? Will Tranquil Walk of Peace aggro her (or the knight body guard)? Its mostly so she doesn't run around the first aggro'ing everything, and that I can get my WOG's off. I heard TWoP was nerfed in 1.05 to 10 seconds so I'm not sure this will be enough time to kill her.

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Guest AcrossCanyons

Pharis isn't hard but if you kill anyone in the Forest Covenant the cat ain't gonna be happy. (also her hat is hella cool)

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Its on my list of last 3 things to do.


I'm going to rejoin the SunBros and get to +10 in the covenant before killing Gwyn so I can get his Sunlight Spear in NG. I'm just hoping I can get it right the first time so I don't have to fight through the entire forest every time I want to retry.

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I had no problem with this at all.

30 Faith + WoG = 600+ dmg ... it took 2 to kill Pharis, and then I killed her guard for fun.


Off to kill Gywn :)

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Lol I loved the first clip where that black phantom invaded, stood there for a couple seconds like "WTF" then black seperation crystal'd out of there.


The last battle in the second clip was cool too.


Also felt mentioning -WTF- butt scratcer in the second clip had 62 WOGs? Is he onlike NG+^21 ?

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I think he's using "Force", which is WOG without the damage and has 21 uses per copy. IIRC, it can be obtained twice per playthrough. Quite handy for staggering people and especially useful on narrow ledges and bridges. :diablo:

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm stuck on the gaping dragon myself. Lost 16,000 souls to him. Was unable to retrieve them because of a glitch where I fell through the floor into infinity and died again. Really annoyed me, not played since the weekend.


A lot of people apparently had an issue with the Capra Demon, but I decked him first time. Love this game. Nice and hard.

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DLC confirmed!


However console people get the extra content in the winter time, vs the PC users get it in August.

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I'm stuck on the gaping dragon myself. Lost 16,000 souls to him. Was unable to retrieve them because of a glitch where I fell through the floor into infinity and died again. Really annoyed me, not played since the weekend.




When the gaping dragon is running around on two legs, run away from him and wait for him to smash on the ground. At this point you can either hit his nose for 200% damage, or wait a few seconds for him to run in a straight line and then hit him when he stops.


If you hit his tail, you run the run the risk of him hitting you back with it.


If he flies in the air, run away till he lands.


if starts doing the macarena, run cuz hes most likely to spray poison on the ground.


Oh and finally, you run faster on rocks then water (usually).

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I hate that stuff he spreads on the ground that makes your weapons break :/ I still haven't beaten him yet. Obel, make sure you cut off his tail to get the Dragon King Greataxe... Although it requires 50 str to use I think.

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That's weird, I found the gaping dragon to be one of the easiest boss fights.


Just keep your distance, wait for him to slam his face down, and as he's charging forward run for dat ass and smack the shit out of it.

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