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This Is England 88

Chris Moss Acid

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for the last 2 weeks i thought these were just repeats of 86...never really knew that a whole new series was coming out untill i read it in the tv times today..


anyways, starts on Channel 4 in 5 minutes.. cant wait. enjoyed the film and 86 lots.

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Been wanting to watch this, but I don't have time to watch it this week, so I'm going to hold off until after New Years and watch them all at once.

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yeah, tuning in... should be good


hope they do more, too... like 89, 91.. 93, 96, etc. :)

They are, next one in 91 I think, goes into rave culture.


I enjoyed 86, but I really hate watching rape scenes, which kind of ruined it for me.

Rape is gross.

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any idea when this'll be on 4od?




They go on every 4 years when the world cup is on, 88 is just a catch up/ prologe. 91 is where it will be at Poor Woody


91? don't you mean 90?


also i can't stand woody. find him really annoying!


great series though. brilliantly bleak. agree it was the best thing on tv last year without question, and probably will be this year too...


it suffers slightly from the same thing all shane meadows films do imo... the scripting (or lack of)... he likes to let his actors adlib and i think it's really obvious... adlib is fine with more experienced/talented actors but with some of these guys/gals i'm not convinced they're equipped to handle it... there's lots of over-acting, awkwardness, fidgeting and nonsensical rambling... of course some people are like this in real life but not everyone all the time...


for instance last night in the scene with woody and his boss... you could see them (as actors) thinking what their characters should say next and over-compensating with long pauses and awkward looks... so to me it doesn't feel like i'm watching a real character or person reacting impulsively/instinctively in a real situation. woody's worked there for years and is a liked and trusted member of staff so why would he be so awkward in that situation? shaun, his mum and his girlfriend(smell?) are also guilty of "statue-ing" while they work out how to adlib a scene. you can see the cogs turning!


maybe i'm way off or over-thinking it? anyway, i love it regardless of these niggles.

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any idea when this'll be on 4od?




They go on every 4 years when the world cup is on, 88 is just a catch up/ prologe. 91 is where it will be at Poor Woody


91? don't you mean 90?


also i can't stand woody. find him really annoying!


great series though. brilliantly bleak. agree it was the best thing on tv last year without question, and probably will be this year too...


it suffers slightly from the same thing all shane meadows films do imo... the scripting (or lack of)... he likes to let his actors adlib and i think it's really obvious... adlib is fine with more experienced/talented actors but with some of these guys/gals i'm not convinced they're equipped to handle it... there's lots of over-acting, awkwardness, fidgeting and nonsensical rambling... of course some people are like this in real life but not everyone all the time...


for instance last night in the scene with woody and his boss... you could see them (as actors) thinking what their characters should say next and over-compensating with long pauses and awkward looks... so to me it doesn't feel like i'm watching a real character or person reacting impulsively/instinctively in a real situation. woody's worked there for years and is a liked and trusted member of staff so why would he be so awkward in that situation? shaun, his mum and his girlfriend(smell?) are also guilty of "statue-ing" while they work out how to adlib a scene. you can see the cogs turning!


maybe i'm way off or over-thinking it? anyway, i love it regardless of these niggles.

i agree. i've struggled to watch any of it for that reason.

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i agree with that


also, sometimes it can seem a bit.... i dunno... self congratulatory... like they're almost patting each other on the backs while acting in anticipation of the critical acclaim and / or baftas heading their way....


i'm a big fan of meadows' films upto and including le donk ... but not so much the this is england tv series

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^ i get that too.


but not so much the this is england tv series


or the film imo.


and another thing... is it just me (again) or is the wardrobe totally all over the place! you've got woody looking like jimmy from quadrophenia over 20 years out of time, and some of the girls are ska-punk and some are new-romantic and then you've got that wee fat guy with the sore nuts looking like who knows what. i don't remember every single fucking person in the late 80's trying oh so hard to look like some sort of pop-culture stereotype. most people looked fairly normal (apart from weird/bad hair do's) with boring stone-washed jeans and boring pringle jumpers.


just another minor niggle.


i'm starting to think i enjoy this programme despite it being a bit shit.

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It's kind of like when the 60s are depicted as an all encompassing psychedelic flower power jamboree in a lot of films/tv as opposed to the bleak grey and brown mundane reality that they actually were..

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any idea when this'll be on 4od?




They go on every 4 years when the world cup is on, 88 is just a catch up/ prologe. 91 is where it will be at Poor Woody


91? don't you mean 90?



Yes, yes i did :facepalm:

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my part 3 plot prediction...


(final sequence cuts between all of the main characters storylines (some in slow-mo) with sad music playing)


new year's eve... the gang are partying... joints are shared... lines are snorted... spirits are downed from the bottle... group hugs... fat curly laughing stock guy with sore nuts gets ripped on by the group... everyone laughs at him... etc.


shaun goes crying back to smell declaring his love, it'll never happen again etc. but she tells him to fuck off... final sequence cut - shaun walks alone crying, dejected / smell sits alone crying, angry...


lol has a breakdown when hallucinations of her dad tip her over the edge... final sequence cut - lol kills herself (and possibly her baby too) maybe by destroying her shitty flat and starting a fire... fade out with her sitting maniacally crying in the flames/baby trapped, crying in her cot alone. only now can lol be at peace...


woody snaps and realises the quiet life, boring girlfriend, stable job and wholesome homelife with the parents is not for him... final sequence cut - him on his scooter driving for the sunset (a la quadrophenia) ... he might even end up at the burning house of lol just a moment too late to save her and the baby....


guy in jail (can't remember his name) given new hope by lol's recent visit and proclamation of love, knuckles down to serve his time, sticks in at his gcse's... final sequence cut - he stares wistfully between a picture of lol on his cell wall and the barred window, he can't wait to get out to live happily ever after with lol all the while unaware of her demise. much banging of cell doors and jangling of warden's keys...


main group final sequence cut - big countdown to the new year (possibly slow motion)... the gang (including milky) are in the welfare club big new year's bash having a great time with all the other bit-parts unaware of the sad events happening elsewhere...


the end.

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