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I mix in Ableton and that's how I've always mixed. I'd like to try mixing in the oldskool way but its really boils down to a question of time and you have to give a lot of time to DJing to really really be good at it. Usually when I do a set it'll take me a day or two for a 1.5 to 2hr mix as usually I'll play totally fresh tunes. Whenever I do a set either on online radio or playing out I've taken a lot of pride in it but as I say DJing is an artform in itself seperate from production.

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I have a couple crappy Numark decks, bought them on 6-6-06 actually. I'm horrible at mixing and scratching. I don't think I'll ever put in the time to be worth half a shit at it. I like doing some wanky little shit-scratches, throwing that into jams or using it as a sample in a beat.


I actually really miss having a pair of decks at my disposal. Mixing vinyl is still the funnest shit evar.


Yup. That's basically what it boils down to. Like playing a video game. Why does it have to be anything more than that?



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As far as Djing with the intention of presenting other peoples songs in sequence, I think technology has made the act of DJing obsolete, and it has been that way for a while now. While aspects of turntabl'ism' and hip hop will continue to exist due to a community of people who will support it as a hobby, or as a form of expression, DJing as a technicality is no longer a requirement really.


The things DJing presented as a musical progression such as looping breaks etc became irrelevant from a technical perspective in the 80s, and while things such as scratching generally always require a turntable or jog wheel like device, scratching is now over 30 years old. As much as I like turntables and vinyl and their manual analogue approach, as far as progression goes they arent a requirement anymore. Neither is an actual DJ, as the figure of a DJ is no longer represented by skill, some of the worlds biggest 'DJ's are terrible 'Disc Jockeys', and the term DJ itself has just become a convenience used to describe the man in front of the crowd.


The separation from the old form of 'DJing' comes in when the music you hear in a 'DJ set' isn't actually 'DJing', but more an expression of a concept etc. Look at the sets Jeff Mills does when he's in Tokyo, some of them are very far removed from a DJ set really (custom unreleased tracks made especially for the night all by him for example), and have become more performance like in nature (props and performers sharing the stage). The same can be said for some of Aphex Twins sets, and many other people...


Things like that, combined with things like VJing and things such as performance art are gonna become the next oversaturated thing I imagine.


Either way weve all got a couple of years to get it out of our system, cause Tupacs coming back from Cuba in 2014 to end all this Jay-Z illuminati shit innit..

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