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Tribes: Ascend

Guest Adam

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I see that a lot of watmmers are playing this game so I think that a separate thread is necesarry to discuss Tribes.


Discuss it here.


What class/role are you playing? What are your biggest achievement? etc.


Atm I'm playing soldier mostly light defense, chasing and ocasional capping or base distrubtion. I've played most of the time with a jugernaut, but I started to hate being so fat and heavy and not be able to fly or duel decently. I just bought the spinfusor and the eagle pistol. Saving xp for utility pack now. Or maybe raiders grenade laucher, I kinda like raider but the buster is hard to use if you're not too skilled.


I got quatra kill in arena yesterday with just a spinfusor and a pistol, that was great.

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Guest fiznuthian

This is great. Unfortunately i'm spoiled (conditioned) by the Source and Frostbite 2 engines. I have Ascend installed but need to update it.

I played the game once but felt very uncomfortable. Perhaps the POV needed adjusting

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Do you mean FOV, I don't know what POV means. It was difficult to get used to jetpack and zoom controls at first, but other than that it feels very good to me.

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I got the Jackal the day it was released, and since then I've been playing the shit out of the Infiltrator, even though they nerfed it really hard (I played Inf before with the SMG and Pistol, but mostly just to get used to how he plays). I must also say the smoke grenades are incredibly fun and the knives are one of the coolest things I've seen in any game ever.


Otherwise I play as the doombringer, pathfinder, or (defensive) soldier.


Biggest achievement would probably be getting disc jockey as a pathfinder. I still need to get demolitions expert and hurt locker with the jackal.

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Guest fiznuthian

Do you mean FOV, I don't know what POV means. It was difficult to get used to jetpack and zoom controls at first, but other than that it feels very good to me.


Oops, yeah I meant FOV.

I'm downloading the latest version now, can't wait to give it a second shot. I absolutely LOVE Tribes 1 and Tribes 2.

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

I mostly play Pathfinder and Technician. Half of the time I'm usually getting wicked fun killing sprees with tanks. Love the new Capture and Hold gametype and playing 24/7 Walled In Arena servers.


I've been play this more than anything the last few months. It's exactly what the doctor ordered. So fun.

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I just got my free 250 gold via facebook, I'm doomed.


tons of fun though, playing as soldier mostly trying to get some better gear for it.


While having the spinfusor is great, having the spinfusor with the thumper dx sucks pretty hard compared to the spinfusor with pistol or SMG with thumper.


I haven't gotten around to playing on any custom servers yet, mostly because they seem to be somewhat empty or not something I find interesting.

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Yeah, thumper is basicly useless if you have the spinfusor, I bought eagle pistol as soon as I got the spinfusor. Too bad you can't have the spinfusor and the assault rifle :/

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I dont get what's there to complain about. It does 500 damage, arx buster does 600. The only thing that is really overpowered imo is technicians thumper. It does the same damage as soldier's spinfusor and he can also have sparow which is almost the same as eagle pistol which makes him like a soldier able to deploy turrets.

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Guest Drahken

I play mostly Pathfinder and Juggernaut depending on the map. Pathfinder is probably more fun but I get a ton of xp with jugg, so easy to get multikills and sprees with the MIRV.


I was a hardcore T1 addict and after the abysmal failure of T:V I'd lost hope anyone would do the game justice. Really glad HiRez got the IP rights, its like playing classic tribes but with achievements and better graphics. Just needs more maps.

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

We need to get some WATMM Jetpack Club games goin on some US servers. Add me on Steam (Boobytron) my buddies and I usually use Steam party voice chat.



The infiltrator gets to be invisible though (with the smoke bomb they can get away from almost anything) the Raider doesn't, the Jackal is crazy at shooting people out the air too unlike the ARX Buster, the knives are insanely accurate and fast to hit their target. The infiltrator is probably still a bit over powered but it's not a big deal, I haven't been getting pwned by them much or anything.


Sniping is definitely the most under powered, I bought the Phase Rifle for 100k XP, and even if you land every crazy difficult challenging shot it takes way too long to take fools down.

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Raider gets a jammer pack though! That thing is even better than the cloak pack, saving for it now.


That discussion about sentinels being underrpowered has been going for quite a while. The thing is that sentinel is the only class that can have control of any part of the map almost instantly, I can't snipe at all, but a skilled sniper can make a difference between 0-5 and 5-0, two fully charged rifle hits will take down a pathfinder. I'm not sure about infs being overpowered, they're kinda easy to predict even when invisible and easy to kill.


Too bad I can't really play on us servers, but anyway if you want to add me I'm Groble in-game.


I play mostly Pathfinder and Juggernaut depending on the map. Pathfinder is probably more fun but I get a ton of xp with jugg, so easy to get multikills and sprees with the MIRV..


Is MIRV much better than the mortar? It didn't seem to me when I tried it in training map,

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Raider gets a jammer pack though! That thing is even better than the cloak pack, saving for it now.


That discussion about sentinels being underrpowered has been going for quite a while. The thing is that sentinel is the only class that can have control of any part of the map almost instantly, I can't snipe at all, but a skilled sniper can make a difference between 0-5 and 5-0, two fully charged rifle hits will take down a pathfinder. I'm not sure about infs being overpowered, they're kinda easy to predict even when invisible and easy to kill.


Too bad I can't really play on us servers, but anyway if you want to add me I'm Groble in-game.




Is MIRV much better than the mortar? It didn't seem to me when I tried it in training map,


I played this for about 400 games now mostly with juggernaut, and i have to say MIRV is an improvement.

the amount of damage is higher (up to 1900 vs. 1300) and also the area where the damage gets triggered i bigger, but because of that, most hits will cause about 1200-1400 dmg on other players. mortar is better for artillery shooting if you are good at aiming, because the mortar will not explode in air and is easier to control, with the mirv you will shoot ppl from long distance for roughly 50-450 dmg, depends on luck. but also, for chasing the flag carrier, mirv might be the better choice because the carrier can make moves you cant predict and then the bigger area of dmg will be superior.


most important on jugg is to get the hand-thrown spindfusor discs and equip them together with spinfusor. this will win you any 1vs1 indoors and also most 1vs1 outdoors (dmb will kill you, but only a stupid one tries to 1vs1 a dmb out....) versus the most average and better than average players. also, you will begin to make more kills with spinfusor than with your mirv/mortar in both defense and offense, because you will hardly die anymore ;) just all the situations that you would lose because of the ineffectiveness of mirv/mortar and ap grenades in short ranged fights , you will then win (if you can aim).


biggest achievement? ....i dunno, im still waiting for getting a slayer or for a game with 50+ kills. also, i was so damn close to tribal fanatic several times, i want that so badly.

but the important achivements in tribes arent about sprees or kills, but about shooting down that damn pathfinder stealin your flags.

and thats an achievement you should try to get in every single game. wont win you an super special accolade, but will win you games in the long term.


besides that, i really enjoy sometimes doing a gener-party at enemies gen. its kind of useless, but its to funny to see how always the same 3-4 players will suicide to your mirv and spinf feeding you ammo and rampages in their own bases. also calling an orbital can be funny when you are inside their base, so that they try to get you out of their base and will all fly into your orbital (good way to get teamkills if you find enough stupid tcn's ;) )


Groble i'll add you. My ing is "AzzlackMonotyp" (which is a joke about a hilariously bad german rapper)

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

The Jackal seems super duper effective for so many situations in the right hands though, I've seen a few people that can shoot Pathfinders out the air with it easy but it also can fuck the shit out of tanks etc.


You're right that the Sentinal can be great defensively against Pathfinders that are already hurt running away with your flag which is a huge help to the team but, it takes a long time to get good with for a class that will not make much points, you're really taking one for the team dedicating yourself to being a good Sentinal. With the phase rifle it takes 3 shots for lights, 5 for medium and 7 shots for heavies approximetely from what I've seen. I had any easier time sniping peeps with the Infiltrators knives than the sniper rifles.

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Guest Drahken

Yea, base raping is fucking hilarious with juggs. Between the mirv/stormfusor/thrown disc combo, and awesome regen time, and splash damage galore, its a bitch to take you down indoors. I also find juggs rock at capping on crossfire and dry dock, especially when someone shoots you in the back with a disc and boosts your forward momentum.


Indoors the MIRV just rapes because its difficult to avoid like you can with a fusion mortar.


Sentinel are really a defensive asset. Claymores soften dumb cappers who don't clear flag making it easy to pick them off even with the standard rifle before it fully charges in scope. Offensively they kind blow, although they can be a help by popping deployables non stop till someone comes to get you.

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managing pretty well as soldier with spinfusor and thumper dx, thumper sucks, but I mostly change it out for a repair kit to do some base fixing. fixing turrets, killing enemies, spotting problems.. works pretty okay, people really react well if you keep giving out good information instead of just spamming the 'alt' key. all this untill I get the upgrade for the eagle obviously. really liking it so far. add me on steam/tribes @ missingsense !

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

I have nightmares that they will nerf the tanks, I really feel at home in them, I can more easily snipes faster moving fools & longer range in a Beowolf than I can with the Phase Rifle. It kinda hurts my brain why I don't see more people trying to get killing sprees in tanks after seeing me massacre their team like it ain't no thang.


The Thumper DX is baller, it's got a nice plumb blast radius.


Yeah it's pretty easy to avoid Fusion Mortars, I get why the MIRV would be brutal, I need to put some XP in my heavies sometime.


I've spent a lot on my Sentinel now, tempted to save up for the secondary SMG, would be really nice combo with the Phase Rifle.

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Guest Drahken

I have nightmares that they will nerf the tanks, I really feel at home in them, I can more easily snipes faster moving fools & longer range in a Beowolf than I can with the Phase Rifle. It kinda hurts my brain why I don't see more people trying to get killing sprees in tanks after seeing me massacre their team like it ain't no thang.


The Thumper DX is baller, it's got a nice plumb blast radius.


Yeah it's pretty easy to avoid Fusion Mortars, I get why the MIRV would be brutal, I need to put some XP in my heavies sometime.


I've spent a lot on my Sentinel now, tempted to save up for the secondary SMG, would be really nice combo with the Phase Rifle.


Yea tanks are pretty sick, but you can lock them with saber launcher and pop em in a few shots if you really want them gone so hopefully no nerfage.


The other day racked up a ton of Shrike kills on Arx Novena hovering vertically above the enemies flag stand and constaly juicing jets while dropping shots like the zeus cannon.

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Yeah, It's damn hard to be a sniper in T:A, but once you get good you'll very likely be both the most helping team member and will have the highest score as well.


I used to party in gens as well earlier, it's fun getting triple aftermath kills with brute's fractal grenades, they're crazy. Mortar is great there as well, and I usually was in the first three in the leaderboard. But it's a team game and now I'm playing a soldier defending flag, I do much more help to the team but get much kills and score and I'm damn annoyed by people partying at the gen the whole game who can't even e-grab when they're near because they want to get more kills in the gen room.




I'm also learning shrike, it can be really usefull. But sometimes I don't understand how it gets destroyed, is there a bug or what? I got killed last night with full health in shrike by light spinfusor. Wtf.

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