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Obama Stinks


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For the people that talk about revolution... Do you really think the average american civilian would be any match for the military industrial complex, with a huge force of trained killers, advanced weaponry of all kinds, surveillance ranging from wiretapping to drones with infrared cameras, and blind patriotism in general?


Seriously, what is your strategy? In what world do you think that a violent uprising would be successful?

Better question, Do you really think the average American civillian cares?

The majority of people are just happy with the Democrats vs. Republicans shtick.

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For the people that talk about revolution... Do you really think the average american civilian would be any match for the military industrial complex, with a huge force of trained killers, advanced weaponry of all kinds, surveillance ranging from wiretapping to drones with infrared cameras, and blind patriotism in general?


Seriously, what is your strategy? In what world do you think that a violent uprising would be successful?

The majority of people are just happy

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For the people that talk about revolution... Do you really think the average american civilian would be any match for the military industrial complex, with a huge force of trained killers, advanced weaponry of all kinds, surveillance ranging from wiretapping to drones with infrared cameras, and blind patriotism in general?


Seriously, what is your strategy? In what world do you think that a violent uprising would be successful?


And that's just the US military, then there's the mercenaries of Blackwater or whatever they are called now, who are going to do the bidding of the highest payer and that's for sure not the common people.


But all in all, the average American is still too comfortable to stage a revolution and even then a large part still thinks that the American Dream is still achievable and their lucky break to become millionaires is just around the corner and they just need to work hard, because hard work is what is supposed to get you ahead in life and life is just.


I used to think that it needed to get worse before it got better and that having someone that would accelerate this process leading to the renewal would be a good thing.


Then i was watching a program about the nazis the other night. And they stated that when hitler was given the chancellorship. Even the far left parties thought that it would be a good thing. As hitler would be such a failure and piss the people off so much that their chance would come at the next elections. Of course hitler then went on a judicial and street by street putsch of his opposition and changed laws to favour his perennial existence.


This was helped along by the fact that the state's security apparatus (just look at Greece today, apparently more than 50% of the police force voted for the far right party) and business leaders tend to be ultra right wing. So when he reached beyond his mandate and the law. They supported it. So the forces of liberal minded moderation, are always going to be on the backfoot.


eneewae -sie- Something to ponder.

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Guest chunky



social democrat otto wels speaking up against hitler before the enabling act came into force :-/ SAD SHIT


as for obama. ya'll have had your minds wiped by copious amounts of TV watching. every single programme on tv these days is about a black woman acting like sherlock holmes. weird TV mental conditioning, trying to bypass reason, police our morals. we're getting rid of christianity and replacing it with moving images and pictures.... people say god aint real, so why do they let imaginary TV realities influence them?

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Guest chunky

oops, wrong video

here's the speech

social democrat vs hitler:



obama would never be brave enough to stand up to someone like hitler and make a speech like that

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oops, wrong video

here's the speech

social democrat vs hitler:



obama would never be brave enough to stand up to someone like hitler and make a speech like that


wow, awesome link! thanks chunky! never read this before.

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Obama is black. He doesn't want the first black president to be a one-term president. He should have just told everybody to fuck off and make sweeping progressive change? Naivete like that is exactly why he's president and you're not.


Wake up, WATMM, in democracies you have to appeal to at least 50% of the population. That means you have to appeal to a lot of dullards. Surprised that the campaign was a lot of promises and hype? No shit! It's politics! Not only that, it's American politics!


I'm not a huge Obama fan by any stretch, but he's infinitely better than Bush, or god-forbid, Romney. Yeah, it sucks that we can't just magically have a ballsy, super-progressive president that will turn America into Sweden overnight, but you can either accept that fact and work with it, or sulk about it and do nothing.


ill be back to comment on this

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For the people that talk about revolution... Do you really think the average american civilian would be any match for the military industrial complex, with a huge force of trained killers, advanced weaponry of all kinds, surveillance ranging from wiretapping to drones with infrared cameras, and blind patriotism in general?


Seriously, what is your strategy? In what world do you think that a violent uprising would be successful?

Better question, Do you really think the average American civillian cares?

The majority of people are just happy with the Democrats vs. Republicans shtick.


haha this shit right heer nigga. we dont Romney though. no way.

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together, we can accomplish anything. divided, we will fall


We my dear lad. Under that sun which has burned away irrespective of our respective bS.

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Socialism never took root in America because the poor see themselves not as an exploited proletariat but as temporarily embarrassed millionaires.
- John Steinbeck
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For the people that talk about revolution... Do you really think the average american civilian would be any match for the military industrial complex, with a huge force of trained killers, advanced weaponry of all kinds, surveillance ranging from wiretapping to drones with infrared cameras, and blind patriotism in general?


Seriously, what is your strategy? In what world do you think that a violent uprising would be successful?


And that's just the US military, then there's the mercenaries of Blackwater or whatever they are called now, who are going to do the bidding of the highest payer and that's for sure not the common people.


But all in all, the average American is still too comfortable to stage a revolution and even then a large part still thinks that the American Dream is still achievable and their lucky break to become millionaires is just around the corner and they just need to work hard, because hard work is what is supposed to get you ahead in life and life is just.

To quote Carlin, it's called the american dream because you have to be asleep to believe it.


I wish i could be less cynical about politicians but when i see obama being labeled as a radical leftists (with some very right wing policies he has) i just don't know what to believe.


either way they have the US by the balls this year

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The irony from my picture is the way in which the resource that created that wonder has been used. Reflection of the blessed burned for the leSs xan iturnal.

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i think it's funny that up until Clinton (2nd term) and Obama nobody ever used the impotent presidency excuse


traditionally the 'impotent presidency' excuse entails a presidential candidate making broad and sweeping promises once he gets into office, once they get into office they make several platitudes promising that they have that still on their agenda, slowly over time they completely abandon said agenda and even make active steps working against it, making their 'own agenda' harder to achieve in the long run or for any future presidents.


it takes on a variety of flavors, one flavor is 'those mean republicans won't let him do anything, they are totally obstructionist'

another is 'the presidential office has no real power anyways'

and yet another is 'they took Obama into a smokey room and showed him footage from kennedy being killed from the grassy knol or they ar e holding his children hostage'


the last one is the funniest because in actuality it makes Obama look the best and most noble, that he's literally being held hostage like a prisoner and is being 'forced' to do these things


i just find it all very funny that people can't just accept that the american empire is one fucking evil machine regardless of who is 'in charge of it'. And no, continuing the war on terror and expanding it to even more countries is not a 'step in the right direction' i dont care how many times obama's position on gay marriage evolves, murdering innocent people in foreign countries at an alarming rate and squashing our civil liberties at home (far more than Bush ever did, yes this is fact) is something that concerns me more


I approve of this thread


his utter reversal on medical marijuana is inexcusable

his reversal on trying 'terror' suspects in actual courts is reprehensible and pathetic

him literally doing nothing on gitmo when he promised he closed it is cowardly and dishonest

his signing into law the NDAA but adding a promisary note saying he wont use it to kill american citizens is ridiculous, unbelievable and almost laughable.

his 'drawn-down' of the wars while still maintaining 30,000 contingency troops is insulting and sad


i could go on for hours, and i will if Obama fanboys want to come in here and try to defend this insufferable cunt i would be happy to be there as they do it


just fyi the 'step in the right direction' and 'he doesnt have any real power' excuses will be shot down eagerly and with extreme ease.


edit: one interesting thing i get out of this thread so far is that any excitement or momentum that Obama had in 2008 is completely gone. The 'frst black president' novelty seems to have worn off quite fast, once that was gone and he went back on almost every single promise he made there isnt much else to latch onto except 'hes better than Romney' which is an over simplified black and white cop-out thing to say. I mean sure Obama is better than Romney probably, he's also probably better than Hitler... but it's not relevant to establishing how abysmal Obama has been.

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his utter reversal on medical marijuana is inexcusable

his reversal on trying 'terror' suspects in actual courts is reprehensible and pathetic

him literally doing nothing on gitmo when he promised he closed it is cowardly and dishonest

his signing into law the NDAA but adding a promisary note saying he wont use it to kill american citizens is ridiculous, unbelievable and almost laughable.

his 'drawn-down' of the wars while still maintaining 30,000 contingency troops is insulting and sad


none of those actually matter to the majority of americans, you don't even need to scoff at this statement of mine as ~52% will vote for him knowing/not caring about those things you mentioned and the other 48% will vote for a candidate who supports them openly.

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his utter reversal on medical marijuana is inexcusable

his reversal on trying 'terror' suspects in actual courts is reprehensible and pathetic

him literally doing nothing on gitmo when he promised he closed it is cowardly and dishonest

his signing into law the NDAA but adding a promisary note saying he wont use it to kill american citizens is ridiculous, unbelievable and almost laughable.

his 'drawn-down' of the wars while still maintaining 30,000 contingency troops is insulting and sad


none of those actually matter to the majority of americans, you don't even need to scoff at this statement of mine as ~52% will vote for him knowing/not caring about those things you mentioned and the other 48% will vote for a candidate who supports them openly.


When he gets in without a true majority can we talk about democracy.


But then again, those goi, hue givfs a qit.

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and in response to someone earlier above, no i dont think we'd nuke Iran. Clearly our goal is provoke them into making a first strike irresponsible suicidal move. We've completely surrounded them with our military bases in afghanistan and iraq (for anyone who isnt familiar with the geography, take a look at how badly iran is sandwiched in between our military forces)

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