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Masked gunman kills 14 at Batman premiere in Denver


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"Hey kids remember when you almost got killed while watching The Dark Knight Rises? Here is someone to remind you of that traumatic event, enjoy the flashbacks!"



Also, you don't need Christian Bale to dress up as Batman, just use a random guy, kids are idiot they won't know the difference.

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people are theorizing that the kid was drugged/hypnotized to do this, by the CIA, as there is a UN Arms Treaty up for vote next week that supposedly will destroy americas 2nd amendment and enable a clamp down by the us government. have not even heard of this treaty before... need to do some reading.


conspiracy theorists... discuss.

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Unfortunately, I can empathize with this guy. I got into neuroscience/psychiatry/psychology because I wanted understand and "fix" my own burgeoning mental illness. That pathway is so much adolescent hubris and those problems cannot be intellectualized away but I was lucky enough to not have dissociative psychosis like this guy probably had. It's sad to me that this thread is 7 pages of gun rhetoric while a mental health crisis burns like wildfire in America. Read the latest issue of Time magazine who did a great article on the epidemic of soldier suicide http://www.time.com/...1981284,00.html


We medicate and don't cure. There's more money in medicating.

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people are theorizing that the kid was drugged/hypnotized to do this, by the CIA, as there is a UN Arms Treaty up for vote next week that supposedly will destroy americas 2nd amendment and enable a clamp down by the us government. have not even heard of this treaty before... need to do some reading.


conspiracy theorists... discuss.

no, don't. please.

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conspiracy theorists... discuss.


none of us can top this thread


hey y'all guys know that Batman bears a striking resemblence to jackal-headed Egyptian afterlife (dark night anyone?) God Anubis...?

The shooting was in Denver Colorado

and look what they erected outside the infamous Denver Airport





I believe the statue was there until 9 / 1 / 2011

Denver also home to large secret military facilities....

lone gunmen...


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It's a sad event.


But I'm strangely interested in how the story of the shooter evolves further. He hasn't blown his own brains out. After an act like that, it's hard to make up any reasons to keep yourself from doing that, I imagine. He had booby trapped his house. Why? What was his point? Trying to blow up his neighbors if they would have entered his apartment because of the loud music?


He's a smart guy, so there must have been some reasoning going on there. I can't imagine him being the "hearing voices" kind of type. After the amount of things he already had achieved, education wise, he either didn't have that problem, or had been extremely good at dealing with it for long periods of time. At least, I don't see many "hearing voices" types reaching the Phd level. Unless it's math and they're uber-brilliant. Mathematicians tend to be exceptional in that regard.

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There were also initial reports of there being an accomplice. The death toll was 14, now it's 12.




Century Cinemas is about a 20 mile drive from Columbine High School, where a similar event occurred involving young white males shooting innocent victims. The Columbine shootings involved 12 students being murdered and 1 teacher being murdered along with multiple people being injured.


Based on my calculations:


If the United States is 3.79 million square miles, then the chance of a dart hitting "20 miles" (or less) away from Columbine High School on a map of the United States is roughly .001% .


If the Earth's land surface is 92149347.808 square miles, then the chance of a dart hitting "20 miles" (or less) away from Columbine High School on a map of the Earth's land is roughly .000043%.

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There were also initial reports of there being an accomplice. The death toll was 14, now it's 12.




Century Cinemas is about a 20 mile drive from Columbine High School, where a similar event occurred involving young white males shooting innocent victims. The Columbine shootings involved 12 students being murdered and 1 teacher being murdered along with multiple people being injured.


Based on my calculations:


If the United States is 3.79 million square miles, then the chance of a dart hitting "20 miles" (or less) away from Columbine High School on a map of the United States is roughly .001% .


If the Earth's land surface is 92149347.808 square miles, then the chance of a dart hitting "20 miles" (or less) away from Columbine High School on a map of the Earth's land is roughly .000043%.




holy shit, this guy's onto something serious you guys.

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Unfortunately, I can empathize with this guy. I got into neuroscience/psychiatry/psychology because I wanted understand and "fix" my own burgeoning mental illness. That pathway is so much adolescent hubris and those problems cannot be intellectualized away but I was lucky enough to not have dissociative psychosis like this guy probably had. It's sad to me that this thread is 7 pages of gun rhetoric while a mental health crisis burns like wildfire in America. Read the latest issue of Time magazine who did a great article on the epidemic of soldier suicide http://www.time.com/...1981284,00.html


We medicate and don't cure. There's more money in medicating.


all that said though, mental illness is very slippery. Despite big pharma, we're still way better now at treating brain stuff than we used to be, let's keep a little positivity here.

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I wonder what percentage of sociopaths and pedos are born that way. Would be weird to feel different growing up, not because you happen to be gay, but because you feel a barely controllable urge to fuck kids or kill people. Probably shouldn't lump the two together, I'm guessing most pedos are so due to environment, not genetics. Should read but am lazy...hmm...

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I liked this article, but it could do without the conspiracy crap.


Why would some government organisation act so obviously to provide this "lone wolf" with all this expensive equipment which would indeed directly point at those organisations? Wouldn't that be too obvious? So obvious, those organisations would have been smart enough to do it less obvious perhaps? Or are we going into the triple psychology strategies department here? Like it was their strategy to make it obvious, so that public opinion would think nothing of it. Sure.


*puts off tinfoil cap*

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Guest Iain C

It's a sad event.


But I'm strangely interested in how the story of the shooter evolves further. He hasn't blown his own brains out. After an act like that, it's hard to make up any reasons to keep yourself from doing that, I imagine. He had booby trapped his house. Why? What was his point? Trying to blow up his neighbors if they would have entered his apartment because of the loud music?


He's a smart guy, so there must have been some reasoning going on there. I can't imagine him being the "hearing voices" kind of type. After the amount of things he already had achieved, education wise, he either didn't have that problem, or had been extremely good at dealing with it for long periods of time. At least, I don't see many "hearing voices" types reaching the Phd level. Unless it's math and they're uber-brilliant. Mathematicians tend to be exceptional in that regard.


With all due respect, you don't seem to have a very firm grasp of how mental illness works. There's no "type". Academic and intelligent people are no less likely to suffer from mental illness. Mental illness is not necessarily a hindrance to academic achievement. And it's the sort of thing that can wax and wane depending on any number of factors.


It's not really a good idea to try and work out who this guy is or what problems he's had from media reports - at least not at this stage.


Also - come on America, hurry up and ban fucking superhero films. So sick to death of them. Also, Batman fans are probably the worst. If you like the Batman movies you're probably a child or a bad person, and if you read the comics - especially the Frank Miller comics - I never even want to talk to you.

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With all due respect, "mental illness" is a very broad qualification. And one that I haven't used either. Not unless "hearing voices types" encompasses every kind of mental illness out there. But that'd be your reading, I guess. Not mine.


edit.: in short, please don't put words in my mouth I haven't said.

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Guest Iain C

Well to be honest I would never use a fucking phrase like "hearing voices type" as if that defines a person. I'm actually taking words OUT of your mouth, and ps I'll do that whenever I want.

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Fine, next time just tell me I'm a jerk for using the term the way I did. I can actually see where you're coming from that way, and agree. That's better than the pseudo argument about proving that I have no grasp or whatever based on some created things I didn't mean or said. And yes you can do whatever you want. Do you need to prove that to anyone?


edit.: perhaps you should start with being honest the next time

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If you like the Batman movies you're probably a child or a bad person.


someone should do a mashup of kids in the hospital Vs christian bale's lighting rant on the set of terminator salvation


maybe he was angry for not getting a seat


Just let them all kill each other, it will make the oil last longer.




Nope.. I'm done.. Need a break.

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Guest Iain C

He's a smart guy, so there must have been some reasoning going on there.


I can't imagine him being the "hearing voices" kind of type.


At least, I don't see many "hearing voices" types reaching the Phd level. Unless it's math and they're uber-brilliant. Mathematicians tend to be exceptional in that regard.


I stand by what I said, you seem pretty clueless about this issue. I wonder how many "hearing voices types" you actually know. But I don't want to get into a boring argument about it.

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